stream 1.3-2 (05/04/20)
Bug Fixes
- DBSTREAM: Fixed array index bug (reported by MatthiasCarnein)
- BIRCH: Fixed C++ this pointer problem.
stream 1.3-1 (06/07/19)
New Features
- Added DSC_evoStream and DSC_EA. Code by Matthias Carnein.
- Package animation is now only suggested since it requires package magick which may need the imagemagick++ libraries installed.
stream 1.3-0 (05/31/18)
New Features
- Added DSC_BIRCH. Code and Interface by Dennis Assenmacher and Matthias Carnein.
- Added DSC_BICO. Code by Hendrik Fichtenberger, Marc Gille, Melanie Schmidt, Chris Schwiegelshohn, Christian Sohler and Interface provided by Matthias Carnein and Dennis Assenmacher.
- animate_cluster: noise now accepts “class” or “exclude” (“ignore” is deprecated).
Bug Fixes
- DSD_ReadCSV: Fixed bug with streams that have no class/cluster label (reported by Matthias Carnein).
stream 1.2-4 (02/25/17)
Bug Fixes
- Use dbFetch in DSD_ReadDB (new version of RSQLite).
- Register native C routines.
stream 1.2-3 (08/07/16)
Bug Fixes
- fixed saveDSC for DBStream.
- fixed handling of data with d=1 (reported by Ilana Lichtenstein).
- plot now automatically determines if the data supports a class attribute.
stream 1.2-2 (10/28/15)
- evaluate now reports noise information.
stream 1.2-1 (09/08/15)
- fixed problem with failing test under Windows.
stream 1.2-0 (09/06/15)
- generic and methods for description() added to exact descriptions from DSD, DSC and DSO objects.
- write_stream() gained parameter append and now throws an error if it would overwrite a file.
- DSC objects can now be saved and loaded using saveDSC and readDSC.
- we use now DBSCAN from package dbscan.
- DSC_DBSTREAM gained parameter metric and now also supports Manhattan and Maximum norm.
- DSC_DBSTREAM gained parameter assignments and function get_cluster_assignments() to retrieve the MC assignment of the clustered data points.
- cleaned up interface for animate_cluster() and animate_data().
- DSD_ReadCSV was completely rewritten to be more reliable. Lost argument d which is now figured out automatically.
- write_stream has now an argument called header (former name was col.names) to be consistent with DSD_ReadCSV.
stream 1.1-5 (07/02/15)
- NAMESPACE now imports non-standard packages correctly.
- DSC_DBSTREAM uses now Cm instead of noise.
- fixed iterator bug for DSC_DBSTREAM.
- evaluate gains argument noise to control if noise is ignored
stream 1.1-4 (05/24/15)
- evaluate checks if DSD has cluster labels for external evaluation measures.
- DSD_mlbenchmarkGenerator now shuffles data points.
- DSC_ReadCSV gains arguments skip and header.
- DSC_DStream: was reimplemented in C++ (Rcpp), number of grids N can now be fixed by the user.
- DSC_tNN was renamed DSC_DBSTREAM. Uses now SOM-style micro-cluster update and was reimplemented in C++ (Rcpp).
stream 1.1-1 (01/15/15)
- DSC_DStream: fixed bug with removing too many sporadic grids
- DSD_ReadCSV now uses readLine so it can read properly from URLs
- updated vignette
stream 1.1-0 (12/18/14)
- update now directly dispatches
- DSC_Memory replaces DSD_Wrapper
- DSD_ReadCSV replaces DSD_ReadStream. Improved handling of blocking and end of stream.
- added DSD_ReadDB (DBI interface)
- get_points can now produce cluster and class information
stream 1.0-3 (07/14/14)
- Fixed precision and recall calculation
- Added DSC_TwoStage
stream 1.0-2 (06/16/14)
- Warning for reclusterers removed.
- plot can now show micro-cluster assignment areas using assignment=TRUE
stream 1.0-1 (06/12/14)
- Improved documentation
- Improved DSD_MG
- plot gained a dim argument to plot only selected dimensions
- get_assignment gained a threshold argument
- DSC_Window added
- DSC_Sample gained a biased argument for biased sampling
- DSC_Wrapper can now wrap matrix-like objects (e.g., from package ff and bigmemory)
stream 1.0-0 (5/24/14)
- added D-Stream (with attraction)
- improved support for creating animations
- tnn: new decay models, tNN without shared density now reclusters using density reachability
- plot gained the type “both” that plots micro and macro-clusters
- DSC_Hierarchical and DSC_Kmeans gained min_weight to filter low weight micro-clusters before reclustering
- removed default radius, etc. for most clustering algorithms
- Added DSD_MG for simulating streams with concept drift
- moved MOA related code to streamMOA
- suspended DSC_BIRCH because of memory issues
- reset_stream gained a pos argument
stream 0.2-0 (2/21/14)
stream 0.1-1 (8/16/13)