theiaR 0.3.0
New features
- Adds export to gdalcubes’ image collection
Bug fixes
- Fix error due to bad file path on Windows
Minor changes
- Adds quiet arguments to control verbose output
- Adds ‘check’ argument to ‘TheiaTile’ and ‘TheiaCollection’ download methods
- Do not parse on tile creation, but do it on the fly
theiaR 0.2.1
Bug fixes
- Fix printing of TheiaQuery objects
theiaR 0.2.0
New features
- Adds orbit number and relative orbit number to queries
- Adds max records to queries
- Adds reading of bands from zip files
- Adds no check option for creation of Tiles
theiaR 0.1.2
Bug fixes
- Fix status dataframe for TheiaCollection objects
theiaR 0.1.1
Minor changes
- Adds processing level search term to queries
- Adds default values for collection and level to queries
Bug fixes
- Fix metadata file detection
theiaR 0.1.0
Major changes