Added caption
argument to generate a caption for the table.
Set render.missing=NULL
to ignore missing values.
Added SUM
to stats.default
for continuous variables.
Added PCTnoNA
to stats.default
option to render.categorical.default
Changed (n=XX) to (N=XX) in default table header.
Improved error handling in function eqcut
Function signif_pad
can now use different decimal marks to support different locales.
Added function round_pad
(similar to signif_pad
but for fixed rounding).
Added function t1read
Added quantile.type
argument to stats.default
to allow selecting which quantile type is computed.
Special handling for “0%” and “100%” in stats.apply.rounding
so that no decimals are shown.
now works properly with nested grouping.
now returns a character string (containing HTML). A print method handles the printing. There is no longer a need to use capture.output
to embed table1
in a shiny app.
Removed standalone
option as it is no longer needed.
Use htmltools
functionality to print.
Preview in RStudio notebook now works (issue #7).
Added knit_print
method. No need to specify results="asis"
chunk option anymore when knitting.
Default CSS is included automatically. It can still be overridden by specifying a custom stylesheet in R Markdown.
Changed notation from upper case “Q” to small case “q” for percentiles in stats.default
and Q3
are now aliases for q25
and q75
respectively in stats.default
Tertiles added to stats.default
New function eqcut
for creating equal-sized categories from continuous variables.
New footnote
argument for adding a footnote to the table.
The vignette has been expanded with new examples and the documentation improved.