d Testsrds
stores unit tests and their results. By default, it stores them in rds
files in your filesystem. You will be prompted before a file is saved to your filesystem.
The rds
file is placed in a directory with the same name as your test file, but with “unitizer” appended. For example, if your tests are in “my_file_name.R”, then unitizer
will create a folder called “my_file_name.unitizer/” and put an rds
file in it.
See ?get_unitizer
for potential alternatives to saving to your file system.
If your tests produce massive objects, the unitizer
file will be massive. Try designing your tests so they will produce the smallest representative data structures needed for your tests to be useful.
Additionally, note that the rds
files are binary, which needs to be accounted for when using them in version controlled projects.
does not backup the rds
beyond the single copy in the aforementioned folder. Unit tests are valuable, and without the rds
file unitizer
tests become a lot less useful. To the extent you backup your R test files, you should also backup the corresponding “.unitizer/” folder. You could lose / corrupt your unitizer
store in many ways. Some non-exhaustive examples:
developer accidentally introduces a bug that destroys your unitizer
Backup your unitizer
stores and loads unitizer
s using the set_unitizer
and get_unitizer
S3 generics . This means you can implement your own S3 methods for those generics to store the unitizer
object off-filesystem (e.g. MySQL databse, etc). See ?get_unitizer
for more details, though note this feature is untested.
If you only wish to save your unitizer
to a different location in your filesystem than the default, you do not need to resort to these methods as you can provide the target directory with unitize(..., store.id=)
The main issue with using unitizer
with a version controlled package is that you have to decide whether you want to include the binary rds
files in the version control history. Some options:
We recommend splitting tests for different functionality into different files. This should mitigate the number of rds files that change with any given source code update, and is good practice anyway. Additionally, we typically only commit the rds files when a feature branch or issue resolution is fully complete.
Additionally a useful git
shortcut to add to your .gitconfig
file that mitigates how often you commit rds files is:
ad = !git add -u && git reset -- *.rds
This makes it easy to add all the files you are working on except for the rdses. Once you have stabilized a set of tests you can commit the rds.
All this aside, remember that the rdses are ultimately just as important as the test files, and you should commit them occasionally to ensure you do not use valuable test information.
If you merge in a pull request from a third party you do not fully trust, we recommend you checkout your most recent version of the rdses that are part of the pull request. You can then re-run the tests and review what each of them does.
allows you to review all tests in a unitizer rds with the option of dropping tests from it. See ?review
Warning: this is experimental.
allows you to modify the calls calls stored in a unitizer
. This is useful when you decide to change the call (e.g. a function name), but otherwise leave the behavior of the call unchanged. You can then upate your test script and the renamed calls will be matched against the correct values in the unitizer
store. Without this you would have to re-review and re-store every test since unitizer
identifies tests by the deparsed call.
There is currently no direct way to split a unitizer
into pieces (see issue #44), but the current work around is to:
to a new locationYY
)The net result will be two new unitizer
, each with a portion of the tests from the original unitizer
. Clearly less than ideal, but will work in a pinch.
Output No Longer Shows on Screenunitizer
sinks stdout
and stderr
during test evaluation, so it is possible that in some corner cases unitizer
exits without releasing sinks. We have put substantial effort in trying to avoid this eventuality, but should it occur, here are some things you can do:
while(sink.number()) sink()
and sink(type="message")
to reset the output stream sinksq()
followed by ENTER, then “y” or “n” (without quotes) depending on whether you want to save your workspace or not)Either way, please contact the maintainer as this should not happen.
Freezes and Pops up “Selection:”This is almost certainly a result of an R crash. Unfortunately the normal mechanisms to restore stderr
don’t seem to work completely with full R crashes, so when you see things like:
| unitizer for: tests/unitizer/alike.R |
Running: alike(data.frame(a = integer(), b = factor()), data.frame(a = 1:3, Selection:
what you are not seeing is:
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x7fdc20000010, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .Call(ALIKEC_alike, target, current, int.mode, int.tol, attr.mode)
2: alike(data.frame(a = factor(), b = factor()), data.frame(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3]))
Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace
The “Selection:” bit is prompting you to type 1-4 as per above. We will investigate to see if there is a way to address this problem, but the solution likely is not simple since the R crash circumvents the on.exit
handlers used to reset the stream redirects. Also, note that in this case the crash is caused by alike
, not unitizer
(see below).
Crashes REvery R crash we have discovered while using unitizer
was eventually traced to a third party package. Some of the crashes were linked to issues attaching/detaching packages. If you think you might be having an issue with this you can always run with clean.search.path=FALSE
and clean.env=FALSE
to avoid search path manipulation.
Watch out for functions that have default arguments of the type:
fun <- function(x, y=getOption('blahblah'))
as those options may be different depending on whether you are running whether you are running R interactively or not. One prime example is parse(..., keep.source = getOption("keep.source"))
Within Error Handling BlocksBecause unitize
evaluates test expressions within a call to withCallingHandlers
, there are some limitations on successfully running unitize
inside your own error handling calls. In particular, unitize
will not work properly if run inside a tryCatch
or try
statement. If test expressions throw conditions, the internal withCallingHandlers
will automatically hand over control to your tryCatch
statement without an opportunity to complete unitize
computations. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a way around this since we have to use withCallingHandlers
so that test statements after non-aborting conditions are run.
See this SO Q/A for more details on the problem.
In order to perpetuate the R console prompt illusion, unitizer
needs to override some buit-in functionality, including:
is replaced by a special version that can explore the unitizerItem
and q
are wrappers around the base functions that allow unitizer
to quit gracefullytraceback
while not replaced, is supported by a fair bit of voodoo involving among other things assigning to base::.Traceback
prompt evaluations with a temporary version of the history file containing only commands evaluated at the unitizer
prompt. The normal history file is restored on exit.