NEWS | R Documentation |
made code compatible with coming R version 4.0.0 following directions CRAN
changed runtime check for Java version as suggested by Ripley (2018-03-28 12:22)
changed Java version format as suggested by Ripley (2018-01-07 10:55)
added runtime check for Java version
package vignette converted to R-markdown
minor changes to make spcosa compatible with ggplot2 version 2.0.0
modifications in version 0.3-4 only worked for 'geometry' objects (SpatialPixels etc.) and not for their Spatial*DataFrames counterparts. This issue has now been solved.
replaced deprecated method sp:::overlay
by sp:::%over%
(issue reported by Edzer Pebesma)
moved start-up message from .onLoad
to .onAttach
to prevent 'R CMD check' from printing a NOTE in "R Under development (unstable) (2013-01-25 r61745)"
Some minor modifications to the package vignette
reorganization of files to make file names portable (required by R-devel, issue reported by Brian D. Ripley, 2012-12-04 17:53)
corrected some typos
upgraded to ggplot2 version 0.9.2
replaced ./NEWS by ./inst/NEWS.Rd
method with signature SpatialPolygons
has gained a new argument: cellSize
. Argument cellSize
takes precedence over argument nGridCells
upgraded to ggplot2 0.9.0
upgraded to sp 0.9-97
added stratify
method for instances of class SpatialGrid
(due to recent changes in package sp)
dependency on package rgdal has been reduced. spcosa now only requires package rgdal in case projection attributes have been set. spcosa will therefore also run on systems without 'gdal'.
packages like sp and rgdal need to be loaded explicitly. In previous versions of spcosa these packages were automatically loaded.
documentation and vignette have been updated
minor changes to the code to pass all checks (without warnings) in R 2.15.0
updated documentation
added new demo (‘sphere2.R’)
changed code of plot-methods to prevent 'NOTES' generated by
R CMD check
: "no visible binding for global variable ..."
added doi of paper in Computer \& Geosciences to citation file
added FAQ
dynamic HTML added to spcosa-package.Rd
updated references in Rd-files and CITATION file
package vignette has been updated
added a line (at start-up and in the package-file) that a recent version of Java is required in order to run spcosa.
upgraded to R 2.10-0 and rJava 0.8-1. Previous releases of spcosa are not compatible with the new rJava 0.8-series
fixed 'suspect' hyperlink issue reported by 'R CMD check'
'R version 2.10.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-09-07 r49613)'
added more contrast to spatial strata plots
minor bug fixed in method 'getArea'
. In previous versions of spcosa,
the area was returned in units of grid cells i.s.o. map units.
Since spcosa relies on relative areas, this bug did _not_ affect
other methods in the package.
visualization of class hierarchies in the package vignette by means
of the new 'classesToAM'
minor update of documentation (Rd files)
warnings due to coercion to class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"
have been
dependency has been increased from R (>= 2.8.0) to R (>= 2.9.0). Otherwise ggplot2-functions might fail.
citation file has been updated
minor improvements of source code
fixed a minor bug in the plot method with signature
minor update of package vignette
documentation has been made compatible with "R version 2.9.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-03-08 r48082)"
first release