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To make it easy to visualize, wrangle, and feature engineer time series data for forecasting and machine learning prediction.


What can you do in 1 line of code?

Investigate a time series…

taylor_30_min %>%
    plot_time_series(date, value, .color_var = week(date), 
                     .interactive = FALSE, .color_lab = "Week")

Visualize anomalies…

walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    group_by(Store, Dept) %>%
    plot_anomaly_diagnostics(Date, Weekly_Sales, 
                             .facet_ncol = 3, .interactive = FALSE)

Make a seasonality plot…

taylor_30_min %>%
    plot_seasonal_diagnostics(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)

Inspect autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation (and cross correlations too)…

taylor_30_min %>%
    plot_acf_diagnostics(date, value, .lags = "1 week", .interactive = FALSE)


What are you waiting for? Download the development version with latest features:

# install.packages("devtools")

Or, download CRAN approved version:



The timetk package wouldn’t be possible without other amazing time series packages.

Learning More

If you are interested in learning from my advanced Time Series Analysis & Forecasting Course, then join my waitlist. The course is coming soon.

You will learn:

Signup for the Time Series Course waitlist