
R package for sound synthesis and acoustic analysis.
Homepage with help, demos, etc:
Source code on github:

Performs parametric synthesis of sounds with harmonic and noise components such as animal vocalizations or human voice. Also includes tools for spectral analysis, pitch tracking, audio segmentation, self-similarity matrices, morphing, etc.

Key functions:

For more information, please see the vignettes on sound synthesis and acoustic analysis:

vignette("sound_generation", package="soundgen")

vignette("acoustic_analysis", package="soundgen")

Or, to open the vignettes in a browser:
RShowDoc('sound_generation', package = 'soundgen')

RShowDoc('acoustic_analysis', package = 'soundgen')


To install the current release from CRAN: install.packages("soundgen")

NB: Make sure all dependencies have been installed correctly! For problems with seewave, see

On Macs, you may need to do the following: