During the conversion to Roxygen2, the topic ‘svUnit’ was lost . Corrected.
A new ‘pkgdown’ web site is added at https://www.sciviews.org/svUnit.
No further problems found in two years => version bumped to 1.0.0.
file reworked and renamed NEWS.md
The vignette is reworked into an R Markdown format.
The functions documentation is reworked in roxygen2 format (v7).
A pkgdown site is created to better document the svUnit package.
Development moved to Github; Travis CI and appveyor added.
Dependency to optional XML package is now managed correctly through requireNamespace()
and XML::xxx()
file.Temporary objects are now saved in SciViews:TempEnv
instead of TempEnv
does not create .TestSuiteEnv
into .GlobalEnv
any more. This object is now stored in SciViews:TempEnv
(CRAN does not allow to assign in .GlobalEnv
In runTest.svSuite()
, a <<-
assignation is replaced by assign(..., envir = .GlobalEnv)
Vignette svUnit is now moved to \vignettes
subdirectory. DESCRIPTION
and NEWS
files are reworked.
Refer to last test environment through a local identifier. Closes #1327.
Strip attributes from context fields when saving them temporarily.
. Closes #1147.Loading of svUnit sometimes failed during checking of the SciViews-K Unit plugin installation in Komodo Edit/IDE. Corrected. Thanks Claudia Beleites.
The unitTest.svUnit
man page now uses require(svUnit)
in a mechanism that ignores the tests in case svUnit is not installed in a machine where R CMD check is run.
now briefly reports statistics on all test run when used in interactive()
mode. This is more appropriate when the tests are run by using example(unitTests.<mypackage>)
, while it does not change original behavior (silent execution of the tests, except in case of failure or error) during the R CMD check process.
The package vignette is updated to reflect these changes.
argument in runTest.svSuite()
to select one test unit to run in the test suite. Thanks to Thomas Wutzler for submitting this patch.guiTestReport.Rd
.Correction of a bug in Windows relative to path separators \\
versus /
, especially using tempdir()
Correction of a bug that prevented to listrunit*.R
files in the unitTests subdirectory of a package under Windows.
The package does not depends any more on RUnit. It has his own checkXXX()
function (they are compatible with those in RUnit 0.4.17, except that here the checkTrue()
function is vectorized, but they operate very differently),
svUnit functions and objects are renamed svSuite
, and there is a reworking of objects to end with svTest
, svSuite
, svTestData
and svSuiteData
, and many new methods for those objects (print()
, summary()
, stats()
, metadata()
, makeUnit()
, runTest()
and summary.svSuiteData()
are completely reworked.
now accepts additional, dirs, manages an exclusion list and has an argument loadPackages =
to force loading packages provided in the list.
Names for test units is now runit<name>.R
, like in the RUnit package. Same for the test functions which are test<name>.R
(used to be runit.<name>.R
and test.<name>.R
The temporary directory is now emptied from old runit*.R
files before making new ones, but not any more after running tests. That way, we avoid running old test definitions, while keeping the latest one available for inspection.
functions have been added to manipulate the R Unit GUI in Komodo from within R.
Added guiTestFeedback()
and guiTestReport()
A couple of other little changes.