stminsights 0.3.0
New features implemented by Jonne Guyt
- representative documents are now searchable
- representative document table now contains (optional) information on: row id, STM document ID and theta
- proportions can now be plotted for each individual document using the STM document ID
- documents can be plotted in a (clickable) 2d scatter plot that shows proportions on two topics simultaneously
- document information displayed upon clicking scatter plot
Minor improvements
- popup texts moved such that inputs can be selected more easily
- default options for document inspection changed
stminsights 0.2.3
Minor improvements
- multiple variables can now be selected for inspecting representative documents of topics
stminsights 0.2.2
Update Dependencies
- updated package dependencies to fix installation errors
stminsights 0.2.1
Bug Fix
- fixed a bug for storing topic labels in a spreadsheet
- increased the number of documents for inspecting topics
stminsights 0.2.0
Minor improvements
- include vignette for an introduction to stminsights
- include url for bug reports
- update readme
stminsights 0.1.2
Minor improvements / Bug Fix / CRAN Release
- fixed a bug in get_effects (#5)
- added ‘difference’ effect estimates in get_effects
- the package is now available on CRAN:
stminsights 0.1.1
Minor improvements
- added option for labeling axes
- added more options for content model term selection
stminsights 0.1.0
First release
- This is the first release of the package.