
stagedtrees Build Status Coverage status


stagedtrees is a package that implements staged event trees, a probability model for discrete random variables.


#stable version from CRAN

#development version from github
# install.packages("devtools")



With the stagedtrees package it is possible to fit (stratified) staged event trees to data, use them to compute probabilities, make predictions, visualize and compare different models.

Creating the model

A staged event tree object (sevt class) can be created with the function staged_ev_tree, or with the functions indep and full. In general we create a staged event tree from data in a data.frame or table object.

# Load the PhDArticles data

# Create the independence model 
mod_indep <- indep(PhDArticles, lambda = 1)
#> Staged event tree (fitted) 
#> Articles[3] -> Gender[2] -> Kids[2] -> Married[2] -> Mentor[3] -> Prestige[2]  
#> 'log Lik.' -4407.498 (df=8)

#Create the full (saturated) model
mod_full <- full(PhDArticles, lambda = 1) 
#> Staged event tree (fitted) 
#> Articles[3] -> Gender[2] -> Kids[2] -> Married[2] -> Mentor[3] -> Prestige[2]  
#> 'log Lik.' -4066.97 (df=143)

Model selection

Starting from the independence model of the full model it is
possible to perform automatic model selection.

Score methods

This methods perform optimization of the model for a given score using different types of heuristic methods.

mod1 <- hc.sevt(mod_indep)
#> Staged event tree (fitted) 
#> Articles[3] -> Gender[2] -> Kids[2] -> Married[2] -> Mentor[3] -> Prestige[2]  
#> 'log Lik.' -4118.434 (df=14)
mod2 <- bhc.sevt(mod_full)
#> Staged event tree (fitted) 
#> Articles[3] -> Gender[2] -> Kids[2] -> Married[2] -> Mentor[3] -> Prestige[2]  
#> 'log Lik.' -4086.254 (df=19)
mod3 <- fbhc.sevt(mod_full, score = function(x) -BIC(x))
#> Staged event tree (fitted) 
#> Articles[3] -> Gender[2] -> Kids[2] -> Married[2] -> Mentor[3] -> Prestige[2]  
#> 'log Lik.' -4146.642 (df=14)
Distance methods
mod4 <- bj.sevt(mod_full)
#> Staged event tree (fitted) 
#> Articles[3] -> Gender[2] -> Kids[2] -> Married[2] -> Mentor[3] -> Prestige[2]  
#> 'log Lik.' -4090.79 (df=22)
mod5 <- naive.sevt(mod_full)
#> Staged event tree (fitted) 
#> Articles[3] -> Gender[2] -> Kids[2] -> Married[2] -> Mentor[3] -> Prestige[2]  
#> 'log Lik.' -4118.437 (df=14)

Combining model selections with %>%

The pipe operator from the magrittr package can be used to combine easily various model selection algorithms and to specify models easily.

model <- PhDArticles %>% full(lambda = 1) %>% naive.sevt %>% 

## extract a sub_tree and join two stages
sub_model <- model %>% subtree.sevt(path = c(">2"))  %>%  
              join_stages("Mentor", "1", "2")

Probabilities, predictions and sampling

Marginal probabilities

Obtain marginal probabilities with the prob.sevt function.

# estimated probability of c(Gender = "male", Married = "yes")
# using different models
prob.sevt(mod_indep, c(Gender = "male", Married = "yes")) 
#> [1] 0.3573183
prob.sevt(mod3, c(Gender = "male", Married = "yes"))
#> [1] 0.3934668

Or for a data.frame of observations:

obs <- expand.grid(mod_full$tree[c(2,3,5)])
p <- prob.sevt(mod2, obs)
cbind(obs, P = p)
#>    Gender Kids Mentor          P
#> 1    male  yes    low 0.07208877
#> 2  female  yes    low 0.03176117
#> 3    male   no    low 0.09832136
#> 4  female   no    low 0.11463987
#> 5    male  yes medium 0.09915181
#> 6  female  yes medium 0.03452265
#> 7    male   no medium 0.10643086
#> 8  female   no medium 0.14830958
#> 9    male  yes   high 0.08660225
#> 10 female  yes   high 0.02187397
#> 11   male   no   high 0.07702539
#> 12 female   no   high 0.10927233

A staged event tree object can be used to make predictions with the predict method. The class variable can be specified, otherwise the first variable (root) in the tree will be used.

## check accuracy over the PhDArticles data
predicted <- predict(mod3, newdata = PhDArticles)
table(predicted, PhDArticles$Articles)
#> predicted   0 1-2  >2
#>       0    32  34  19
#>       1-2 225 351 149
#>       >2   18  39  48

Conditional probabilities (or log-) can be obtained setting prob = TRUE:

## obtain estimated conditional probabilities in mod3 for first 5 obs
## P(Articles|Gender, Kids, Married, Mentor, Prestige)
predict(mod3, newdata = PhDArticles[1:5,], prob = TRUE)
#>           0       1-2        >2
#> 1 0.2853346 0.4393739 0.2752915
#> 2 0.3186093 0.4906121 0.1907785
#> 3 0.3186093 0.4906121 0.1907785
#> 4 0.3450547 0.5313342 0.1236111
#> 5 0.2304826 0.6315078 0.1380096
sample.sevt(mod4, 5)
#>   Articles Gender Kids Married Mentor Prestige
#> 1        0   male   no      no medium      low
#> 2        0 female   no      no    low     high
#> 3       >2 female   no     yes   high     high
#> 4      1-2   male  yes     yes    low     high
#> 5        0   male  yes     yes    low     high

Explore the model

Model info
# Degrees of freedom
#> [1] 143
#> [1] 8

# variables 
#> [1] "Articles" "Gender"   "Kids"     "Married"  "Mentor"   "Prestige"

# number of variables
#> [1] 6
plot(mod4, main = "Staged tree learned with bj.sevt", 
     cex.label.edges = 0.6, cex.nodes = 1.5)
text(mod4, y = -0.03, cex = 0.7)

stages.sevt(mod4, "Kids")
#> [1] "1" "2" "1" "2" "1" "2"
#> Call: 
#> bj.sevt(mod_full)
#> lambda:  1 
#> Stages: 
#>   Variable:  Articles 
#>  stage npaths sample.size         0      1-2        >2
#>      1      0         915 0.3006536 0.462963 0.2363834
#>   ------------ 
#>   Variable:  Gender 
#>  stage npaths sample.size      male    female
#>      1      3         915 0.5398037 0.4601963
#>   ------------ 
#>   Variable:  Kids 
#>  stage npaths sample.size       yes        no
#>      1      3         494 0.4778226 0.5221774
#>      2      3         421 0.1914894 0.8085106
#>   ------------ 
#>   Variable:  Married 
#>  stage npaths sample.size          no       yes
#>      1      5         303 0.003278689 0.9967213
#>      2      6         599 0.515806988 0.4841930
#>     11      1          13 0.066666667 0.9333333
#>   ------------ 
#>   Variable:  Mentor 
#>  stage npaths sample.size       low    medium       high
#>      1     13         431 0.2557604 0.4377880 0.30645161
#>      2      4         242 0.4367347 0.3346939 0.22857143
#>      3      3         102 0.5142857 0.4000000 0.08571429
#>     18      3         127 0.1307692 0.3384615 0.53076923
#>     22      1          13 0.4375000 0.1875000 0.37500000
#>   ------------ 
#>   Variable:  Prestige 
#>  stage npaths sample.size       low      high
#>      1     36         338 0.5323529 0.4676471
#>      4     14         274 0.6920290 0.3079710
#>      6     15         194 0.3622449 0.6377551
#>      8      7         109 0.1801802 0.8198198
#>   ------------

A subtree can be extracted, the result is another staged event tree object in the remaining variables.

sub <- subtree.sevt(mod4, c(">2", "female"))
text(sub, y = -0.03, cex = 0.7)

Comparing models

Check if models are equal.

compare.sevt(mod1, mod2)
#> [1] FALSE

compare.sevt(mod1, mod2, method = "hamming", plot = TRUE, 
             cex.label.nodes = 0, cex.label.edges = 0)
#> [1] FALSE

hamming.sevt(mod1, mod2)
#> [1] 43

difftree <- compare.sevt(mod1, mod2, method = "stages", plot = FALSE, 
             return.tree = TRUE)

#>  [1] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Penalized log-likelihood.

BIC(mod_indep, mod_full, mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, mod5)
#>            df      BIC
#> mod_indep   8 8869.548
#> mod_full  143 9109.046
#> mod1       14 8332.333
#> mod2       19 8302.067
#> mod3       14 8388.749
#> mod4       22 8331.596
#> mod5       14 8332.338