The introductory vignette provided a glimpse into the high-level render_
functions of splashr
. Those map directly to the high-level HTTP API calls in the Splash API. Underneath the simplified API lies a powerful Lua scripting interface that can control and query the HTML DOM and return objects of various complexity.
A different vignette will cover the Lua interface, but it’s bad enough we all need to know a bit of JavaScript (JS) and CSS and HTML and XML and XPath (etc) to get access to some gnarly web site content. Most of us really don’t want to delve into the syntax of yet-another programming language. To make it easier to work at a more detailed level without learning Lua directly, splashr
provides a pipe-able domain-specific language (DSL) that let you use R functions to covertly build Lua scripts.
DSLWhen would you need to have this level of control? Well, say you wanted to scrape a page that requries you to go to a start page first to setup a session. That means you want to hit two URLs in succession, likely after some pause. We can pretent that the site has this requirement to illustrate how we’d move from one page to another using the splashr
DSL (remember, there is an inherent assumption that you’ve got a Splash instance running on your local system for these vignette code samples):
splash_local %>%
splash_response_body(TRUE) %>%
splash_user_agent(ua_macos_chrome) %>%
splash_go("") %>%
splash_wait(5) %>%
splash_go("") %>%
splash_wait() %>%
splash_png() -> agri_png
Before showing the page image, let’s walk through that chained function call. We:
Up until splash_png()
the function chains were just collecting instructions that are eventually transcoded into a Lua script. The call to splash_png()
triggers this transcoding and sending of the commands over to the Splash instance and waits for content to come back.
Here’s the result:
## format width height colorspace filesize
## 1 PNG 1024 2761 sRGB 532615
We can even interact a bit with a site using this mid-level DSL. Let’s fill in a form field on Wikipedia and see the result.
splash_local %>%
splash_go("") %>%
splash_focus("#searchInput") %>%
splash_send_text("maine") %>%
splash_send_keys("<Return>") %>%
splash_wait() %>%
splash_png() -> wiki_png
## format width height colorspace filesize
## 1 PNG 1024 23042 sRGB 8517828
(I chopped off that page result as it scrolls for 8MB worth of PNG content and the CRAN folks would not appreciate us taking up that much space for this vignette).
…comes time and effort to learn yet-another Shiny New Thing.
However, if you’re willing to spend some time to learn some Lua (it’s not that bad, really), you can use splashr
to return actual data from a site vs HTML you have to parse. Let’s pull three specific pieces of data from one of the sub-pages of the analytics site we’ve been scraping:
splash_local %>%
function main(splash)
local title = splash:evaljs("document.title")
local ppl = splash:select("#current_visitors")
local tot = splash:select("#total_visitors")
return {
title = title,
curr_visits = ppl.text(),
total_vitis = tot.text()
') %>%
readBin("character") %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
## List of 3
## $ total_vitis: chr "581.5 million"
## $ title : chr " | The US government's web traffic."
## $ curr_visits: chr "14,750"
We don’t have to do any DOM parsing on the R end to get specific bits of data from the page itself. That’s pretty handy and once you start making some simple Lua scripts, it gets easier. Note, too, thqat you can use (hopefully) familiar JS constructs to yank info from the DOM as well as Lua-specific methods.
Don’t hesitate to file an issue if you’d like more of the lower-level Lua interface brought up to the splashr