- Preparing for R 4.0.0 change to read.table() and data.frame(): handling of factor data (trait and taxon names) is now locale-independent
- updating download links for Data Dryad
- fix broken data calls to datadryad.org
- upgrading vignette to knitr v1.23 upon request of CRAN
- enforce UTF-8 environment in Latin-1 locale now works for
- character issues in strict Latin-1 locale have been resolved (apostrophe and en-dash)
- a dependency on an external resource (ETS.csv) is now static.
- solve minor compliance issues with CRAN: use LICENSE template
- thorough spell-checking
- set heavy examples to ‘dontrun’

stable, for submission on CRAN. From this point on, backwards compatibility will be maintained.
minor changes (since v0.4):
- complete package vignette
- improved unit handling
- solid demo data import
- finalize vignette (include section on writing data)
- update rbind.traitdataform() to specify metadata handling
- finalize package vignette
- simplify demo data calls
- fix handling of measurementID as factor
- fix return of output in standardize()
- update package vignette
- fix print methods
- fix thesaurus function
- set helper functions internal (not exported)
- fix file import for carabids
- fix locale issues with pulldata() on linux (still not solved on Mac OS X)
- eliminate dependency on ‘reshape’ package
Minor changes
- the functions cast.traitdata() and mutate.traitdata() now support units.
- update as.trait() and as.thesaurus() as well as print methods
- update dependencies on units()
- rename and update standardize_taxa() <- standardize.taxonomy()
- rename standardize_traits() <- standardize.traits()
- fix environment issues with pulldata()
- clean rewrite of get_gbif_taxonomy()
- test_that implementation
- Travis CI implementation
- add Code of Conduct and CONTRIBUTING

- solve all errors, warnings and notes on R CHECK
- complete man pages
- fix matching bug for get_gbif_taxonomy()
- fix function mutate.traitdata() (remove method dependency to dplyr)
- update documentation for as.trait()
- successful build of vignette
- fix export of get_gbif_taxonomy()
- handle subspecies and superspecies cases
- handle warnings in taxon mapping output
- update documentation on taxon mapping
- fix export of
to include all columns by default.
- start fixing install warnings
- fixing broken NAMESPACE export
- update documentation website
- fix bug in
: reset row.names.
- update data attributes in dataset
for handling in as.traitdata()
- add function
for templating of metadata into an object class, including method print.metadata()
- update as.traitdata, print.traitdata, rbind.traitdata to make use of
- provide metadata and thesaurus as attributes in data object ‘carabids’
- update
: enable forwarding of attributes of input object (for metadata etc. )
Major changes
- updated terms to traitdata standard v0.6.
- datasets are not loaded by default, but wait for a prompt using
. Also added documentation for all datasets and added more datasets.
- adding function method
for merging standardised datasets into a unified table. includes handling of metadata object in attributes
- metadata can be stored in the attributes of a dataset and will be preserved when updating the dataset. Information will be handled when merging or combining multiple datasets.
- trait thesauri can be added more easily from a data frame or from a list of ‘trait’ objects.
Minor changes
- update vignette: add section on merging and combining data.
- added print methods for traits and thesaurus objects.
Major changes
- add function
to extract georeference data for a plotID.
- add function
(provided by Dennis Heimann & Andreas Ostrowski) for access of datasets on BExIS. I added a secure masked prompt using the ‘getPass’ package.
Bug fixes