Therneau T (2020). A Package for Survival Analysis in R. R package version 3.2-3,
Terry M. Therneau, Patricia M. Grambsch (2000). Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model. Springer, New York. ISBN 0-387-98784-3.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Manual{survival-package, title = {A Package for Survival Analysis in R}, author = {Terry M Therneau}, year = {2020}, note = {R package version 3.2-3}, url = {}, }
@Book{survival-book, title = {Modeling Survival Data: Extending the {C}ox Model}, author = {{Terry M. Therneau} and {Patricia M. Grambsch}}, year = {2000}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York}, isbn = {0-387-98784-3}, }