sparsevar 0.0.11
- Added CV on a predefined list of lambdas (thanks to PierrickPiette)
sparsevar 0.0.10
- Added plotVECM function
- Removed plotComparisonVAR (substituted by plotVAR)
- Added the option to generate VARs with given matrices
- Fixed AIC
- Fixed problems with error bands options
- Added tests
- Added the function computeForecasts
sparsevar 0.0.9
- Fast SCAD estimation (using picasso package; works only with SCAD and timeSlice)
- Added function to compute VAR forecasts
- Added information criteria (AIC, SChwartz and Hannan-Quinn)
- Fixed mean estimation for timeSlice
sparsevar 0.0.7
- Major code rewriting
- Remove dependecies from MTS and caret
- Added impulse response error bands (using bootstrap)
- Added plot functions for IRF
- New timeSlice estimation
- Removed repeated cross validation
sparsevar 0.0.6
- Added impulse response function for VAR processes
sparsevar 0.0.5
- Added timeSlice estimation
- Fixed normalization constant in creating sparse var matrix
- Fixed parallel backend in Windows
sparsevar 0.0.4
- Added as output the residuals of the estimation (for estimateVAR)
- Fixed parallel background in LASSO estimation
- Now repeatedCV returns MSE