soilDB 2.5 (2020-01-23)
- CRAN release
and mix_and_clean_colors
always use CIELAB colorspace for weighted averages, and best-available metric for transformation to Munsell notation
- new fetch function that simplifies getting spatial data associated with a vector of mukey
or nationalmusym
. The function has options for customizing result attribute table and is designed to automatically use makeChunks()
to prevent timeout on large queries.
is now deprecated – refactored affected fetch functions
soilDB 2.4.3 (2020-01-07)
- surface water depth added to
has @restrictions set automaticlly if data are populated
- new function for accessing pedon RMF in local NASIS DB:
soilDB 2.4 (2019-11-05)
- CRAN release (
- documentation updates
soilDB 2.3.9 (2019-07-25)
- SDA_query() no longer writes temporary files, c/o suggestion from Kyle Bocinsky (#106 / #108)
- fetchOSD() gets a sanity check to protect against going over GET request limits
- makeChunks() added to util functions, useful for splitting data before sending API calls
soilDB 2.3.8 (2019-03-22)
- loafercreek, gopheridge, and mineralking sample data have been updated with valid place-holder in @sp
- bug fix for
related to multi-line records (
soilDB 2.3.7 (2019-03-12)
added to SUGGESTS
and fetchSCAN() now include water year/day (Oct 1 – Sep 30)
convenience function added
- bug fix in
fetchOSD(..., extended=TRUE)
when no climate data available
- bug fix in
soilDB 2.3.6 (2019-02-12)
and related functions now 4-5x faster
now returns metadata when extended=TRUE
soilDB 2.3.5 (2019-01-14)
- NAMESPACE and R CMD check fixes
- documentation updates
- soilDB now suggests
- new tests
- release to CRAN
soilDB 2.3.3 (2018-12-18)
- bug fix in
related to conversion of NULL fragment volume to 0
can now automatically simplify colors with simplifyColors = TRUE
soilDB 2.3 (2018-11-17)
- new function for exploring soil series co-occurrence data:
fetchOSD(..., extended=TRUE)
gets competing soil series
- new tests
- removed old sample gSSURGO chunk and related documentation
- release to CRAN
soilDB 2.2-6 (2018-10-11)
- new function for spatial queries: SDA_spatialQuery(), still needs testing and documentation
soilDB 2.2-6 (2018-10-11)
gets an overhaul, new API and features
soilDB 2.2-5 (2018-10-05)
- experimental interface to SoillWeb OSD fulltext search:
soilDB 2.2-4 (2018-09-04)
- numerous bug-fixes in simplifyFragmentData() see (
soilDB 2.2-1 (2018-05-21)
- get_mutext_from_NASIS_db() added for extraction of map unit text notes
soilDB 2.2 (2018-05-08)
- CRAN release
- better bug-fix for fetchSCAN and missing data (
- exposing some of the internal functionality used by fetchHenry
soilDB 2.1-1 (2018-03-29)
- added more SCAN/SNOTEL metadata (
soilDB 2.1 (2018-03-12)
- generalized local NASIS ODBC authentication, should work on windows 7, 8, 10
soilDB 2.0-4 (2018-03-06)
- bug fix for subtle change in how SCAN data are returned from webservice
soilDB 2.0-3 (2018-02-13)
- bug fix for simplfyFragmentData(, nullFragsAreZero=FALSE), still more work to do
soilDB 2.0-2 (2018-01-29)
- bug fix for simplfyFragmentData() when fragment volume > 100%
soilDB 2.0-1 (2018-01-23)
- updated
and gopheridge
sample datasets and manual page to reflect latest fetchNASIS
soilDB 2.0 (2017-12-23)
- bug fixes, manual page updates, and stabilization of NASIS interaction
- released to CRAN
soilDB 1.8.12 (2017-09-19)
- bug fix in fetchHenry(), it is now possible to query only sensor metadata
soilDB 1.8.11 (2017-08-17)
- temporary bug-fix related to SCAN data (
soilDB 1.8.10 (2017-08-10)
- re-write of mix_and_clean_colors() so that color mixing happens in CIE LAB space
soilDB 1.8.5 (2017-05-24)
- re-write of SDA_query(), better error handling, support for multi-part result sets
soilDB 1.8.2 (2017-03-24)
- fetchHenry() can now access water level data, see manual page
soilDB 1.8.1 (2017-01-23)
- new function: get_comonth_from_NASIS_db() see manual page for details
soilDB 1.8-10 (2016-12-27)
- converting all URLs to ‘HTTPS’, addressing bugs with fetchSCAN() and associated functions
soilDB 1.8-7 (2016-11-16)
- sanity checks for fetchHenry()
- SCAN_sensor_metadata() vectorized and documented
- unique row names in SPDF returned by seriesExtent()
soilDB 1.8-6 (2016-11-04)
- converted all links to SoilWeb servers to HTTPS
- converted all NRCS web-service links to HTTPS
soilDB 1.8-4 (2016-10-07)
- fetchOSD() now returns dry colors and the source “narrative” for each horizon; function gains an argument
- fetchOSD() now returns texture class, coarse fragment modifier, pH, and pH class
- fetchSCAN() re-written, see manual pages and
soilDB 1.8 (2016-04-29)
- fetchKSSL() can now query basic morphologic data with the argument “returnMorphologicData”
- two new functions for simplifying NASIS color and fragment data:
- simplifyFragmentData()
- simplifyColorData()
- ^^^ these new functions are now used by fetchNASIS() to summarize color and fragment data (vs. SQL)
- NOTE: soilDB now uses reshape2::dcast() instead of reshape::cast()
soilDB 1.7 (2016-04-18)
- bug fix in colors returned by fetchNASIS(), reported by Andy Paolucci
- bug fix in SDA_query(), due to changes in httr::content. Thanks Kyle Bocinsky for the fix!
- SDA_query() now returns SQL errors generated by SDA
- new columns from NASIS site table returned by fetchNASIS()
- NASIS pedon ecosite data now returned by fetchNASIS() (c/o J. Skovlin)
soilDB 1.6.9 (2015-12-28)
- clean-up in local NASIS queries, removed extra parens
- NASIS component query function overhaul: previous code may be broken, details pending
soilDB 1.6.8 (2015-12-22)
- added temperature class (temp_class) field from the pedon taxonomic history table (NASIS) [addition suggested by J. Baker]
soilDB 1.6.7 (2015-12-16)
- experimental function for processing SDA queries that return geometry: processSDA_WKT()
soilDB 1.6.5 (2015-12-03)
- bug fix for poorly specified gemomorphic descriptions, caused fetchNASIS() to barf
- fetchKSSL() gains new query filters, see man page
soilDB 1.6.4 (2015-11-27)
- package re-org, getting ready for soilDB 2.0:
- dropping use of
functions in favor of httr
alternatives (done)
- switch from
to reshape2
- possibly move some packages from SUGGESTS to IMPORTS
soilDB 1.6.3 (2015-11-20)
- new spatial query helper functions for SDA
- re-named SSURGO_spatial_query() to SoilWeb_spatial_query(), this function may be phased-out due to spatial support now available in SDA
- removed MUKEYS_by_ll_bbox() function, no longer needed and web-service may be disabled at any time
- mapunit_geom_by_ll_bbox() will probably be removed in the near future with an SDA-based alternative
- KSSL data updated (server-side) to June 2015 snapshot, “site_id” column removed from fetchKSSL() results
soilDB 1.6 (2015-08-19)
- soilDB now imports from the
package, will transition to reshape2
with soilDB 2.0
- fetchHenry() officially added, complete with documentation
- SDA_query() undergoing some upgrades, no longer requies SSOAP / XMLSchema packages
- SSOAP / XMLSchema packages no longer in ‘suggests’ list
soilDB 1.5-8 (2015-08-13)
- fetchKSSL() gets an argument for downloading data by MLRA
soilDB 1.5-7 (2015-03-10)
- updated the
and gopheridge
sample datasets
soilDB 1.5-3 (2015-03-10)
- nullFragsAreZero argument to fetchNASIS() reset to TRUE, new documentation pending
- consolidate of messages printed when running fetchNASIS()
- introduction of new option “soilDB.verbose” (default is FALSE) for increasing the level of QC information printed
- new tutorial on fetchNASIS()
soilDB 1.5-2 (2015-02-24)
- RODBC temporarily moved from “suggested” package to “imported” package… not a good idea, reverted to “suggested”
soilDB 1.4-5 (2015-01-20)
- mix_and_clean_colors() now returns back-transformed, mixed, munsell colors
- added psctopdepth and pscbotdepth back to extended NASIS query (particle size control section depths)
soilDB 1.4-3 (2015-01-12)
- get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db() no longer assumes fragment volume of NULL = 0
- get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() no longer assumes fragment volume of NULL = 0
- fetchNASIS() has a new argument, nullFragsAreZero=FALSE; set to TRUE for past NULL -> 0 conversion
soilDB 1.4-2 (2014-12-23)
- new internally-used function .formatLandformString() for flattening NASIS/PedonPC “landform” records
- new internally-used function .formatParentMaterialString() for flattening NASIS/PedonPC “parent material” records
- fetchNASIS() incorporates the results of these two new functions
- new function SSURGO_spatial_query() queries SSURGO data from SoilWeb (see manual page for details)
soilDB 1.4 (2014-11-13)
- moving most of the hard-to-install packages into
, and checking for package availability at function runtime. this will make soilDB more portable, as not every user will want or need all functionality.
soilDB 1.3-6 (2014-10-27)
- fetchNASIS() gains argument rmHzErrors to optionally retain pedons with horizonation errors. use with caution.
soilDB 1.3-5 (2014-09-25)
- loafercreek sample dataset re-created from new data
- seriesExtent() now utilizes pre-cached GeoJSON files from []
soilDB 1.3 (2014-02-26)
- Changes made to fetch functions to accommodate changes implemented in the NASIS 6.3 data structure
- get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(): in cases where multiple records in site-bedrock exist, retain only the most shallow
- fetchRaCA() has a new argument for querying data by rcasiteid
soilDB 1.2-9 (2014-01-06)
- SOC concentration and stock values are temporarily disabled in fetchRaCA()
- waiting for new estimates from the Soil Survey Center…
soilDB 1.2-6 (2013-12-05)
- added new function contributed by J.M. Skovlin: get_veg_from_NPS_PLOTS_db()
- bugfixes in get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db(): results from geomorph tables are now returned
soilDB 1.2-3 (2013-10-25)
- added new function fetchSCAN() for downloading soil/climate data from USDA-NRCS SCAN stations (still experimental!)
soilDB 1.2-1 (2013-09-12)
- bug fixing in fetchRaCA():
- “#” characters no longer cause errors
- duplicate IDs in source data have been fixed
soilDB 1.2 (2013-08-13)
- fetchRaCA() function now stable, ready for general usage
- fixed bug in fetchRaCA() function where the presence of single-quote character in horizon designation would throw and error
soilDB 1.1-3 (2013-07-30)
- new function get_copedon_from_NASIS_db(): returns basic information associated with pedons linked to component data in NASIS
- new function fetchRaCA(): gets data from the Rapid Carbon Assessment project [work in progress]
soilDB 1.1 (2013-06-27)
- get_site_data_from_NASIS_db() no longer has problems when more than 1 site bedrock kind is defined; only the shallowest row is returned
soilDB 1.0 (2013-04-04)
- fetchNASIS() is now much more efficient: faster / less memory used
- new function! fetchKSSL(): experimental interface to (most of) the KSSL data
- queries can be performed by series name or GCS bounding box
- data are delivered via CA Soil Resource Lab server
soilDB 0.9-8 (2013-04-03)
- fetchOSD() now immune to queries for non-soils
- improved efficiency in fetch* functions
- NASIS-DMU fetching functions now return more information, still not as complete as pedon-queries
soilDB 0.9-7 (2013-03-01)
- NASIS query functions now return only records from the selected set, please test older code!
soilDB 0.9-6 (2013-02-26)
- new function get_text_notes_from_NASIS_db() – still needs proper documentation
- bug fixes to PedonPC and NASIS queries, new data elements returned by extended query functions
- SoilWeb queries via URL are now URL-encoded to allow for spaces in soil series names
soilDB 0.9-4 (2013-01-31)
- new function: fetchOSD() returns basic OSD data as a SoilProfileCollection
soilDB 0.9-3 (2013-01-08)
- speed-bump in color-fetching functions from NASIS/pedonPC
- fetchNASIS() now attempts to correct for >1 pedon/site by appending peiid to pedon_id
soilDB 0.9-2 (2012-12-18)
- new functions for getting / plotting the geographic extent of a soil series, using the SoilWeb query service: +seriesExtent() : fetches extent as a SpatialPolygonDataFrame +seriesExtentAsGmap() : fetches extent and plots on Google Maps (requires dismo package)
soilDB 0.9-1 (2012-11-27)
- updated functionality in fetchNASIS_component_data() pulls mapunit-level data as well as component-level data
- Munsell ‘value’ is now returned from PedonPC/NASIS fetching functions
soilDB 0.9 (2012-10-24)
- added a surface fragment summary “surf_frag_summary” to the results of get_extended_data_from_NASIS()
- note: this has not been ported to the related PedonPC queries
- integrated surf_frag_summary data into data returned from fetchNASIS(), stored in @site
- note: this has not been ported to the related PedonPC queries
- minor bug-fix in horizon-level rock fragment summary SQL which previously mis-classified BD as ST in some, rare cases
- note: this has not been ported to the related PedonPC queries
soilDB 0.8-3 (2012-09-28)
- site-level data: {elev, slope, aspect} are now named {elev_field, slope_field, aspect_field}
- this affects the data returned by fetchNASIS() and fetchPedonPC()
soilDB 0.8-2 (2012-08-23)
- compatible with NASIS 6.2
- bug fixes
- taxhistory selection method is preserved in the results
- ‘taxonname’ is used instead of ‘sampled_as’ / ’correlated_as, seems to work, but needs further testing
soilDB 0.8 (2012-08-20)
- updating for PedonPC 5.0 and NASIS 6.2
- site data contains the best-guessed corresponding row from the taxhistory table, based on:
- most recent record, or 2) record with the least amount of missing data
- taxhistory data are now included in the output from get_extended_data_from_pedon_db()
- package is now partially compatible with NASIS 6.2
soilDB 0.6 (2012-06-19)
- tidying up documentation, package dependencies, and NAMESPACE
soilDB 0.5-6 (2012-04-16)
- adding preimlinary functions for querying component data from local NASIS
- fixed minor bug in SDA_query() and added some links to related documentation
soilDB 0.5-1 (2012-02-22)
- fetchNASIS() and fetchPedonPC() now integrate `extended’ data
- warning and error messages cleaned-up
- multiple textures no longer cause duplicate HZ rows (NASIS only)
- exteded queries now split frags/para-frags
- silt fraction is estimated from 100-(sand+clay) when possible
- added local NASIS ODBC connection vignette (thanks JMS)
- removed dsn argument from NASIS functions as it should always be ‘nasis_local’
- new wide-formatted, boolean representation of diagnostic horizon data
- queries standardized between NASIS/PedonPC
- new fetchNASIS() function for 1-line access to local NASIS data
- new sample data set ‘loafercreek’
- basic vignette added, switching to knitr-style vignettes
soilDB 0.3-3 (2012-01-10)
- SDA_query() now functional on MacOS/UNIX-like OSes with (SSOAP 0.8-1, XMLSchema 0.6-0, and XML 3.7-1), thanks to D.T. Lang for the updates!
- moving hard to find packages to ‘suggested’ status: SSOAP, RCurl, XML, rgdal
- new wrapper function fetchPedonPC() for typical site/pedon/hz queries
- new function getHzErrorsPedonPC() for ID-ing pedons with problem horizonation
- NOTE: hz data queries will return 2 rows/hz (error) when multiple texture classes are assigned to a single horizon- this is a bug, not a feature!
soilDB 0.3-2 (2011-12-30)
- NASIS/pedonPC queries synced
- minor bug fixes and documentation updates
- updated query structure, switching over to native NASIS/PedonPC IDs
- extended summaries added: NASIS only
soilDB 0.2 (2011-12-27)
- moved functions out of aqp package
- basic query functionality from local NASIS DB (Jay)
soilDB 0.1 (2011-12-23)
- initial version on r-forge
- functions still exist in aqp package… need to move over completely