The tidyverse now has an associated paper at the Journal of Open Source Software that you can use to cite the tidyverse if you use it in a paper - see citation("tidyverse")
for details.
Eliminate repeats in the package list when loading an odd number of packages (#94, #100, @dchiu911)
Packages attached from same library they were initially loaded from (#171, @gabrocsardi)
If conflicted package is loaded, omit display of conflicts. This includes fix to tidyverse_conflicts()
to avoid accidentally triggering conflited shims (#136).
now succeeds even if a dependency of a depedency is missing (#152, @PoGibas). It no longer includes dependencies that are needed by the tidyverse package but are not strictly part of the tidyverse (i.e. cli, crayon, and rstudioapi).
and tidyverse_update()
gain a new repos
argument that gets passed to the base function available.packages()
(@zkamvar, #82)
corrently returns packages names (#93, #106, @coatless)
gives you a situtation report on your install of the tidyverse (#203)
Require modern versions of all packages (#85)
Work with RStudio 1.0 and earlier (#88).
stringr and forcats have been added to the core tidyverse, so they are attached by library(tidyverse)
reprex joins the tidyverse to make it easier to create reproducible examples (#47)
On attach, tidyverse now makes better use of the horizontal space, printing packages and versions in two columns (#59). It only prints packages that it attaches, not packages that you’ve already attached. Development versions are highlighted in red.
You can now suppress this startup message by setting options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE)
now prints all conflicts that involve at least one tidyverse package; Previously it only omitted any intra-tidyverse conflicts (#26). I’ve also tweaked the display of conflicts to hopefully make it more clear which function is the “winner”.
now just gives you the code you need to update the packges, since in general it’s not possible to update packages that are already loaded.
feather is now actually in suggests.
Added a
file to track changes to the package.
Membership changes:
and tidyverse_packages()
are now exported so you can more easily see the make up of the tidyverse, and what package versions you have (#18, #23)
now suppresses all messages during loading (#19). suppressPackageStartupMessages()
is called automatically for all tidyverse packages (#27).