Fix a bad design decision where I was storing the reversed items in the data returned to the user. Worked for 1 run, but not repeats…umx_long2wide
now looks for zygosity in more than just twin 1 h/t @nathangillespie for catching this case.m1 = umxACE(selVars = "wt", selCovs= "age", sep="_T")
: Make twin models by specifying just the within-twin paths for one twin
and runs it!plot()
and “std= TRUE” work for any model now!umxDoCp
Path-based Direction of causation model.umxSummaryACE
prints a means table! including for intercepts only, no means model, and intercepts + covariate betas. Other models gain this also.umxRenameMatrix
wrap up the multiple lines of code needed to modify a matrix in OpenMx.umx_str_chars
return selected characters of a string.umxTwinUpgradeMeansToCovariateModel
function to add def-based covariates to means in umx twin models.xmu_data_missing
helper to drop rows with missing def vars or stop and alert the user to do this.xmu_extract_column
to allow mxDataxmu_twin_add_WeightMatrices
will add a means model to a twin model (not finished!)xmuDefMean
handles selCovsplot
for umxACEv
now prints model name on the diagram.plot
for umxACEv
now prints tips for print.plot
for umxACE
now prints tips for print.FishersMethod
: accepts p-values for meta-analysis in “…” argument.namez
handles class(list) objects, returning $ components.parameters
supports standardizing parameters (closes #92) .power.ACE.test
now prints the parameter and value when testing power (closes #111).umxCompare
includes Delta-AIC.umxCP
plot prints model name.umxGxE
code to detect mismatched moderatorsumxGxE
code to include co-twin moderator in means modelumxGxE
simplified algebraumxIP
gains report option.umxIP
plot prints model name.umxSummaryGxEbiv
working, with a note that the whole function is beta. h/t @MikeNeale.umxThresholdMatrix
re-implemented l_u_bound
- wasn’t working for some time h/t @NathanGillespie.umxThresholdMatrix
supports leaving all thresholds free with method= "allFree"
h/t @NathanGillespie.umx_check_names
returns TRUE when no names are entered.umx_check
can concatenate extra messages, and is by default polite with messages.umx_check
handles … items betterumx_is_ordered
can process mxData as well as df.umx_make_TwinData
has dzAr.umx_make_twin_data_nice
can turn numeric zyg column into human readable “MZMM” etc.umx_print
gains options to append to existing file.umx_print
gains options to make tables sort-able.umx_print
gains options to output content in “both” md and html.umx_print
to react correctly to report as an input to file more mergers of print to console and to html.umx_rename
now uses “from=, to=” format for renaming columns.umx_rename
was using old/replace instead of from/to (and so generating a polite note).umx_residualize
now prints the betas (and CIs) of the residualization it performs.umx_rot
can NA the last value.umx_score_scale
checks input rangesumx_score_scale
tell user what the max response is for reversed items if they leave this blank.umx_score_scale
Warns user if there are NAs when “score” is totals.umx_rename_file
: Perl mode is TRUE (allows lookahead/behind features; default list pattern is NULL.umx_rename_file
now ignores file suffix by default.umx_var
upgrades input to df (e.g. if you feed it a column, it now works).xmuTwinUpgradeMeansToCovariateModel
uses the incoming model’s thresholds name.xmu_data_missing
can hint=
to user which dataset had missingness.xmu_make_mxData
handles dropping rows, alerting about variance ratios.xmu_make_mxData
now handles cov matrix input (added numObs
improved tutorial, more tips * IMPROVED plot
for umxACE
now prints model name on the diagram.umxACE
covariate examplesumx_explode_twin_names
links for find-abilityumxACE
residualize examples matchparallel::detectCores
–> imxGetNumThreads
(as OpenMx does).plot
for umxTwinMaker
twin model helper for umxPath
helper for making twin models for umxPath
to load and process non-transmitted genome files for the method we developed in Bates, … Gillespie, N. A. (2018). The Nature of Nurture: Using a Virtual-Parent Design to Test Parenting Effects on Children’s Educational Attainment in Genotyped Families. Twin Res Hum Genet, 21(2), 73-83. doi:10.1017/thg.2018.11xmu_data_missing
helper to drop rows with missing def vars or stop and alert the user to do thisxmu_make_TwinSuperModel
handles selCovsumxFitIndices
Many new indices! @bwiernikumxPath(v.m0 = )
now uses values (if provided) to set starts for varianceumx_check_parallel
use all cores (instead of half) by defaultumxPlotACE
variable labels (trimmed off _T1 like umxPlotCP
bound e/es above zeroumxDoCp
start with all variance as specificpower.ACE.test
100x speedup for RAM and Matrix model labeling!xmuLabel_RAM_Model
100x speedupxmu_safe_run_summary
has smarter default for std
(model summary default)xmu_dot_mat2dot
now accepts algebra input begin umxPlot for DoCumx_check
handles … items betterxmu_make_mxData
handles dropping rows, alerting about variance ratiospower.ACE.test
no longer fails when estimating power at a fixed numxSummary
: Improve Rd fileumxACE
covariate examplesumx_explode_twin_names
links for find-abilityumxDoc
example but summary and plot TODOumxRAM2Lav
export umx to lavaanxmu_safe_run_summary
has smarter default for std
(model summary default)umx_score_scale
: implemented score = “mean” and score = “max”umx_score_scale
: better documentationumxGxE
gains dzAr and dzCr control so ADE is possible as well as assortative matingxmu_twin_check
works with mxData * IMPROVED: xmu_twin_starts
works with mxDataxmu_make_top_twin
works with mxDataxmu_twin_check
support mxData (was just data.frame input)umx_long_2_wide
: gains some notes on processing TWINID into famID and twinIDumxSummary
handles std=NULL as documented (don’t show parameter table)umx_nice_data
–> umx_make_twin_data_nice
with future improvements planned to cope with non numeric twin schemes.umx_is_ordered
was broken by previous fix to support the un-tidyverse mucking with dataframes… Now fixedumxRAM
supports multi-group via `group = “column”umx_score_scale
now works with binary (0-1) itemsumx_time
gains “lap” (report elapsed time without restarting timer)umx_time
behavior with no input - now prints the current time and dateumxFactorScores
can now return
allows abbreviated type namesumx_reorder
can operate without verifying data (ignore precision digits in triangles of cov matrices)residuals
can re-order variables for ease of checking patterns of residualsumxPath(defn=
Definition vars now auto-named if labels not given closes #107umxACEv
uses default name “ADEv” (instead of “ACEv”) if user sets dzCr = .25
only uses italic Beta when std = TRUEumxRAM
now respects umx_set_silent
to xmuRAM2Ordinal
and umx_fix_first_loadings
to encourage user to be more explicit in their modeling.August 2019 R 3.6.1 “Action of the Toes”
This release has major new features in beta including support for lavaan syntax, AND a over 80 additional improvements clean-out/cleanup of old functions and parameters that impede getting learning and using umx
: Think of it like ggplot2
version 2.
lavaan string syntax support!
multi-group models with group="column"
BETA: power.ACE.test
and examples. (beta)
BETA: umxPower
and examples (beta).
BETA: umxRotate
Rotate the factor loadings in umxCP
NEW: umxCP
and umxIP
can take data
and create MZ
and DZ
NEW: deg2rad
utility functions
NEW: FishersMethod
To combine p-values.
NEW: oddsratio
NEW: SE_from_p
helper to get SE from b and p, or get a p from CI.
NEW: umxMendelianRandomization
alias to umxTwoStage.
NEW: umx_nice_data
converts your twinData to the standard format (zyg = zygosity, "_T1" , "_T2" suffixing of twin variable names).
NEW: umx_select_valid
to replace values in one column with those in another, if first column is NA.
NEW: umx_set_silent
preference (option) for other functions to listen too and choose how much junk to print to console. Like a global verbose.
NEW: xmu_safe_run_summary
can listen to silent
to turn off summary and progress from models - use when running big simulation loops.
has a better default action (call names
IMPROVED: oddsratio
teaches about limitations; supports odds-format as input (closes #102)
can do pathLabels = "labels"
to show the labels for paths
for umxIP
supports means=TRUE
IMPROVED: power.ACE.test
now reports searches with fixed n nicely
now returns its output, rather than printing it. makes for easier consumption in programmatic uses.
supports cor.test
and t.test
IMPROVED: umxConfint
uses smart confidence intervals (just the free standardized parameters) for umxCP models.
can suppress printing when umx_set_silent(TRUE)
now has an option about reporting the summary fit statistics of a model (default is FALSE) see #103
removed border from legend (obscures plot to no benefit)
supports digits (rounding for tables)
catch means
can show (non-zero) fixed paths closes #97
IMPROVED: umxReduce.GxE
Don’t try and drop means moderation.
IMPROVED: umxReduceGxE
gains a tryHard
IMPROVED: umxReduceGxE
more rational set of reductions - means obey principle of marginality.
IMPROVED: umxSummaryGxE
prints parameter table and SEs as well as the interaction plot.
IMPROVED: umx_cor
quieter, more informative
IMPROVED: umx_is_class
robust to being given a tibble (closes #101 Might need to re-open if there are more cases of where toggling drop from TRUE to FALSE interferes with data types)
IMPROVED: umx_make_raw_from_cov
can add names to generated data
IMPROVED: umx_make_TwinData
bivariate parameters (e.g., aMod
) –> bivAmod
for more clarity (closes #78)
IMPROVED: umx_make_TwinData
can now simulate D i.e., A, C, D & E
IMPROVED: umx_make_TwinData
More robust
IMPROVED: umx_move_file
supports wildcards (closes #83)
IMPROVED: umx_rename
IMPROVED: umx_rename
reorder parameters, call x-> data
, deprecate grep
in favor of regex
for consistency,
IMPROVED: umx_scale_wide_data
gains twins parameter
IMPROVED: umx_set_data_variance_check
: set default minvar
to .1
IMPROVED: umx_set_silent
returns old value
IMPROVED: umx_var
robustness + support ordinal variables.
IMPROVED: xmu_dot_move_ranks
set min, max or same to "" to take these ranks out of the diagram - Aids tricky layouts. (closes #84)
IMPROVED: xmu_make_mxData
drop duplicates from manifests list
IMPROVED: xmu_make_mxData
handles manipulating a 1-column mxData input
IMPROVED: xmu_safe_run_summary
supports digits (rounding for tables)
CHANGED: power.ACE.test
now uses semantic labels (“a”, “c” ) and can test a dropped after c. Better feedback for boundDiag
CHANGED: umx_show
-> tmx_show
CHANGED: umx_set_optimization_options
to umx_set_mvn_optimization_options
for user clarity.
CHANGED: umx_default_option
to xmu_match.arg
as programming aids are moved into xmu space.
CHANGE: umx_aggregate
now uses df as default data.
CHANGED: showEstimates
-> show
across all functions: makes learning/usage more consistent.
CHANGED: umxGetParameters
doesn’t anchor search strings to front of label, nor suffix with digit label.
DROPPED: umx_drop_ok
- orphan function - just use umxCompare
DROPPED: umxEval
- broken anyway - just use mxEval
FIX: mxPath
, v.m0
now use labels (if two provided)
standardizes model in summary
DEPRECATED: The parameter to show standardized parameters is universally std=TRUE
(show =
no longer works).
REMOVE: umxIPold
NAMESPACE clean up to make it easier for users to focus on functions they (rather than devs) will use
HELP: @md links
HELP plot
Better explanation of graphing: can still be improved
HELP umx_as_numeric
:better examples
HELP: umxMendelianRandomization
nice figure
layout improved for R 3.6.0
doi link, spell-check,
notes it can use formulas, e.g. umxEFA(~v1+v2+v3, data)
HELP: GxEbiv
Improved help page
HELP: umxPower
gains text and a nice figure
= T|F and min
= , max
= same
= controls to layout your graphs!umxLav2RAM
: detect ngroup
, and a umxSuperModel
of groups.plot.MxRAMModel
plots multiple groups (on separate pages)!plot
gains control of object clustering with max
and same
select whether to allow splines with spline=T\F
opt paths out of layout constraints!plot
now labels plots with the group name.umx_time
Handles stop without prior start. New now
option returns current date.uxmSummary
the annoying “umxSummary not defined” error should be fixed!umxSimplex
: multiple group example in help.umx_set_separator
allows Europeans to use ; in place of comma.xmu_lavaan_process_group
Our paper on umx is out!
to see the example code from Bates, Neale and Maes (2019).umxSexLim
multivariate sex-limitation working.umxSexLim
Gained nonlinear, linear, and homogeneity modesumxSexLim
Gained examples.umxRAM
supports WLS, UWLS, DWLS models!umxACE
supports WLS, UWLS, DWLS models!umxPlotCP
Supports CIs on the diagram!umx_make_top_twin_models
increases the robustness and improve-ability of all twin scripts.xmu_dot_define_shapes
builds the latents and manifest shape definitions (should be xmu_)xmu_check_variance
checks data for minVar (default > 0.1) and comparable scale for variables (maxVarRatio default = 500)
get/set variance tolerance.umx
is checked on travis.plot
allows user control over splines, as well as max, min, same positioning.xmu_dot_move_ranks
options for collapse get easier to short-cut
weight of 66 females record over six 6-month intervals (from Fischbein (1977) weight data).umxRAM2
Beginning support for lavaan syntax strings.type
(WLS) added to twin models…umxValues
to work more reliably with data with no means.umx_rename
Didn’t give correct values when test = TRUE
for non-grep searches (drop NAs)umxSexLim
match.arg tryHard
vs. selDVs across different functions (search for “# New-style build-block” to see these changesumxSuperModel
can take a list of models.tryHard
- allow “yes” for default mxTryHard across all twin and RAM models.umxPlotCP
revamped - now not dependent on labels! (old function now umxPlotCPold
to check whether the form of WLS requested will have means of not.umx_make
: use check_win_devel; set working director for release; spelling checkxmu_dot_mat2dot
add model
, toLabel
and fromLabel
+ fromType
& toType
now copes with warnings in models, summary, compare etc. (as it should have)umxModify
now supports find and replace labels with grep (not just find with grep and set free/value)xmu_assemble_twin_supermodel
no longer take bVector (uses existence of weights instead)umxModify
now obeys verbose
reports % change between model timesumIP
now supports quick-make as defaulttmx_show
help and examples.umxModify
now supports find and replace labels with grep (not just find with grep and set free/value).umxModify
now obeys verbose.umxValues
and elsewhere more robust to new data types.umx_read_lower
examples and input checking.xmu_cell_is_on
now has lower and upper triangle with or without diagonal includedxmu_dot_mat2dot
now can get parameter values with CIsumxRAM
feedback when no data providedxmu_make_top_twin
lose “models” for shorter name.tmx_show
(was umx_show
- it is mostly a teaching functionxmu_dot_define_shapes
–> xmu_dot_mat2dot
–> xmu_get_CI
old function not used and not very safe.thresholds
option from several functions (always doing deviation-based, WLS isn’t thresholds, and left-censored will be implemented differently)umxSummarizeTwinData
to create summary tables for papers using twin Data.umxRAM
: support definition variables to some extent in umxRAM.umxMatrix
advice user when they specify umxMatrix("me", 1,1)
nicer free-parameter report as default output with no changes requested (calls parameters).umxRAM
preserve definition variables in data.plot
strip_zero more reliable.plot
dropped deprecated showMeans and showFixed from plot after 3 years (use means=
and fixed =
dropped support for deprecated suffix parameter.suffix
as a synonym for sep
removed after 3-years of deprecation warnings.umxSummary
for ACEv
models: CI now works - (was ‘a’ not ‘A’).xmu_safe_run_summary
Runs a model safely, optionally summarizing and comparing it to a base model.tryHard
as a parameter!!autoRun
option in more places.plot
functions now have strip_zero
option (default = strip leading zeroes from parameter estimates)umx_standardize_ACEv
now working!xmu_safe_run_summary
so even bad models are returned for the user to diagnose them.umxRAM
now labels paths when no data are provided (simulation of sketch modes).umx_score_scale
can cope with a single item.xmu_safe_run_summary
don’t error on code red non-run models.xmu_twin_check
tells user how to rename selVars and sep when sep is not provided, but is enforced.umx_as_numeric
allows user to select which columns to convert.umxSimplex
start values now flexible and robust (was hard coded for 4-times).xmu_simplex_corner
Takes a full values list (not just 1).umxAPA
uses .Last.value
as default input if none provided.umx_make
supports what = "rhub"
now allows user to retain only desired twin IDs.xmu_mean_var_starts
uses “expMean_” as the name for means cells (was “mean”).xmu_safe_run_summary
don’t return bVector (already available)umxACE
help diagrams improved with clearer ACE_matrix picture.umxRAM
help gained an example of sketch-mode and diagram.umx_scale
help file improvedxmu_make_mxData
function to make mxData functions out of dataframes (and also drop variables from cov/cor dataframes.plot
gains ability to output Weight AIC conditional model probabilities! h/t @mNivardumxReduce
returns AIC weight-based probability of being best model.umxReduce.MxModelGxE
returns best model (invisibly).umxReduce
for GxE, don’t run no-A and no-C models with moderation in place.namez
given a list of models will return the names of each.namez
allow global replace.umx_lower2full
can now take a data.frame.umx_aggregate
can now open tables in a web browser.install.OpenMx
can now install a package file if selected in the Finder (MacOS only)install.OpenMx
now works with windows.umx_print
more robust to non table input.xmu_make_mxdata
more robust to non dataframe input.umx_apply
can take a numeric to set matrix size.umx_long2wide
warn if twinID (order) has too many levels; improved help; @mdumxAPA
test parameter had no effect.umxSexLim
now works for univariate tests (thanks to Michael Zakharin for reporting!)umxSummary
Corrected Chi^2 df for RAM models.umxCP
handles ordinal, continuous and binary data
re-written to allow arbitrary labels and correlated factors.umx_set_optimization_options
function to set “mvnRelEps” tolerances which impact, especially, ordinal model.umx_is_class
reports classes if not given a set of classes to checkumx_scale(verbose=TRUE)
now lists the vars it didn’t touch as well as those it didn’t (also formatted better)umx_make_TwinData
can set mean and SD of dataumx_simplex_corner
can take a numeric to set matrix sizeumx_standardize_CP
was ignoring existing CIsumxAlgebra
This appears broken in some circumstances?umx_polychoric
, umx_polypairwise
, and umx_polytriowise
twin model!
for simplexiqdat
longitudinal IQ twin data for simplex modelingnamez
alias for the ever-useful umx_names
(just allows name first).install.OpenMx
URLs for NPSOL and travis builds of OpenMxumxSummary.MxModel.ACE
instead of umxSummary
# i.e. delete the last period in the name… Sorry :-(parameters
now returns helpful near-match names as suggestions on not finding actual matches.parameters
now handles vectors of regular selectionsumx_print
now handles vectors.umxConfint
“smart” feature to request only free algebra cells for models I understand (umxCP in the first instance)namez
can handle a model summary (accesses names() of the summary)umxGxE
added option to control plot colorsumxPlotCP
can handle >9 manifests issueumxGxE
example improvedxmu_simplex_corner
helper function for simplex modeling.umx_make_sql
nFac now allows specifying different numbers of a, c, and e factors!umxACEv
plot works (shows correlated factors).umxACEv
standardize mostly functional.umxEFA
can now take a formula to select variables.umxIP
and CP examples improved (3-variables, GFF data).umxIP
reporting of as
, cs
, es
simplified into compact stack.umxCP
reporting of as
, cs
, es
simplified into compact stack.umxPlotCP
labeling of variables improved (catching more _Tn).umxEFA
reports factor correlation matrix (thanks @ConorDolan)!umxEFA
can return a loadings object.umx_make
not supports spelling check.umxACEv
diagonal now unbounded by default (which is it’s whole purpose)umxACEv
got major improvements to help file.umxSummaryCP
got ability to print to html.plot
made more robust to unexpected labels (now that umxModify
can write newlabels
Added GFF examples.umxSummaryIP
was assuming nFac = 1umxSummary
works with multi-group models!
supports multiple find strings and replace strings!umxAPA
supports glm
, more robust input checking.umxEquate
allows vectors of labels.umxGetParameters
has better help.umxHetCor
docs now note is will return a pos-def version if given a cov matrix.umxAPA
now has t-test and glm
(use install.OpenMx
multivariate twin sex-limitation.umxGxE_biv
bivariate Gene-environment interaction model.umx_make_TwinData
Can now make bivariate moderated twin data.umxGroup
function as part of measurement invariance support.umx_stack
Slightly more powerful version of base stack.umx_array_shift
Shifts an item off the beginning of a list.umxRAM
can take lists of paths as input (contributed by @bwiernik).umxModify
can write newlabels.umxAPA
can back-out an SE if given b and CI.umxReRun
(use umxModify
parameter (use sep
instead)umx_parameters(model, "below", .1)
Part of a suite of teaching functions for biometric genetics!?umxRAM
has a sketch mode. just set data
to a list of manifest variable names.umxSuperModel
function to automate multiple-group model creation.?umxACEv
Variance component version of ACE. (beta)?umxACEcov_fixed
Beta1: Handles main effects of covariates in the means of continuous variables.umxModify
can now equate parameters (set master = ), update is slave set of labels.
parameter for umxACE and other twin models: Set the optimizer in your model code!umx_is_numeric
boolean check if variables in a dataframe are numeric.umx_is_class
boolean check if variables in a dataframe match a desired class.umx_twin_check
internal function for common input checks.umx_set_plot_file_suffix(c("gv", "dot")
function (to control the filename used for figures)/umxACE
was broken with large cov inputs h/t @NathanGillespie.umxAggregate
now actually supports user functions as input…umxACEv
variance components methodumxPath(Cholesky = )
method: supports labels, bounds, lbound at 0.umxPath(Cholesky = )
method: return one statement instead of a list for clarity.umxACE
and umxReduce.ACE
run intervalsumxReduce
works better with umxACE
Supports minManifests
Works better when returning a single factor score.umxParameters
now supports digits
“inline” reporting now includes AIC.umx_aggregate
works with factor input/
umx_aggregate(sex_T1 ~ zyg_2grp, data = x)
can passalong
much more powerfulumx_msg
supports dataframesumxACE
gains ability to set plot format: format = "graphviz" or "DiagrammeR"
take TRUE/FALSE as input.umx_names
: added a find and replace option for namesumxRAM
in “sketch mode” now plots models automatically.install.OpenMx
from University of Virginia, travis, or open travis build page.umx_cor
automatically drops non-numeric columns.umxCI
now supports setting interval and one- or two-sided type (h/t @Conor Dolan).R2HTML
to xtable
now supports non-run models?umxAPA
can format lots of things for you: from dataframes to p-values - try it out! Let me know what you’d like.?umx_parameters
function, report parameter estimates, filtering by name and value!
umx_parameters(model, "below", .1, "loading")
: Merges long data on famID, for an unlimited number of individuals in a family (twinIDs).?umx_wide2long
: Takes a wide df (currently limited to 2 per family), & returns a long-format version.umx_MakeTwinData
is abandoned, strips decimals from AIC, etc.)umx_set_auto_plot(FALSE)
option in umxPath
. This is a one.headed version of “unique.pairs”.autoRun
plot colors now use the universal ACE -> RGB scheme.umxACEcov
Now tries to detect violations: Age and Sex are good examples.umxACE
(1 and n-1);umx_check_parallel
does a much better job reporting automated umxGxE model reduction.umxAPA
handles lme models.umxPrint
error messages.logic.MxModel
now has an Rd page.confint
. OpenMx now supports this, so I dropped it from umx (added alias to umxConfint
. OpenMx now supports, this so I dropped it from umx
now skips latents with fixed variance.umxVersion
(returns mxVersion
+ information on umx).umxACE
start values much better for univariate models.umx_make_TwinData
to threshold the created variables, and return as mxFactorsempirical
parameter of mvrnormnDZPairs
to get equal numbersumx_make_TwinData
uses variance input. This was ambiguous previously.install.OpenMx
can install UVA parallel, travis latest (on mac) or opening the travis list.
had a broken URL, now corrected.umxRAM
can now be used in “sketch” mode, to plot demos without data: just add the list of manifests as a character string to data
. splus m1 <- umxRAM("test", data = paste0("itemC", 1:4), umxPath(unique.bivariate = paste0("itemC", 1:4)), umxPath(var="X") ) plot(m1)
now allows returning cut points, better examples, level_names
lowest threshold was emptyumxAPA
now reports mode for factor dataumxLabel
to rename the returned modelsep
is now the preferred separator (synonym for suffix in umxACE, umxCP, umxIP)umxPath
to umx_varumx_write_to_clipboard
example for improved compatibility with OpenMx 2.7umxPath
table outputumx_make
umxPath(a, forms= , arrows = 2)
returns invisiblyumx_aggregate
can summarize multiple DVs in a tableumx_aggregate
can return a formatted table (kable = TRUE)umxAPA
returns lower-triangle of data.frame correlations (by default)umxSE
now included in OpenMx 2.7.0!umx_set_plot_format
uses silent = TRUE internally where neededumx_make_TwinData
fix bug in DZ moderator code and A+C computationumx_set
functions now show legal options by defaultumx_set
functions have silent optionumxFitIndices
RMR and SRMR (h/t Brenton Wiernik!)umxMatrix
with default labels and name as 1st parameterumxPath(defn = "def", labels = "data.age")
supports autoRun and compareumx_names
can, as a convenience, take string vectorsumxGetOpenMx
aliased to install.OpenMx
or umx_install_OpenMx
additional fit-indices and now automatically computes reference models if needed.umxRAM
remove_unused_manifests no longer updates manifestVars + leaves variable in data by default.plot
“showFixed” deprecated in favor of easier to type “fixed”umxPath
allows unique.pairs
handles suffix labels
to show parameters from first model in multi-group
to umx_get_options
calls from summaryumxRAM
can now build and run Joint Continuous Ordinal models!!umx_show_options
function to help users learn the options availableumxACE
can now implement a form of left-censoring.umxThresholdMatrix
can now implement a form of left-censoring.umxRAM
& umxRAM2Ordinal
can turn off reference models computation with refModels = FALSE
can show thresholdsumx_is_MxModel
can take a list: listOK
options for row-wise parallel and number of subjectsumx_time
and umx_check_parallel
to work with new S4 list deprecationumxTwoStage
shorter run-time on 2-stage least squaresumxTwoStage
FIML-based Instrumental variable and Mendelian Randomization (beta)umx_make_MR_data
to simulate SNP-based Mendelian randomization data (beta)umx_set_condensed_slots(TRUE|FALSE)
: Get and set matrix compressionumx_get_OpenMx
(download OpenMP/parallel version of OpenMx with NPSOL)umx_cont_2_quantiles(x, nlevels = )
alias to umxFactorplot(resid = "none")
was not suppressing plotting residualsumxFactor
now handles dataframes and allows non-ordered outputumx_CI
more flexible, now allows removing CIs
handling of no input argumentsumx_pb_note
better feedback and setupumxModify
- if free is a string, it will be used as input and the found paths will be freed.umxModify
- show summary as well when comparison = TRUE
defaults for std
and showFixed
changed h/t @MikeNealeumx_scale_wide_twin_data
argument names for consistency: “suffix” “data”umx_residualize
using DiagrammeR!umx_set_plot_format("DiagrammeR")
() support for umxEFA
, umx_show
, umxCompare
now works on Windows and Unix as well as OS X! (h/t @mhunter)umxReRun
to umxModify
(h/t @hmaes)plot
should generate pdfs for Windows and Unix users nowumxACEcov
support for ACE with covariatesumx_make_TwinData
added to support simulation studiesumx_check_parallel
now returns timing informationumx_time
now supports “start” and “stop”)umxAPA
can format more objects in APA style, inc just a p-value)summaryAPA
can now summarize a data.frame with mean, sd, and correlationsumxLabel
now preserves existing labels in umxRAM models: labels = is now savedvcov
() addedumxRAM
can take existing model as input (very useful)umxRAM
reports model fit and comparison (if old model exists)umxPath
now lbounds
var@0 for v.m.umx_residualize
can now take multiple DVsumxMI
enhanced to cope with more situationsumxSummary
more resilient with missing CIs (#ht Nathan Gillespie!)summaryAPA
now handles data as well as lmumx_print
resilient to 0-row inputumx_fun_mean_sd
twin models! + plot(), umxSummary()umxIP
twin models! + plot(), umxSummary()umxGxE
twin models! + plot(), umxSummary()umxPath
limitation where “to” was not being set.umx_lower2full
(); plot
() etc functions implemented