textrecipes contain extra steps for the recipes
package for preprocessing text data.
You can install the released version of textrecipes from CRAN with:
Install the development version from GitHub with:
In the following example we will go through the steps needed, to convert a character variable to the TF-IDF of its tokenized words after removing stopwords, and, limiting ourself to only the 100 most used words. The preprocessing will be conducted on the variable essay0
and essay1
okc_rec <- recipe(~ essay0 + essay1, data = okc_text) %>%
step_tokenize(essay0, essay1) %>% # Tokenizes to words by default
step_stopwords(essay0, essay1) %>% # Uses the english snowball list by default
step_tokenfilter(essay0, essay1, max_tokens = 100) %>%
step_tfidf(essay0, essay1)
okc_obj <- okc_rec %>%
str(bake(okc_obj, okc_text), list.len = 15)
#> tibble [750 × 200] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> $ tfidf_essay0_also : num [1:750] 0 0 0.0252 0.2232 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_always : num [1:750] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_amp : num [1:750] 0.47 0.583 0 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_anything : num [1:750] 0 0 0.113 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_area : num [1:750] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_around : num [1:750] 0 0 0.0348 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_art : num [1:750] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_back : num [1:750] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_bay : num [1:750] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_believe : num [1:750] 0 0 0 0 0.314 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_big : num [1:750] 0.0781 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_bit : num [1:750] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_br : num [1:750] 0.121 0.565 0.121 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_can : num [1:750] 0.0488 0 0.0244 0 0 ...
#> $ tfidf_essay0_city : num [1:750] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> [list output truncated]
textrecipes includes a little departure in design from recipes, in the sense that it allows for some input and output to be in the form of list columns. To avoid confusion, here is a table of steps with their expected input and output respectively. Notice how you need to end with numeric for future analysis to work.
Step | Input | Output |
step_tokenize() |
character | tokenlist() |
step_untokenize() |
tokenlist() |
character |
step_lemma() |
tokenlist() |
tokenlist() |
step_stem() |
tokenlist() |
tokenlist() |
step_stopwords() |
tokenlist() |
tokenlist() |
step_pos_filter() |
tokenlist() |
tokenlist() |
step_ngram() |
tokenlist() |
tokenlist() |
step_tokenfilter() |
tokenlist() |
tokenlist() |
step_tokenmerge() |
tokenlist() |
tokenlist() |
step_tfidf() |
tokenlist() |
numeric |
step_tf() |
tokenlist() |
numeric |
step_texthash() |
tokenlist() |
numeric |
step_word_embeddings() |
tokenlist() |
numeric |
step_textfeature() |
character | numeric |
step_sequence_onehot() |
character | numeric |
step_lda() |
character | numeric |
step_text_normalization() |
character | character |
This means that valid sequences includes
recipe(~ ., data = data) %>%
step_tokenize(text) %>%
step_stem(text) %>%
step_stopwords(text) %>%
step_topwords(text) %>%
# or
recipe(~ ., data = data) %>%
step_tokenize(text) %>%
step_stem(text) %>%
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