Details of stormwindmodel package

G. Brooke Anderson, Andrea Schumacher, Seth Guikema, Joshua M. Ferreri, Steven Quiring


Overview of wind modeling process

Here is an overview of the wind modeling process implemented by this package:

  1. Impute location and maximum wind speed from hurricane track data (every 6 hours) to more frequent intervals. The default is to impute to every 15 minutes.
  2. For each storm track location, calculate all the inputs needed for the Willoughby wind speed model (forward speed, direction of forward motion of the storm, gradient-level wind speed, radius of maximum winds, parameters for decay of winds away from the storm’s center for Willoughby model) (Willoughby, Darling, and Rahn 2006).
  3. For each county center (or other grid point), estimate surface-level sustained wind and 3-second wind gusts at all storm observation points (i.e., all points along the interpolated storm track). This step includes: measuring distance to county from storm center (radius); calculating tangential gradient wind components at that grid point; calculating gradient wind direction at that grid point; calculating surface wind speed; calculating surface wind direction, adding storm forward motion back into surface wind estimate.
  4. Determine for each county: the maximum sustained winds and wind gust speeds at any point on the storm’s track; the duration of sustained and gust winds over a certain speed (i.e., how many minutes winds were above a cutoff).

This process is conducted in the stormwindmodel package using three main functions: create_full_track, add_wind_radii, and calc_grid_wind. Each of these functions has a number of helper functions to do each required modeling step. Details of all of these are included in this vignette. The full process is then wrapped in the get_grid_winds function, which is the main function most people will use from this package.

Variable definitions

Here are variables used in this modeling process.

R variable Expression in equations Definition Units
vmax \(V_{max}\) Maximum 10-m 1-min sustained wind for the tropical cyclone m/s
vmax_sfc_sym \(V_{max,sym}\) Maximum 10-m 1-min sustained wind for the tropical cyclone with motion asymmetry removed m/s
vmax_gl \(V_{max,G}\) Maximum gradient-level 1-min sustained wind for the tropical cyclone m/s
tclat \(\phi\) Tropical cyclone center position latitude degrees North
tclon \(L\) Tropical cyclone center position longitude (0 to 360) degrees East
Rearth \(R_{earth}\) Radius of the earth km
tcspd \(F\) Tropical cyclone forward speed m/s
tcspd_u \(F_{u}\) Tropical cyclone forward speed, u-component m/s
tcspd_v \(F_{v}\) Tropical cyclone forward speed, v-component m/s
tcdir \(\theta_{F}\) Tropical cyclone forward direction degrees (trigonomical)
X1 \(X_1\) Parameter for Willoughby model
X2 \(X_2\) Parameter for Willoughby model
n \(n\) Parameter for Willoughby model
A \(A\) Parameter for Willoughby model
xi \(\xi\) Parameter for Willoughby model
R1 \(R_1\) Lower boundary of the transition zone for Willoughby model km
R2 \(R_2\) Upper boundary of the transition zone for Willoughby model km
gwd \(\theta_{G}\) Gradient wind direction degrees
beta \(\beta\) Inflow angle (0 to 360) degrees
swd \(\theta_{S}\) Surface wind direction degrees
Vi \(V_i\) Azimuthal average winds inside \(R_1\) m/s
V0 \(V_0\) Azimuthal average winds outside \(R_2\) m/s
wind_gl_aa \(V_G(r)\) Azimuthal average winds, varies by radius \(r\) km
wind_gl V_G Gradient level winds at grid point degrees (trigonomical)
cdist \(C_{dist}\) Distance from tropical cyclone to grid point m/s
chead \(C_{head}\) Heading of grid point from tropical cyclone center m/s
wind_sfc_sym_u \(V_{sfc,sym,u}\) Symmetric surface winds at grid point, u-component m/s
wind_sfc_sym_v \(V_{sfc,sym,v}\) Symmetric surface winds at grid point, v-component m/s
wind_sfc_u \(V_{sfc,u}\) Asymmetric surface winds at grid point, u-component m/s
wind_sfc_v \(V_{sfc,v}\) Asymmetric surface winds at grid point, v-component m/s
r \(r\) Radius from the center of tropical cyclone km
Rmax \(R_{max}\) Radius of maximum winds km
reduction_factor \(f_r\) Reduction factor for converting between surface and gradient winds
windspeed \(V_{sfc}\) Asymmetric surface sustained wind at grid point m/s
gustspeed \(V_{sfc,gust}\) Asymmetric surface wind gust at grid point m/s
vmax_sust \(V_{max,sust}\) Max 10-m 1-min sustained wind experienced at grid point m/s
vmax_gust \(V_{max,gust}\) Max 10-m 1-min gust wind experienced at grid point m/s
sust_dur \(T_{sust}\) Duration of time a certain sustained wind was experienced at grid point minutes
gust_dur \(T_{gust}\) Duration of time a certain gust wind was experienced at grid point minutes
gust_factor \(G_{3,60}\) 10-m gust factor to convert from 1-min averaged mean wind to highest 3-sec mean (gust) within a 1-min observation period

Impute storm tracks

The tropical cyclone best tracks have observations every six hours (plus, for some, an observation at landfall). Our package has a function called create_full_track that imputes both locations (latitude and longitude) and intensity (maximum wind speed) from the hurricane tracks data to a finer time resolution (default is 15 minutes, but you can also select other values using the tint argument). This imputation uses a natural cubic spline, with the degrees of freedom set as the number of timed observations for the storm in the input data (typically best tracks data) divided by two. The option tint in this function gives the time interval you want to use, in hours (e.g., 0.25 for 15 minutes).

## function (hurr_track = stormwindmodel::floyd_tracks, tint = 0.25) 
## {
##     hurr_track <- dplyr::select(hurr_track, .data$date, .data$latitude, 
##         .data$longitude, .data$wind) %>% dplyr::rename(vmax = .data$wind, 
##         tclat = .data$latitude, tclon = .data$longitude) %>% 
##         dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::ymd_hm(.data$date), tclat = abs(as.numeric(.data$tclat)), 
##             tclon = as.numeric(.data$tclon), tclon = ifelse(.data$tclon > 
##                 -180, .data$tclon, .data$tclon + 360), tclon = -1 * 
##                 .data$tclon, vmax = weathermetrics::convert_wind_speed(.data$vmax, 
##                 "knots", "mps", round = 3), track_time_simple = difftime(.data$date, 
##                 dplyr::first(.data$date), units = "hour"), track_time_simple = as.numeric(.data$track_time_simple))
##     full_track <- hurr_track %>% tidyr::nest(data = tidyr::everything()) %>% 
##         dplyr::mutate(interp_time = purrr::map(.data$data, .f = ~seq(from = dplyr::first(.x$track_time_simple), 
##             to = dplyr::last(.x$track_time_simple), by = tint))) %>% 
##         dplyr::mutate(tclat = purrr::map2(.data$data, .data$interp_time, 
##             .f = ~spline(x = .x$track_time_simple, y = .x$tclat, 
##                 xout = .y, method = "natural")$y)) %>% dplyr::mutate(tclon = purrr::map2(.data$data, 
##         .data$interp_time, .f = ~spline(x = .x$track_time_simple, 
##             y = .x$tclon, xout = .y, method = "natural")$y)) %>% 
##         dplyr::mutate(vmax = purrr::map2(.data$data, .data$interp_time, 
##             .f = ~approx(x = .x$track_time_simple, y = .x$vmax, 
##                 xout = .y)$y)) %>% dplyr::mutate(date = purrr::map2(.data$data, 
##         .data$interp_time, .f = ~dplyr::first(.x$date) + lubridate::seconds(3600 * 
##             .y))) %>% dplyr::select(.data$date, .data$tclat, 
##         .data$tclon, .data$vmax) %>% tidyr::unnest(.data$$vmax)
##     return(full_track)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d3e9c190>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Here is an example of running this function, where floyd_tracks is a dataframe with the hurricane track information for Hurricane Floyd (saved as data with this package), and tint is the desired time interval to which to impute:

full_track <- create_full_track(hurr_track = floyd_tracks, tint = 0.25)
full_track %>% slice(1:3)
## # A tibble: 3 x 4
##   date                tclat tclon  vmax
##   <dttm>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1999-09-07 18:00:00  14.6  45.6  12.9
## 2 1999-09-07 18:15:00  14.6  45.7  13.0
## 3 1999-09-07 18:30:00  14.6  45.7  13.1

Here is an example of interpolating Hurricane Floyd’s tracks to 15-minute and 2-hour intervals


floyd_states <- sf::st_as_sf(map("state", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE)) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(ID %in% c("north carolina", "south carolina", "maryland",
                          "georgia", "florida", "virginia", "delaware", 
                          "pennsylvania", "west virginia", "new jersey",
                          "new york"))
floyd_15_min <- create_full_track(floyd_tracks)
floyd_2_hrs <- create_full_track(floyd_tracks, tint = 2)
floyd_15_min <- floyd_15_min %>% 
  mutate(tclon = -tclon) %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords = c("tclon", "tclat")) %>% 
floyd_2_hrs <- floyd_2_hrs %>% 
  mutate(tclon = -tclon) %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords = c("tclon", "tclat")) %>% 

a <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = floyd_states, 
          fill = "aliceblue") + 
  xlim(c(-90, -70)) + 
  ylim(c(24, 46))
b <- a +
  geom_sf(data = floyd_15_min,
          size = 0.5, color = "red") + 
  ggtitle("Interpolated to 15 minutes")
c <- a + 
    geom_sf(data = floyd_2_hrs,
            size = 0.5, color = "red") + 
  ggtitle("Interpolated to 2 hours") 

gridExtra::grid.arrange(b, c, ncol = 2)

Add Willoughby inputs and parameters

Next, this imputed track is input to a function that adds inputs and model parameters for each observation that are required for the model later used to estimate wind speed at each grid point (Willoughby, Darling, and Rahn 2006). This process is done using the add_wind_radii function. For the Hurricane Floyd example, here is an example of running the code and the first three and last three line of output:

## with_wind_radii <- add_wind_radii(full_track = full_track)
with_wind_radii %>% slice(c(1:3, (n()-3):n()))
## # A tibble: 7 x 13
##   date                tclat tclon tcdir tcspd_u tcspd_v vmax_gl  Rmax    X1
##   <dttm>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1999-09-07 18:00:00  14.6  45.6 161.    -6.51    2.27    10.5  50.5  324.
## 2 1999-09-07 18:15:00  14.6  45.7 161.    -6.51    2.27    10.6  50.4  324.
## 3 1999-09-07 18:30:00  14.6  45.7 161.    -6.51    2.26    10.7  50.3  323.
## 4 1999-09-19 11:15:00  49.4  48.6  20.2   15.5     5.70    13.4  86.9  385.
## 5 1999-09-19 11:30:00  49.4  48.4  20.3   15.4     5.71    13.5  86.8  384.
## 6 1999-09-19 11:45:00  49.5  48.2  20.3   15.4     5.72    13.6  86.7  384.
## 7 1999-09-19 12:00:00  49.5  48    NA     NA      NA       NA    NA     NA 
## # … with 4 more variables: n <dbl>, A <dbl>, R1 <dbl>, R2 <dbl>

Here is an example of Hurricane Floyd tracks, with estimated \(R_{max}\) and \(V_{max,G}\) shown by point size and color, respectively:

The last line of observations has some missing values, because you need points after the current point to calculate forward speed and bearing of the storm, so these values cannot be calculated for the last observation.

Here is the full code for the add_wind_radii function:

## function (full_track = create_full_track()) 
## {
##     with_wind_radii <- full_track %>% dplyr::mutate_(tcspd = ~calc_forward_speed(tclat, 
##         tclon, date, dplyr::lead(tclat), dplyr::lead(tclon), 
##         dplyr::lead(date)), tcdir = ~calc_bearing(tclat, tclon, 
##         dplyr::lead(tclat), dplyr::lead(tclon)), tcspd_u = ~tcspd * 
##         cos(degrees_to_radians(tcdir)), tcspd_v = ~tcspd * sin(degrees_to_radians(tcdir)), 
##         vmax_sfc_sym = ~remove_forward_speed(vmax, tcspd), over_land = ~mapply(check_over_land, 
##             tclat, tclon), vmax_gl = ~mapply(calc_gradient_speed, 
##             vmax_sfc_sym = vmax_sfc_sym, over_land = over_land), 
##         Rmax = ~will7a(vmax_gl, tclat), X1 = ~will10a(vmax_gl, 
##             tclat), n = ~will10b(vmax_gl, tclat), A = ~will10c(vmax_gl, 
##             tclat), eq3_right = ~will3_right(n, A, X1, Rmax), 
##         xi = ~mapply(solve_for_xi, eq3_right = eq3_right), R1 = ~calc_R1(Rmax, 
##             xi), R2 = ~ifelse(Rmax > 20, R1 + 25, R1 + 15)) %>% 
##         dplyr::select_(quote(-vmax), quote(-tcspd), quote(-vmax_sfc_sym), 
##             quote(-over_land), quote(-eq3_right), quote(-xi))
##     return(with_wind_radii)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8cf77ea68>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

This function uses many helper functions, which do each step of the process to calculate inputs and parameters for the wind model. These helper functions are fully described below.

Calculate the storm’s forward speed

First, the code determines the forward speed of the storm at each observation, in meters per second. The forward speed of the storm needs to be removed from the observed maximum wind speed to get an estimate of the maximum wind speed associated just with the rotational movement of the storm, which is what needs to go into the Willoughby model (Willoughby, Darling, and Rahn 2006). This asymmetry needs to be removed before we convert winds to gradient level. The code adds back in a forward motion component to the surface winds at grid points near the end of the the modeling process.

The code uses the Haversine method with great circle distance to calculate the distance, in kilometers, between the storm’s latitude and longitude coordinates for the current observation and the following observation. Then the time difference is determined between those two observations. From these, the storm’s forward speed is calculated. This speed is converted to meters per second (from kilometers per hour), so it’s in the same units as \(V_{max}\) from the imputed storm tracks.

Here is the equation used in the code for the Haversine method with great circle distance to calculate the distance between two locations based on their latitudes and longitude:

\[ hav(\gamma) = hav(\phi_1 - \phi_2) + cos(\phi_1)*cos(\phi_2)*hav(L_1 - L_2) \] \[ D = R_{earth} * \gamma \]


In the package, there is a helper function to convert between degrees and radians (degrees_to_radians), as well as a function called latlon_to_km that uses the Haversine method to calculate the distance between two storm center locations (tclat_1 and tclat_2 are the two storm center latitudes; tclon_1 and tclon_2 are the two storm center longitudes):

## function (degrees) 
## {
##     degrees * pi/180
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d4a79638>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>
## function (tclat_1, tclon_1, tclat_2, tclon_2, Rearth = 6378.14) 
## {
##     tclat_1 <- degrees_to_radians(tclat_1)
##     tclon_1 <- degrees_to_radians(tclon_1)
##     tclat_2 <- degrees_to_radians(tclat_2)
##     tclon_2 <- degrees_to_radians(tclon_2)
##     delta_L <- tclon_1 - tclon_2
##     delta_tclat <- tclat_1 - tclat_2
##     hav_L <- sin(delta_L/2)^2
##     hav_tclat <- sin(delta_tclat/2)^2
##     hav_gamma <- hav_tclat + cos(tclat_1) * cos(tclat_2) * hav_L
##     gamma <- 2 * asin(sqrt(hav_gamma))
##     dist <- Rearth * gamma
##     return(dist)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d49d2608>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

The package uses these functions in a function called calc_forward_speed that calculates the distance between two storm locations, calculates the time difference in their observation times, and from that determines the forward speed in kilometers per hour and converts it to meters per second.

## function (tclat_1, tclon_1, time_1, tclat_2, tclon_2, time_2) 
## {
##     dist <- latlon_to_km(tclat_1, tclon_1, tclat_2, tclon_2) * 
##         1000
##     time <- as.numeric(difftime(time_2, time_1, units = "secs"))
##     tcspd <- dist/time
##     return(tcspd)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d4275580>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Calculate direction of storm movement

Next, the code calculates the direction of the motion of the storm (storm bearing). Later code will use this to add back in a component for the forward motion of the storm into the wind estimates. The following equation is used to calculate the bearing of one point from another point based on latitude and longitude. So, this is calculating the bearing of a later storm observation, as seen from an earlier storm observation. The function restricts the output to be between 0 and 360 degrees using modular arithmetic (%% 360).

\[ S = cos(\phi_{2,rad}) * sin(L_{1,rad} - L_{2,rad}) \]

\[ C = cos(\phi_{1,rad}) * sin(\phi_{2,rad}) - sin(\phi_{1,rad}) * cos(\phi_{2,rad}) * cos(L_{1,rad} - L_{2,rad}) \]

\[ \theta_{F} = atan2(S, C) * \frac{180}{\pi} + 90 \]


This calculation is implemented in our package through the calc_bearing function:

## function (tclat_1, tclon_1, tclat_2, tclon_2) 
## {
##     tclat_1 <- degrees_to_radians(tclat_1)
##     tclon_1 <- degrees_to_radians(-tclon_1)
##     tclat_2 <- degrees_to_radians(tclat_2)
##     tclon_2 <- degrees_to_radians(-tclon_2)
##     S <- cos(tclat_2) * sin(tclon_1 - tclon_2)
##     C <- cos(tclat_1) * sin(tclat_2) - sin(tclat_1) * cos(tclat_2) * 
##         cos(tclon_1 - tclon_2)
##     theta_rad <- atan2(S, C)
##     theta <- radians_to_degrees(theta_rad) + 90
##     theta <- theta%%360
##     return(theta)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d4069778>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Calculate u- and v-components of forward speed

Next, the code uses the estimated magnitude and direction of the storm’s forward speed to calculate u- and v-components of this forward speed. Later, these two components are added back to the modeled surface wind speed at grid points, after adjusting with the Phadke correction factor for forward motion (Phadke et al. 2003).

To calculate the u- and v-components of forward motion, \(F_{u}\) and \(F_{v}\), the function uses:

\[ F_{u} = \left|\overrightarrow{F}\right| cos(\theta_F) \]

\[ F_{v} = \left|\overrightarrow{F}\right| sin(\theta_F) \]

where \(\theta_F\) is the direction of the storm movement (0 for due east, 90 for due north, etc.).

tcspd_u = tcspd * cos(degrees_to_radians(tcdir))
tcspd_v = tcspd * sin(degrees_to_radians(tcdir))

Adjust wind speed to remove forward motion of storm

Next, there’s a function called remove_forward_speed that uses the estimated forward speed to adjust wind speed to remove the component from forward motion, based on equation 12 (and accompanying text) from Phadke et al. (2003).

Because here the code is adjusting the maximum sustained wind to remove the component from forward speed, we can assume that we are adjusting wind speed at the radius of maximum winds and for winds blowing in the same direction as the direction of the forward motion of the storm. Therefore, the correction term for forward motion is \(U = 0.5F\) (Phadke et al. 2003), or half the total forward speed of the storm. This correction factor is subtracted from the maximum sustained wind speed to remove the forward component, and because we assume that the maximum winds are blowing in the same direction as the direction of the storm’s forward motion, this correction term is directly subtracted from the magnitude of the wind speed (rather than breaking into u- and v-components for a vector addition).

If \(V_{max}\) after removing the forward storm motion is ever negative, the remove_forward_speed function resets the value to 0 m / s.

## function (vmax, tcspd) 
## {
##     vmax_sfc_sym <- vmax - 0.5 * tcspd
##     vmax_sfc_sym[vmax_sfc_sym < 0] <- 0
##     return(vmax_sfc_sym)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d3aaa670>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Convert symmetric surface wind to gradient wind

The extended tracks database gives maximum winds as 1-minute sustained wind speeds 10 meters above the ground. To make calculations easier (by not having to deal with friction), the code converts the symmetric 1-minute sustained wind speeds at 10 meters (\(V_{max,sym}\)) to gradient wind speed (\(V_{max,G}\)), using the following equation:

\[ V_{max,G} = \frac{V_{max,sym}}{f_r} \]


The code uses the reduction factor from Figure 3 of Knaff et al. (2011). We assume that \(R_{max}\) is always 100 km or less. Then, \(f_r\) is 0.9 if the storm’s center is over water and 80% of that, 0.72, if the storm’s center is over land (Knaff et al. 2011).

## function (vmax_sfc_sym, over_land) 
## {
##     reduction_factor <- 0.9
##     if (over_land) {
##         reduction_factor <- reduction_factor * 0.8
##     }
##     vmax_gl <- vmax_sfc_sym/reduction_factor
##     return(vmax_gl)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d381ca20>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

To determine if the storm center is over land or over water, the package includes a dataset called landmask, with locations of grid points in the eastern US and offshore, with a factor saying whether each point is over land or water:

## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   longitude latitude land 
##       <dbl>    <dbl> <fct>
## 1       260     15   water
## 2       260     15.2 water
## 3       260     15.4 water
## 4       260     15.6 water
## 5       260     15.8 water
## 6       260     16   water

The check_over_land function finds the closest grid point for a storm location and determines whether the storm is over land or over water at its observed location.

## function (tclat, tclon) 
## {
##     lat_diffs <- abs(tclat - stormwindmodel::landmask$latitude)
##     closest_grid_lat <- stormwindmodel::landmask$latitude[which(lat_diffs == 
##         min(lat_diffs))][1]
##     lon_diffs <- abs(tclon - (360 - stormwindmodel::landmask$longitude))
##     closest_grid_lon <- stormwindmodel::landmask$longitude[which(lon_diffs == 
##         min(lon_diffs))][1]
##     over_land <- stormwindmodel::landmask %>% dplyr::filter(.data$latitude == 
##         closest_grid_lat & .data$longitude == closest_grid_lon) %>% 
##         dplyr::mutate(land = .data$land == "land") %>% dplyr::select(.data$land)
##     over_land <- as.vector(over_land$land[1])
##     return(over_land)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d5de2730>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Here is an example of applying this function to the tracks for Hurricane Floyd:

floyd_tracks$land <- mapply(stormwindmodel:::check_over_land,
                            tclat = floyd_tracks$latitude,
                            tclon = -floyd_tracks$longitude)
ggplot(landmask, aes(x = longitude - 360, y = latitude, color = land)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_point(data = floyd_tracks, aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, 
                                     color = NULL, shape = land)) + 
  scale_color_discrete("Land mask") + 
  scale_shape_discrete("Track over land")

In the add_wind_radii function, there is code to check whether the point is over land or water and apply the proper reduction factor:

over_land = mapply(check_over_land, tclat, tclon),
vmax_gl = mapply(calc_gradient_speed,
                vmax_sfc_sym = vmax_sfc_sym,
                over_land = over_land)

Calculate radius of maximum wind speed

Next, the package code calculates \(R_{max}\), the radius of maximum wind speed, using Eq. 7a from Willoughby et al. (2006):

\[ R_{max} = 46.4 e^{- 0.0155 V_{max,G} + 0.0169\phi} \]


## function (vmax_gl, tclat) 
## {
##     Rmax <- 46.4 * exp(-0.0155 * vmax_gl + 0.0169 * tclat)
##     return(Rmax)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d5d62a78>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Calculate parameters for Willoughby model

Next, the code calculates \(X_1\), which is a parameter needed for the Willoughby model. This is done using equation 10a from Willoughby et al. (2006):

\[ X_1 = 317.1 - 2.026V_{max,G} + 1.915 \phi \]


## function (vmax_gl, tclat) 
## {
##     X1 <- 317.1 - 2.026 * vmax_gl + 1.915 * tclat
##     return(X1)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d5eb19c8>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Next, the code calculates another Willoughby parameter, \(n\). This is done with equation 10b from Willoughby et al. (2006):

\[ n = 0.4067 + 0.0144 V_{max,G} - 0.0038 \phi \]


## function (vmax_gl, tclat) 
## {
##     n <- 0.4067 + 0.0144 * vmax_gl - 0.0038 * tclat
##     return(n)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d5ff7d80>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Next, the code calculates another Willoughby parameter, \(A\), with equation 10c from Willoughby et al. (2006):

\[ A = 0.0696 + 0.0049 V_{max,G} - 0.0064 \phi \] \[ A = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{ if } A < 0\\ A & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases} \]


## function (vmax_gl, tclat) 
## {
##     A <- 0.0696 + 0.0049 * vmax_gl - 0.0064 * tclat
##     A[A < 0 & !] <- 0
##     return(A)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d89d4758>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Determine radius of start of transition region

Now, the code uses a numerical method to determine the value of \(R_1\), the radius to the start of the transition region, for the storm for a given track observation. The requires finding the root of this equation (Willoughby, Darling, and Rahn 2006):

\[ w - \frac{n ((1 - A) X_1 + 25 A)}{n ((1 - A) X_1 + 25 A) + R_{max}} = 0 \]


The weighting function, \(w\), is:

\[ w = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } \xi < 0 \\ 126 \xi^5 - 420 \xi^6 + 540 \xi^7- 315 \xi^8 + 70 \xi^9 & \text{if } 0 \le \xi \le 1\\ 1 & \text{if } \xi > 1 \end{cases} \]


\[ \xi = \frac{R_{max} - R_1}{R_2 - R_1} \]

and where:

To find the root of this equation, the package has a function that uses the Newton-Raphson method (Press et al. 2002; Jones, Maillardet, and Robinson 2009). This function starts with an initial guess of the root, \(x_0\), then calculates new values of \(x_{n+1}\) using:

\[ x_{n+1} = x_n - \frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)} \]

This process iterates until either the absolute value of \(f(x_{n+1})\) is smaller than some threshold (\(\epsilon\); default of 0.001 in our function) or the maximum allowed number of iterations is reached (default of 100 iterations in our function).

In this case, we’re using it to try to find the value of \(\xi\) that is a root of the following function:

\[ f(\xi) = 126 \xi^5 - 420 \xi^6 + 540 \xi^7- 315 \xi^8 + 70 \xi^9 - \frac{n ((1 - A) X_1 + 25 A)}{n ((1 - A) X_1 + 25 A) + R_{max}} \]

The derivative of this function, which is also needed for the Newton-Raphson method, is:

\[ f'(\xi) = 5 * 126 \xi^4 - 6 * 420 \xi^5 + 7 * 540 \xi^6 - 8 * 315 \xi^7 + 9 * 70 \xi^8 \]

## function (n, A, X1, Rmax) 
## {
##     eq3_right <- (n * ((1 - A) * X1 + 25 * A))/(n * ((1 - A) * 
##         X1 + 25 * A) + Rmax)
##     return(eq3_right)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d8a98308>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>
## function (xi, eq3_right) 
## {
##     deriv <- 70 * 9 * xi^8 - 315 * 8 * xi^7 + 540 * 7 * xi^6 - 
##         420 * 6 * xi^5 + 126 * 5 * xi^4
##     func <- 70 * xi^9 - 315 * xi^8 + 540 * xi^7 - 420 * xi^6 + 
##         126 * xi^5 - eq3_right
##     deriv_func <- c(deriv, func)
##     return(deriv_func)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d8aeae78>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>
## function (xi0 = 0.5, eq3_right, eps = 0.001, itmax = 100) 
## {
##     if ( {
##         return(NA)
##     }
##     else {
##         i <- 1
##         xi <- xi0
##         while (i <= itmax) {
##             deriv_func <- will3_deriv_func(xi, eq3_right)
##             if (abs(deriv_func[2]) <= eps) {
##                 break
##             }
##             xi <- xi - deriv_func[2]/deriv_func[1]
##         }
##         if (i < itmax) {
##             return(xi)
##         }
##         else {
##             warning("Newton-Raphson did not converge.")
##             return(NA)
##         }
##     }
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d8b43348>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

While the Newton-Raphson method can sometimes perform poorly in finding global maxima, in this case the function for which we are trying to find the root is well-behaved. Across tropical storms from 1988 to 2015, the method never failed to converge, and identified roots were consistent across storms (typically roots are for \(\xi\) of 0.6–0.65). We also tested using the optim function in the stats R package and found similar estimated roots but slower convergence times than when using the Newton-Raphson method.

Now an equation from the Willoughby et al. 2006 paper can be used to calculate \(R_1\) (Willoughby, Darling, and Rahn 2006):

\[ R_1 = R_{max} - \xi(R_2 - R_1) \]

For this function, the package code assumes that \(R_2 - R_1\) (the width of the transition region) is 25 kilometers when \(R_{max}\) is larger than 20 kilometers and 15 kilometers otherwise.

## function (Rmax, xi) 
## {
##     R2_minus_R1 <- ifelse(Rmax > 20, 25, 15)
##     R1 <- Rmax - xi * R2_minus_R1
##     return(R1)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d8cba168>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Determine radius for end of transition region

Next, the code estimates the radius for the end of the transition period, \(R_2\). We assume that smaller storms (\(R_{max} \le 20\mbox{ km}\)) have a transition region of 15 km while larger storms (\(R_{max} > 20\mbox{ km}\)) have a transition region of 25 km:

\[ R_2 = \begin{cases} R_1 + 25 & \text{ if } R_{max} > 20\mbox{ km}\\ R_1 + 15 & \text{ if } R_{max} \le 20\mbox{ km} \end{cases} \]


R2 = ifelse(Rmax > 20, R1 + 25, R1 + 15)

Calculate wind speed at each grid point

Next, the code models the wind speed at a location (e.g., a county center). As a note, this function calculates wind characteristics at a single location; a later function applies this function across many grid points):

## function (grid_point = stormwindmodel::county_points[1, ], with_wind_radii = add_wind_radii()) 
## {
##     grid_wind <- dplyr::mutate_(with_wind_radii, cdist = ~latlon_to_km(tclat, 
##         tclon, grid_point$glat, -grid_point$glon), wind_gl_aa = ~mapply(will1, 
##         cdist = cdist, Rmax = Rmax, R1 = R1, R2 = R2, vmax_gl = vmax_gl, 
##         n = n, A = A, X1 = X1), chead = ~calc_bearing(tclat, 
##         tclon, grid_point$glat, -grid_point$glon), gwd = ~(90 + 
##         chead)%%360, wind_sfc_sym = ~mapply(gradient_to_surface, 
##         wind_gl_aa = wind_gl_aa, cdist = cdist), swd = ~mapply(add_inflow, 
##         gwd = gwd, cdist = cdist, Rmax = Rmax), windspeed = ~add_forward_speed(wind_sfc_sym, 
##         tcspd_u, tcspd_v, swd, cdist, Rmax)) %>% dplyr::select_(~date, 
##         ~windspeed)
##     return(grid_wind)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d8d73aa8>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Again, this function uses a lot of helper functions for each step. As an input, this function requires both the dataframe output from add_wind_radii (which gives all of the parameters for the Willoughby model at each point on the storm’s track) and also a location (latitude and longitude) at which to model winds. To work well with later functions, this location information should be input as a one-row dataframe rather than a vector. The grid_point input might therefore look something like this:

##   gridid     glat      glon
## 1  01001 32.50039 -86.49416

The package includes a dataset called county_points that has the population mean centers of each county in hurricane-prone states. This dataset can be used directly from the package to determine county-level exposures.

The grid_point input must follow a specific format. The column names for latitude and longitude must be glat and glon, both should be in decimal degrees, and the longitude should be expressed using negative numbers for the Western hemisphere.

Here is an example of running the calc_grid_wind function, as well as the typical output from the function. Notice that the function only outputs wind estimates for one grid point at a time; in this example, the point is for Dare County, NC, (FIPS 37055) during Hurricane Floyd:

grid_point <- county_points %>% filter(gridid == "37055")
grid_wind <- calc_grid_wind(grid_point = grid_point,
                            with_wind_radii = with_wind_radii)
## Warning: `mutate_()` is deprecated as of dplyr 0.7.0.
## Please use `mutate()` instead.
## See vignette('programming') for more help
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
## Warning: `select_()` is deprecated as of dplyr 0.7.0.
## Please use `select()` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
grid_wind %>% slice(1:5)
## # A tibble: 5 x 2
##   date                windspeed
##   <dttm>                  <dbl>
## 1 1999-09-07 18:00:00    0.0912
## 2 1999-09-07 18:15:00    0.0911
## 3 1999-09-07 18:30:00    0.0911
## 4 1999-09-07 18:45:00    0.0910
## 5 1999-09-07 19:00:00    0.0910

Here is a plot of modeled sustained surface winds in Dare County by time:

ggplot(grid_wind, aes(x = date, y = windspeed)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  xlab("Observation time (UTC)") + 
  ylab("Modeled surface wind (m / s)")

You can also apply this function across all grid points for all storm observations to create a large dataset with the estimated wind speed at each county at each observation point. For example, you could run this for Floyd and then plot winds at particular time “snap shots” using the following code:

county_list <- split(county_points, f = county_points$gridid)
county_winds <- lapply(county_list, FUN = calc_grid_wind,
                       with_wind_radii = with_wind_radii)
names(county_winds) <- county_points$gridid
county_winds <- bind_rows(county_winds, .id = "gridid")

county_winds %>%
  filter(date == "1999-09-16 08:00:00 UTC") %>%
  map_wind(value = "windspeed")

After calculating the grid wind time series for a grid point, you can input the time series for a grid point into summarize_grid_wind to generate overall storm summaries for the grid point. This functions calculate wind characteristics at each grid point (or county center location) for every storm observation. These characteristics are:

## function (grid_wind, tint = 0.25, gust_duration_cut = 20, sust_duration_cut = 20) 
## {
##     grid_wind_summary <- grid_wind %>% dplyr::mutate_(gustspeed = ~windspeed * 
##         1.49) %>% dplyr::summarize_(vmax_gust = ~max(gustspeed, 
##         na.rm = TRUE), vmax_sust = ~max(windspeed, na.rm = TRUE), 
##         gust_dur = ~60 * sum(gustspeed > gust_duration_cut, na.rm = TRUE), 
##         sust_dur = ~60 * sum(windspeed > sust_duration_cut, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
##         dplyr::mutate_(gust_dur = ~gust_dur * tint, sust_dur = ~sust_dur * 
##             tint)
##     grid_wind_summary <- as.matrix(grid_wind_summary)
##     return(grid_wind_summary)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d982b3c8>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

This function inputs the grid wind time series for a grid point and outputs the summary statistics for that grid point:

summarize_grid_wind(grid_wind = grid_wind)
## Warning: `summarise_()` is deprecated as of dplyr 0.7.0.
## Please use `summarise()` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
##      vmax_gust vmax_sust gust_dur sust_dur
## [1,]  43.76641  29.37343      615      345

If you want, you can change the wind speed cutoffs for the duration measurements:

summarize_grid_wind(grid_wind = grid_wind, gust_duration_cut = 15, 
                    sust_duration_cut = 15)
##      vmax_gust vmax_sust gust_dur sust_dur
## [1,]  43.76641  29.37343      825      570

The function calc_and_summarize_grid_wind combines these two actions (this is mainly useful to have for the main wrapper function for the package):

calc_and_summarize_grid_wind(grid_point = grid_point, 
                             with_wind_radii = with_wind_radii,
                             gust_duration_cut = 15, 
                             sust_duration_cut = 15)
##      vmax_gust vmax_sust gust_dur sust_dur
## [1,]  43.76641  29.37343      825      570

The calc_grid_wind function uses a number of helper functions. They are described in more detail below.

Get the radius from the storm center to the grid point

The first step is to determine the distance between the grid point and the center of the storm (\(C_{dist}\)). This is done using the Haversine method of great circle distance to calculate this distance. For this, the package uses the latlon_to_km function given in the code shown earlier.

Determine gradient wind speed at each location

Next, the package calculates \(V_G(r)\), the gradient level 1-minute sustained wind at the grid point, which is at radius \(r\) from the tropical cyclone center (\(C_{dist}\) for the grid point). Note there are different equations for \(V_G(r)\) for (1) the eye to the start of the transition region; (2) outside the transition region; and (3) within the transition region.

First, if \(r \le R_1\) (inside the transition region), \(V_G(r)\) is calculated using (equation 1a, Willoughby, Darling, and Rahn 2006):

\[ V_G(r) = V_i = V_{max,G} \left( \frac{r}{R_{max}} \right)^n, (0 \le r \le R_1) \]

Next, if \(r \ge R_2\) (outside the transition region), \(V_G(r)\) is calculated using (equation 4, dual-exponential replacement of equation 1b, Willoughby, Darling, and Rahn 2006):

\[ V_G(r) = V_o = V_{max,G}\left[(1 - A) e^\frac{R_{max} - r}{X_1} + A e^\frac{R_{max} - r}{X_2}\right], R_2 < r \]

Finally, if \(r\) is between \(R_1\) and \(R_2\), first \(\xi\) must be calculated for the grid point (Willoughby, Darling, and Rahn 2006):

\[ \xi = \frac{r - R_1}{R_2 - R_1} \]

and then:

\[ w = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } \xi < 0 \\ 126 \xi^5 - 420 \xi^6 + 540 \xi^7- 315 \xi^8 + 70 \xi^9 & \text{if } 0 \le \xi \le 1\\ 1 & \text{if } \xi > 1 \end{cases} \]


The, \(V(r)\) is calculated using (equation 1c, Willoughby, Darling, and Rahn 2006):

\[ V_G(r) = V_i (1 - w) + V_o w, (R_1 \le r \le R_2) \]

All of this is wrapped in a function:

## function (cdist, Rmax, R1, R2, vmax_gl, n, A, X1, X2 = 25) 
## {
##     if ( || || || || 
## {
##         return(NA)
##     }
##     else {
##         Vi <- vmax_gl * (cdist/Rmax)^n
##         Vo <- vmax_gl * ((1 - A) * exp((Rmax - cdist)/X1) + A * 
##             exp((Rmax - cdist)/X2))
##         if (cdist < R1) {
##             wind_gl_aa <- Vi
##         }
##         else if (cdist > R2) {
##             wind_gl_aa <- Vo
##         }
##         else {
##             eps <- (cdist - R1)/(R2 - R1)
##             w <- 126 * eps^5 - 420 * eps^6 + 540 * eps^7 - 315 * 
##                 eps^8 + 70 * eps^9
##             wind_gl_aa <- Vi * (1 - w) + Vo * w
##         }
##         wind_gl_aa[wind_gl_aa < 0 & !] <- 0
##         return(wind_gl_aa)
##     }
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d7db3f38>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Estimate surface level winds from gradient winds

Now, to get estimated symmetric surface-level tangential winds from gradient-levels winds, the code uses a method from Knaff et al. (2011).

In this case, we can always assume the point is over land, not water, so the code always uses a reduction factor that is reduced by 20%. This method uses a reduction factor of 0.90 up to a radius of 100 km, a reduction factor of 0.75 for any radius 700 km or greater, and a linear decreasing reduction factor for any radius between those two radius values (Knaff et al. 2011). If the point is over land (true for any county), this reduction factor is further reduced by 20%.

Here is the function the code uses for this part:

## function (wind_gl_aa, cdist) 
## {
##     if (cdist <= 100) {
##         reduction_factor <- 0.9
##     }
##     else if (cdist >= 700) {
##         reduction_factor <- 0.75
##     }
##     else {
##         reduction_factor <- 0.9 - (cdist - 100) * (0.15/600)
##     }
##     reduction_factor <- reduction_factor * 0.8
##     wind_sfc_sym <- wind_gl_aa * reduction_factor
##     return(wind_sfc_sym)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d4e1a998>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Here is a reproduction of part of Figure 3 from Knaff et al. (2011) using this function:

rf_example <- data.frame(r = 0:800,
                         rf = mapply(
                           wind_gl_aa = 1, cdist = 0:800))
ggplot(rf_example, aes(x = r, y = rf)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  theme_classic() + 
  xlab("Radius (km)") + 
  ylab("Reduction factor") + 
  ylim(c(0.5, 0.9))

Calculate the direction of gradient winds at each location

So far, the model has just calculated the the rotational component of the wind speed at each grid location (tangential wind). Now the code adds back asymmetry from the forward motion component of the wind speed (translational wind) at each location. The total storm winds will be increased by forward motion of the storm on the right side of the storm. Conversely, on the left side of the storm, the forward motion of the storm will offset some of the storm-related wind.

We’ve already determined the direction of the forward direction of the storm. Now, we need to get the direction of the storm winds at the grid point location.

First, the function determines, for each storm location, the direction from the storm center to the location. For this, the package uses the calc_bearing function described earlier to determine the bearing of the storm at each storm observation. Now, it is used to calculate the angle from the storm center to the grid point:

## function (tclat_1, tclon_1, tclat_2, tclon_2) 
## {
##     tclat_1 <- degrees_to_radians(tclat_1)
##     tclon_1 <- degrees_to_radians(-tclon_1)
##     tclat_2 <- degrees_to_radians(tclat_2)
##     tclon_2 <- degrees_to_radians(-tclon_2)
##     S <- cos(tclat_2) * sin(tclon_1 - tclon_2)
##     C <- cos(tclat_1) * sin(tclat_2) - sin(tclat_1) * cos(tclat_2) * 
##         cos(tclon_1 - tclon_2)
##     theta_rad <- atan2(S, C)
##     theta <- radians_to_degrees(theta_rad) + 90
##     theta <- theta%%360
##     return(theta)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d4069778>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Next, the function calculates the gradient wind direction based on the bearing of a location from the storm. This gradient wind direction is calculated by adding 90 degrees to the bearing of the grid point from the storm center.

gwd = (90 + chead) %% 360

Calculate the surface wind direction

The next step is to change from the gradient wind direction to the surface wind direction. To do this, the function adds an inflow angle to the gradient wind direction (making sure the final answer is between 0 and 360 degrees). This step is necessary because surface friction changes the wind direction near the surface compared to higher above the surface.

The inflow angle is calculated as a function of the distance from the storm center to the location and the storm’s \(R_{max}\) at that observation point (eq. 11a–c, Phadke et al. 2003):

\[ \beta = \begin{cases} & 10 + \left(1 + \frac{r}{R_{max}}\right) \text{ if } r < R_{max}\\ & 20 + 25\left(\frac{r}{R_{max}} - 1 \right ) \text{ if } R_{max} \le r \le 1.2R_{max}\\ & 25 \text{ if } r \ge 1.2R_{max} \end{cases} \]

Over land, the inflow angle should be about 20 degrees more than it is over water. Therefore, after calculating the inflow angle from the equation above, the function adds 20 degrees to the value since all modeled locations are over land. The final calculation, then, is:

\[ \theta_S = \theta_G + \beta + 20 \]

Here is the function for this step:

## function (gwd, cdist, Rmax) 
## {
##     if ( | | {
##         return(NA)
##     }
##     if (cdist < Rmax) {
##         inflow_angle <- 10 + (1 + (cdist/Rmax))
##     }
##     else if (Rmax <= cdist & cdist < 1.2 * Rmax) {
##         inflow_angle <- 20 + 25 * ((cdist/Rmax) - 1)
##     }
##     else {
##         inflow_angle <- 25
##     }
##     overland_inflow_angle <- inflow_angle + 20
##     gwd_with_inflow <- (gwd + overland_inflow_angle)%%360
##     return(gwd_with_inflow)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d9816fd0>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Add back in wind component from forward speed of storm

Next, to add back in the storm’s forward motion at each grid point, the code reverses the earlier step that used the Phadke correction factor (equation 12, Phadke et al. 2003). The package calculates a constant correction factor (correction_factor), as a function of r, radius from the storm center to the grid point, and \(R_{max}\), radius from storm center to maximum winds.

\[ U(r) = \frac{R_{max}r}{R_{max}^2 + r^2}F \] where:

Both the u- and v-components of forward speed are corrected with this correction factor, then these components are added to the u- and v-components of tangential surface wind. These u- and v-components are then used to calculate the magnitude of total wind associated with the storm at the grid point:

## function (wind_sfc_sym, tcspd_u, tcspd_v, swd, cdist, Rmax) 
## {
##     wind_sfc_sym_u <- wind_sfc_sym * cos(degrees_to_radians(swd))
##     wind_sfc_sym_v <- wind_sfc_sym * sin(degrees_to_radians(swd))
##     correction_factor <- (Rmax * cdist)/(Rmax^2 + cdist^2)
##     wind_sfc_u <- wind_sfc_sym_u + correction_factor * tcspd_u
##     wind_sfc_v <- wind_sfc_sym_v + correction_factor * tcspd_v
##     wind_sfc <- sqrt(wind_sfc_u^2 + wind_sfc_v^2)
##     wind_sfc <- ifelse(wind_sfc > 0, wind_sfc, 0)
##     return(wind_sfc)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d5123ef8>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

Calculate 3-second gust wind speed from sustained wind speed

The last step in the code calculates gust wind speed from sustained wind speed by applying a gust factor:

\[ V_{sfc,gust} = G_{3,60}*V_{sfc} \]

where \(V_{sfc}\) is the asymmetric surface wind speed, \(V_{sfc,gust}\) is the surface gust wind speed, and \(G_{3,60}\) is the gust factor.

Here is a table with gust factors based on location (Harper, Kepert, and Ginger 2010):

Location Gust factor (\(G_{3,60}\))
In-land 1.49
Just offshore 1.36
Just onshore 1.23
At sea 1.11

The stormwindmodel package uses the “in-land” gust factor value throughout.

gustspeed = windspeed * 1.49

Putting everything together

There’s a wrapper function called get_grid_winds that puts everything together. As inputs, it takes the storm tracks and the grid point locations. Here is what the start of that dataset looks like:

grid_winds_katrina <- get_grid_winds(hurr_track = katrina_tracks,
                                     grid_df = county_points)
##   gridid     glat      glon vmax_gust vmax_sust gust_dur sust_dur
## 1  01001 32.50039 -86.49416  18.27469 12.264894        0        0
## 2  01003 30.54892 -87.76238  30.49405 20.465805      840      180
## 3  01005 31.84404 -85.31004  12.49156  8.383597        0        0
## 4  01007 33.03092 -87.12766  22.60334 15.170026      510        0
## 5  01009 33.95524 -86.59149  18.55160 12.450740        0        0
## 6  01011 32.11633 -85.70119  14.22925  9.549834        0        0

with the maximum sustained and gust wind speeds (in meters per second) and duration of winds over 20 meters per second for each wind type (this cutoff point can be customized with the gust_duration and sust_duration arguments) added for each grid point.

Here is the code for this function:

## function (hurr_track = stormwindmodel::floyd_tracks, grid_df = stormwindmodel::county_points, 
##     tint = 0.25, gust_duration_cut = 20, sust_duration_cut = 20) 
## {
##     full_track <- create_full_track(hurr_track = hurr_track, 
##         tint = tint)
##     with_wind_radii <- add_wind_radii(full_track = full_track)
##     grid_winds <- plyr::adply(grid_df, 1, calc_and_summarize_grid_wind, 
##         with_wind_radii = with_wind_radii, tint = tint, gust_duration_cut = gust_duration_cut, 
##         sust_duration_cut = sust_duration_cut)
##     return(grid_winds)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe8d412ed30>
## <environment: namespace:stormwindmodel>

There is also a function to map county-level estimates. For this function to work, winds must be modeled at county centers, with FIPS codes used as the grid ids. Here’s an example of calculating and mapping county winds for Katrina:

grid_winds_katrina <- get_grid_winds(hurr_track = katrina_tracks,
                                     grid_df = county_points)
katrina_winds <- map_wind(grid_winds_katrina, value = "vmax_gust") + 
  ggtitle("Maximum gust wind speeds")
add_storm_track(katrina_tracks, plot_object = katrina_winds)

katrina_winds <- map_wind(grid_winds_katrina, value = "vmax_sust") + 
  ggtitle("Maximum sustained wind speeds")
add_storm_track(katrina_tracks, plot_object = katrina_winds)

# Show in knots
katrina_winds <- map_wind(grid_winds_katrina, value = "vmax_gust",
              wind_metric = "knots") + 
  ggtitle("Maximum gust wind speeds")
add_storm_track(katrina_tracks, plot_object = katrina_winds)

katrina_winds <- map_wind(grid_winds_katrina, value = "vmax_sust",
              wind_metric = "knots") + 
  ggtitle("Maximum sustained wind speeds")
add_storm_track(katrina_tracks, plot_object = katrina_winds)

# Sustained winds of 20 m / s or more
katrina_winds <- map_wind(grid_winds_katrina, value = "vmax_sust", 
         break_point = 20)
add_storm_track(katrina_tracks, plot_object = katrina_winds)

# Sustained winds of 34 knots or more
katrina_winds <- map_wind(grid_winds_katrina, value = "vmax_sust",
                          wind_metric = "knots", break_point = 34)
add_storm_track(katrina_tracks, plot_object = katrina_winds)

# Sustained winds of 50 knots or more
katrina_winds <- map_wind(grid_winds_katrina, value = "vmax_sust",
                          wind_metric = "knots", break_point = 50)
add_storm_track(katrina_tracks, plot_object = katrina_winds)

# Sustained winds of 64 knots or more
katrina_winds <- map_wind(grid_winds_katrina, value = "vmax_sust",
                          wind_metric = "knots",  break_point = 64)
add_storm_track(katrina_tracks, plot_object = katrina_winds)


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