Spreadsheets as places where data tables are recorded can be pretty messy.
Ideally, data are organised into topologically coherent (rectangular) chunks of tidy data, where variables are recorded in columns and observations in rows (Wickham 2014).
However, in spreadsheets that were scraped off the internet, all thinkable arrangements of the data may be encountered, culminating in several non-uniformly arranged tables that are placed non-systematically within one spreadsheet.
Each of such individual chunks within a spreadsheet is called cluster and data that are not organised into topologically coherent chunks are called disorganised (messy) data in tabshiftr
When it comes to the organisation of data in tables, variables can be distinguished into two kinds of variables:
These two variable types are the target variables in tabshiftr
The primary aim of reorganising messy tables lays in determining where those two kinds of variables are located in each cluster.
To set up a schema description, the recommended strategy is the following:
Clarify which are the identifying variables and which are the measured variables and create a new entry for each of them in the schema. A variable is always a combination of name and values. Names are typically the column names and values are typically in the column below that name. However, in many disorganised tables variable names of measured variables are used as values of an identifying variable or measured variables are nested in identifying variables and values are thus not exclusively in the same column as their name.
Determine whether there are clusters and find the origin (top left cell) of each cluster (Tab. 8, Tab. 9 & Tab. 10). Follow the next steps for each cluster…
Determine which variable identifies clusters and provide that as cluster ID. It can also be the case that the data are organised into separate spreadsheets or files according to one of the variables and also those cases should be treated as if they were clusters, even if each spreadsheet/file contains a topologically coherent table. It may be that either an identifying variable, or a measured variable identifies clusters:
as cluster ID.
Determine for each identifying variable the following:
(Tab. 5).Determine for each measured variable the following:
, together with the respective name of the measured variable in values
.key = "cluster"
and in values
the cluster number the variable refers to (Tab. 10).From the point of view of tabshiftr
there are four dimensions of how data can be disorganised.
Several of these dimensions can co-occur in one table, which might make it tricky for some tables to find the correct schema ad-hoc.
The following sections are organised according to those dimensions, first introducing the problem more in detail and then giving a description of some typical table arrangements, followed by a schema description that can be used for their reorganisation. This is certainly not an exhaustive list of possible table arrangements, but it covers certain basic building blocks of the most common operations and should be extensible enough to capture many mutations of the presented tables.
In case the measured variables are arranged into individual columns (Tab. 1), we have tidy data (Wickham 2014), which are already in the target arrangement. The variables in a tidy table may however, still need different names, units and transformation factors.
header = list(row = 1),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", col = 1),
year =
list(type = "id", col = 2),
commodities =
list(type = "id", col = 3),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", unit = "ha", factor = 1, col = 4),
production =
list(type = "measured", unit = "t", factor = 1, col = 5))))
In case identifying variables are factors with a limited number of levels, those levels may be used as names of other variables, where they would be next to each other and thus "wide". The other variables (both identifying and measured variables) would then be "nested" in those wide identifying variables. In those cases we have to record the row and the specific columns in which the identifying variables names are found, because those values will be used to reconstruct the variable as "long" variable. Beware that in those case you need to change the default header specification.
header = list(row = c(1, 2)),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", col = 1),
year =
list(type = "id", col = 2),
commodities =
list(type = "id", row = 1, col = c(3, 5)),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", unit = "ha", factor = 1,
row = 2, col = c(3, 5)),
production =
list(type = "measured", unit = "t", factor = 1,
row = 2, col = c(4, 6)))))
In case several variables are nested within other variables, we have to specify for all nested or nesting variables in which rows they sit.
header = list(row = c(1:3)),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", col = 1),
year =
list(type = "id", row = 1, col = c(2, 6)),
commodities =
list(type = "id", row = 2, col = c(2, 4, 6, 8)),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", unit = "ha", factor = 1,
row = 3, col = c(2, 4, 6, 8)),
production =
list(type = "measured", unit = "t", factor = 1,
row = 3, col = c(3, 5, 7, 9)))))
Sometimes it may be the case that several variables are stored in the same column, for example when a territorial unit is given together with the year of observation (e.g. unit1, year1
In those cases, the resulting variables in the output schema need to be specified so that they point to that same column but extract information via a regular expression (find more information here).
For example, .+?(?=_)
gives everything up until the first _
and (?<=\\_).*
everything after the _
header = list(row = 1),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", col = 1),
year =
list(type = "id", split = ".+?(?=_)", col = 2),
commodities =
list(type = "id", split = "(?<=\\_).*", col = 2),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", unit = "ha", factor = 1, col = 3),
production =
list(type = "measured", unit = "t", factor = 1, col = 4))))
When data are split up into clusters, the identifying variable is often recorded not in the table as an explicit variable, but is only provided in the file or spreadsheet name.
In those cases, we have to register the variable nevertheless, and provide the value of that variable in value =
of the identifying variable.
clusters =
list(row = 2, col = 1, id = "territories"),
header = list(row = 1, rel = TRUE),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", value = "unit 1"),
year =
list(type = "id", col = 4, rel = TRUE),
commodities =
list(type = "id", col = 1, rel = TRUE),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", unit = "ha", factor = 1,
col = 2, rel = TRUE),
production =
list(type = "measured", unit = "t", factor = 1,
col = 3, rel = TRUE))))
Some tables contain a column where the names of measured variables (harvested
and production
) are treated as if they were the values of an identifying variable (dimension
), while the values are presented in only one column (values
) (Tab. 6).
To end up with tidy data in those cases, we need to extract the values associated with the measured variables.
Thus, we define the measured variables and specify the key =
in which the variable names sit, and the value =
the variable name has, to extract that variable.
header = list(row = 1),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", col = 1),
year =
list(type = "id", col = 2),
commodities =
list(type = "id", col = 3),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", unit = "ha", factor = 1,
col = 5, key = "dimension", value = "harvested"),
production =
list(type = "measured", unit = "t", factor = 1,
col = 5, key = "dimension", value = "production"))))
Moreover, (several) identifying variables may be wide additionally and we have to proceed as mentioned above, by providing the row and columns of the wide identifying variables.
header = list(row = 1),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", col = 1),
year =
list(type = "id", row = NULL, col = 2),
commodities =
list(type = "id", row = 1, col = c(4, 5)),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", unit = "ha", factor = 1,
col = c(4, 5), key = "dimension", value = "harvested"),
production =
list(type = "measured", unit = "t", factor = 1,
col = c(4, 5), key = "dimension", value = "production"))))
Clusters are often of the same arrangement within one spreadsheet, they can be repeated along rows (horizontally) or along columns (vertically). A table should be treated like a cluster also when the spreadsheet contains not only the table, but perhaps also text that may be scattered across the document and that does not allow the table to start at the spreadsheet origin in the topmost left cell.
To reorganise the data into tidy form, each cluster is "cut out", rearranged individually and appended to the end of an output table by reorganise()
In case horizontal clusters are sitting right next to each other in the same origin row (Tab. 8), it is sufficient to provide the topmost row and all leftmost columns at which a new cluster starts. In case there is some arbitrary horizontal space between clusters, also the width (of each cluster) needs to be provided.
clusters =
list(row = 2, col = c(2, 5), id = "territories"),
header = list(row = 1),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", row = 2, col = c(2, 5)),
year =
list(type = "id", col = 1),
commodities =
list(type = "id", col = c(2, 5)),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", col = c(3, 6), unit = "ha", factor = 1),
production =
list(type = "measured", col = c(4, 7), unit = "t", factor = 1))))
For vertically arranged clusters (Tab. 9), just like for the horizontal case, the respective rows, columns (and heights) need to be provided.
clusters =
list(row = c(2, 7), col = 2, height = 4, id = "territories"),
header = list(row = 1),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", row = c(2, 9), col = 1),
year =
list(type = "id", col = 1, rel = TRUE),
commodities =
list(type = "id", col = 2, rel = TRUE),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", col = 3, unit = "ha", factor = 1, rel = TRUE),
production =
list(type = "measured", col = 4, unit = "t", factor = 1, rel = TRUE))))
In case several clusters are neither aligned along a row nor a column, and are all of differing size, the respective information need to be provided at the same index of the respective property. For example, three clusters, where the first cluster starts at (1,1) and is 3 by 4 cells in size, where the second clusters starts at (5,2) and is 5 by 5 cells in size, and so on, needs to be specified as below.
list(clusters =
list(top = c(1, 5, 1), left = c(1, 2, 5),
width = c(3, 5, 2), height = c(4, 5, 3), id = ...),
header = list(row = 1),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", col = 2, rel = TRUE),
period =
list(type = "id", col = 1, rel = TRUE),
Additionally, given that at least the tables within each cluster are all arranged in the same way, the contained variables can be specified so that their row and column indices are given relative to the cluster position (rel = TRUE
If also that is not the case, the row and column values for each cluster need to be provided for the respective variables in the same way as for cluster positions.
The previous two types of clusters are clusters of identifying variables, but it may also be the case that the measured variables are split up into distinct clusters.
Here, we need to specify first of all in clusters
"id = "measured"
to indicate that the measured variable is the cluster ID.
Next, we need to set up the measured variables so that they contain "key = "cluster"
and in value
the number of the cluster this variable can be found in.
Moreover, we provide the column(s) and all rows that contain the values of each measured variable.
This is in contrast to nested measured variables, where the rows of the variable names need to be provided.
clusters =
list(row = c(3, 12), col = 2, height = 8, id = "measured"),
header = list(row = 1),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", col = 2),
year =
list(type = "id", col = 3),
commodities =
list(type = "id", col = 4),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", unit = "ha", factor = 1, col = 5,
key = "cluster", value = 1),
production =
list(type = "measured", unit = "t", factor = 1, col = 5,
key = "cluster", value = 2))))
When not all identifying variables can be provided relative to the cluster origin, for example because they are missing for some clusters, it makes more sense to define such a variable as a distinct variable.
This is done by providing row
and col
as absolute values and setting dist = TRUE
clusters =
list(row = c(1, 8, 8), col = c(1, 1, 4), width = 3, height = 6,
id = "territories"),
meta = list(del = NULL, dec = NULL, na = NULL, types = NULL),
header = list(row = 1, rel = TRUE),
variables =
list(territories =
list(type = "id", row = 1, col = 1, rel = TRUE),
year =
list(type = "id", row = c(3:6), col = 4, dist = TRUE),
commodities =
list(type = "id", col = 1, rel = TRUE),
harvested =
list(type = "measured", unit = "ha", factor = 1,
col = 2, rel = TRUE),
production =
list(type = "measured", unit = "t", factor = 1,
col = 3, rel = TRUE))))
Wickham, Hadley. 2014. “Tidy Data.” Journal of Statistical Software 59 (10): 1–23. https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v059.i10.