treeheatr: an introduction

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Your decision tree may be cool, but what if I tell you you can make it hot?


Please make sure your version of R >= 3.5.0 before installation.

# install.packages('devtools') # uncomment to install devtools


Iris dataset

Classification of different types of iris plants.


heat_tree(penguins, target_lab = 'species')

Wine recognition dataset

Classification of different cultivars of wine.

heat_tree(wine, target_lab = 'Type', target_lab_disp = 'Cultivar')

How to Use

treeheatr incorporates a heatmap at the terminal node of your decision tree. The basic building blocks to a treeheatr plot are (yes, you guessed it!) a decision tree and a heatmap.

Make sure to check out the vignette for detailed information on the usage of treeheatr.

Please open an issue for questions related to treeheatr usage, bug reports or general inquiries.

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