The tmt Package provides conditional maximum likelihood (CML) estimation of item parameters in multistage designs (Zwitser & Maris, 2013, and CML estimation for conventional designs. Additional features are the Likelihood Ratio test (Andersen, 1973, and simulation of multistage designs.
To install the development version of the tmt package, please copy this commands in your R console:
# Install release version from CRAN
# Install development version from GitHub
You will find a detailed description of the package in the vignette:
mstdesign <- "
M1 =~ paste0('i',1:5)
M2 =~ c(i6, i7, i8, i9, i10)
M3 =~ c(i11, i12, i13, i14, i15)
M4 =~ c(i16, i17, i18, i19, i20)
M5 =~ c(i21, i22, i23, i24, i25)
M6 =~ c(i26, i27, i28, i29, i30)
# define starting module
Start == M4
# define branches
p1 := Start(0,2) + M2(0,2) + M1(0,5)
p2 := Start(0,2) + M2(3,5) + M3(0,5)
p3 := Start(3,5) + M5(0,2) + M3(0,5)
p4 := Start(3,5) + M5(3,5) + M6(0,5)
# simulate some data
items <- seq(-2,2,length.out=30)
names(items) <- c(paste0("i",1:30))
dat_mst <- tmt_sim(mstdesign = mstdesign,
items = items,
persons = 500,
mean = 0,
sd = 1)
# estimate
mod1 <- tmt_rm(dat_mst,mstdesign = mstdesign)
#> Call:
#> tmt_rm(dat = dat_mst, mstdesign = mstdesign)
#> Results of Rasch model (mst) estimation:
#> Difficulty parameters:
#> est.b_i1 est.b_i2 est.b_i3 est.b_i4 est.b_i5 est.b_i6
#> Estimate -1.715056 -1.6100686 -1.508108 -1.6100686 -1.3113453 -1.0468543
#> Std. Error 0.247141 0.2439233 0.241220 0.2439233 0.2371614 0.1520214
#> est.b_i7 est.b_i8 est.b_i9 est.b_i10 est.b_i11
#> Estimate -1.1508557 -0.9958313 -0.6997328 -0.4607495 -0.3807713
#> Std. Error 0.1535503 0.1513333 0.1480823 0.1464329 0.1326975
#> est.b_i12 est.b_i13 est.b_i14 est.b_i15 est.b_i16
#> Estimate -0.6500487 -0.222511 -0.2082786 -0.05286967 0.07542945
#> Std. Error 0.1359553 0.131522 0.1314425 0.13085158 0.11053665
#> est.b_i17 est.b_i18 est.b_i19 est.b_i20 est.b_i21 est.b_i22
#> Estimate 0.2472522 0.3046942 0.5762328 0.5959613 0.7193856 0.5738666
#> Std. Error 0.1108281 0.1109871 0.1121476 0.1122602 0.1668250 0.1662375
#> est.b_i23 est.b_i24 est.b_i25 est.b_i26 est.b_i27 est.b_i28
#> Estimate 0.8659746 1.0363980 1.1895060 1.401457 1.401457 1.2465019
#> Std. Error 0.1677771 0.1693014 0.1710693 0.245725 0.245725 0.2450162
#> est.b_i29 est.b_i30
#> Estimate 1.5586564 1.830376
#> Std. Error 0.2475203 0.253225
#> CLL: -3222.077
#> Number of iterations: 59
#> Number of parameters: 30
The following features are planned for future releases: