NEWS | R Documentation |
Added reference to stability selection with gamboostLSS.
Make vignettes conditional on suggested packages (closes #24).
Fixed tests.
Move packages from Enhances
to Suggests
Make manuals work without package
Speed up examples by adding \donttest
in two occassions.
Use markup \doi
for DOIs in manual.
Added DOIs to ‘DESCRIPTION’ to fulfill CRAN policies.
Updated ‘’ and vignettes.
Added support for graphical models via package QUIC (closes #12, #13 and #14; Code contributed by Richard Beare).
Better handling of errors in (single) folds of stabsel
results of folds without errors are used and a warning
issued (closes #2
and #7).
Parallel computing via mclapply
: Set
mc.preschedule = FALSE
per default (closes
Make sure that per default glmnet.lasso
selects at maximum
variables. The previous anti-conservative version
stays available via args.fitfun = list(type = "anticonservative")
Updated references: Hofner et al (2015) now available at BMC
Bioinformatics. See citation("stabs")
for details.
Updated ‘DESCRIPTION’ to be more informative.
Make fitfun
s more quiet (closes
Code contributed by Gokcen Eraslan)
Replaced base-learner
with effect
in warnings and
error messages (closes
Added example on using glmnet.lasso
Boosting specific changes: warn if mstop
is to small.
Disallow specification of penalty parameters via args.fitfun
(closes #22).
Fixed checks for results of fitfun
(closes #17; Code contributed
by Andrey Tovchigrechko)
Fixed citation. (closes #9).
Fix plot labels if matrices are used (as opposed to data.frame
(closes #6).
Fix issue when variables are dropped from active set in
(closes #5).
Adhere to CRAN policies regarding import of base packages (closes #3).
Changes in ‘inst/CITATION’ to make CRAN happy: Citations can now be extracted without the need to install the package.
Changed require
to requireNamespace
Added a function stabsel.stabsel()
to compute (new)
parameter combinations for a fitted stabsel
Included selected()
method (originally from
mboost); selected()
can now be used on stability
selection results to extract selected effects
Added functionality to extract parameters from fitted
use parameters()
or stabsel_parameters()
Export run_stabsel
to make the actual “fit”
function accessible for other packages.
Tweaked print
methods a bit
Added output that states the significance level.
Added new lasso based fit (glmnet.lasso_maxCoef
function where the q
strongest predictors (according to the
coefficient size) are selected (feature request from Rajen Shah
<R.Shah _at_>)
Package development moved from R-forge to
Added specifiedPFER
to stabsel
objects (needed for better outputs)
Added ‘inst/CITATION’
Added reference to stability selection paper
stabs now enhances gamboostLSS
Made tests conditional on availability of packages
Initial submission to CRAN
stabs implements stability selection for a range of
models, including a novel matrix
interface for stabsel
that can be used with generic fit functions.
The code is based on the stabsel
function that was
implemented in mboost until version 2.3-0. stabsel
now a generic function with a specialized method for boosting models
that is implemented in mboost. The back-end is now completely
implemented in package stabs.