Added a
file to track changes to the package.
Created and added a logo to the package. (#21, @adamblake)
Added the ability to change the type of sums of squares to calculate when computing the ANOVA tables. Users can choose from 1/I/sequential, 2/II/hierarchical, 3/III/orthogonal. (#22, @adamblake)
Added pedagogical function generate_models()
for showing which models are being compared when evaluating terms in a model. This function also supports specification of the type of sums of squares to use. (#22, @adamblake)
Updated the README to be generated from an Rmd file and to include information and examples regarding how to calculate different SS types and how to use generate_models()
Added a data frame identical to Servers named Tables. This is a more appropriate name for the dataset because each row describes what happened at a table in the restaurant.
Added support for multiple regression using Type III sums of squares
Updated README for more information, examples, and a description of how the calculation of the ANOVA tables follows the model comparison approach used in Judd, McClelland, & Ryan (2017).
This version of supernova is the original distributed on CRAN. Calculation of supernova() tables with multiple predictor variables in this version will not produce output similar to the reference text, Judd, McClelland, and Ryan. However, the values for single predictor models are correct.