socialmixr 0.1.7
- fixed bug when age is given as a range, or when age.limits contains ages not represented in the data
- limits_to_agegroups now returns an ordered list (thanks @pearsonca)
- now allows for estimated participant age (thanks @jarvisc1)
- fixed bug in calculating weights (thanks @alxsrobert)
socialmixr 0.1.6
- if access to Zenodo fails an informative error message is now given
- tests that require access to Zenodo now fail if it cannot be accessed
- fixed bug in interpreting return values of the Zenodo API
socialmixr 0.1.5
- removed option to call survey by number - use DOI for reproducibility
socialmixr 0.1.4
- better work with missing and diverse data (e.g., age as factors)
- ‘get_survey’ now works with URLs
- fixed ‘list_surveys’ to only return the latest version of each data set
- some small fixes
socialmixr 0.1.3
- improved handling of DOIs
- fixed usage of weights
- more consistency checks and tests
- performance improvements when weighting
- ‘pop_age’ can now be called by the user
socialmixr 0.1.2
- improved downloading form Zenodo; only a single download is used now
- improved handling of country names
- fixed bugs in the “filter” option
- POLYMOD data set updated to latest v1.1
- allow user to choose how ages are estimated from age ranges
socialmixr 0.1.1
- fix: dependency on R >= 3.4.0
- updated reference handling if a survey is not pulled from Zenodo
- the ‘survey’ function can now be used to create a ‘survey’ object from data frames
- a few small patches and fixes
socialmixr 0.1.0