sociome 1.4.2
Major updates
now pulls the correct variable for “civilian females age 16+ in white-collar occupations” for pre-2010 ACS estimates (C24010_040 instead of C24010_039).
Minor updates
- Accommodations for new CRAN rules on referencing help pages in other packages.
- Since examples wrapped in
are now run during CRAN checks, all instances were changed to \dontrun{}
sociome 1.4.1
Major updates
- Fixed bug wherein
get_adi(dataset = "decennial", year = 2010)
calls did not work unless geography = "tract"
sociome 1.4.0
Major updates
- Fixed bug wherein
get_adi(dataset = "decennial", geography = "tract", year = 2010)
returned [incorrect] results for all tracts in all specified states, irrespective of what was passed to the geoid
or county
Minor updates
- Added
argument to get_adi()
and calculate_adi()
- Code improvements
- Simplified testing
sociome 1.3.2
Major updates
- Made
0.9.2 the minimum version, now that 0.9.6 is on CRAN. Both those versions are compatible, but 0.9.5 is not.
sociome 1.3.1
Major updates
- Currently, the latest CRAN version of
, 0.9.5, is incompatible with sociome
due to a tidycensus
bug. This bug is fixed in version 0.9.6, which is available on Github, but in order to accommodate new users of sociome
, the older CRAN version, 0.9.2, will be required instead. This will be changed once the latest version of tidycensus
becomes available on CRAN.
Minor updates
- Removed reference to now-nonexistent
help page to avoid CRAN warning.
sociome 1.3.0
Major updates:
- Makes 2015 and 2016 block group calls use median household income (B19013_001) instead of median family income (B19113_001), which is unavailable at that level of geography during those years.
Minor updates:
- Fixed tract-level 2010 decennial calls so that they go county-by-county for the ACS-data-gathering portions
- Made it so
get_adi(dataset = "decennial", state = NULL)
would work.
sociome 1.2.0
Major updates:
- Adapted to tidyr’s breaking changes
Minor updates:
- Added progress messages for the get_adi() calls that require many calls to tidycensus functions.
- Code improvements.
sociome 1.1.0
Major updates:
- Households that have zero households are now excluded from ADI calculation
Minor updates:
- Updated README and documentation
- Added more tests
sociome 1.0.2
Minor updates:
- Fixed bug with 1990 decennial calls.
- Added
to README’s installation instructions.
- Added CRAN version number and download counter badges to README.
sociome 1.0.0
Major updates:
- Made the
argument FALSE
by default.
- Overhauled internal code to accommodate
dataset = "decennial"
- Added tests.
Minor updates:
- Documentation and README improvements.
sociome 0.7.0
Major updates:
- Added “try again” feature and improved calls to tidycensus functions.
- Fixed ACS variable selection for get_adi().
Minor updates:
- Made calculate_adi() an exported function again.
- Added warning() that
dataset = "decennial"
is under development.
- Made calls to tidycensus functions always broken up by state to accommodate its inconsistent behavior depending on geography and year.
sociome 0.5.0
Major updates:
- ZCTAs now supported, with the addition of
Minor updates:
- Better code efficiency
package no longer an Import.
- Fixed bug in which
argument had been ignored
sociome 0.4.0
Major updates:
- Created the function get_geoids(), which allows users to quickly create a table of state, county, tract, block group, and block GEOIDs.
- Made calculate_adi() an internal function (no longer exported)
- Made tidycensus 0.9.0 now required (added to Imports)
Minor updates:
- Updated
- Bug fixes.
sociome 0.3.4
Major updates:
- Now using psych::principal() instead of psych::fa() under the hood.
- User is warned if attempting to use get_adi() to calculate ADI values for under 30 locations.
Minor updates:
- has been updated to reflect the above and has generally been refreshed.
sociome 0.3.3
Major Updates:
Successfully produces area deprivation indices (ADIs) for different US census designations based on user specifications.