Summary of Bayesian Models as HTML Table

Daniel Lüdecke


This vignette shows examples for using tab_model() to create HTML tables for mixed models. Basically, tab_model() behaves in a very similar way for mixed models as for other, simple regression models, as shown in this vignette.

# load required packages

# load sample models

# zinb <- read.csv("")
# set.seed(123)
# m1 <- brm(bf(
#     count ~ persons + child + camper + (1 | persons),
#     zi ~ child + camper + (1 | persons)
#   ),
#   data = zinb,
#   family = zero_inflated_poisson()
# )
m1 <- insight::download_model("brms_zi_2")

# data(epilepsy)
# set.seed(123)
# epilepsy$visit <- as.numeric(epilepsy$visit)
# epilepsy$Base2 <- sample(epilepsy$Base, nrow(epilepsy), replace = TRUE)
# f1 <- bf(Base ~ zAge + count + (1 |ID| patient))
# f2 <- bf(Base2 ~ zAge + Trt + (1 |ID| patient))
# m2 <- brm(f1 + f2 + set_rescor(FALSE), data = epilepsy)
m2 <- insight::download_model("brms_mv_3")

Bayesian models summaries as HTML table

For Bayesian regression models, some of the differences to the table output from simple models or mixed models of tab_models() are the use of Highest Density Intervals instead of confidence intervals, the Bayes-R-squared values, and a different “point estimate” (which is, by default, the median from the posterior draws).

Predictors Incidence Rate Ratios CI (95%)
Count Model
Intercept 0.43 0.21 – 1.06
persons 2.31 1.70 – 2.99
child 0.32 0.26 – 0.39
camper 2.08 1.73 – 2.52
Zero-Inflated Model
Intercept 0.53 0.08 – 2.26
child 6.54 3.55 – 12.83
camper 0.43 0.21 – 0.90
Random Effects
σ2 5.23
τ00 33.88
ICC 0.13
N persons 4
Observations 250
Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.188 / 0.248

Multivariate response models

For multivariate response models, like mediator-analysis-models, it is recommended to print just one model in the table, as each regression is displayed as own “model” in the output.

  Base Base2
Predictors Estimates CI (95%) Estimates CI (95%)
Intercept 24.33 12.60 – 54.21 -15.22 -24.86 – 10.73
Age -0.14 -1.59 – 0.09 0.96 0.32 – 1.14
count 0.00 -0.00 – 0.00
Trt: Trt 1 0.90 -0.85 – 3.11
Random Effects
σ2 130.27
τ00 1.26
ICC 0.98
N patient 59
Observations 236

Show two Credible Interval-column

To show a second CI-column, use show.ci50 = TRUE.

tab_model(m2, show.ci50 = TRUE)
  Base Base2
Predictors Estimates CI (50%) CI (95%) Estimates CI (50%) CI (95%)
Intercept 24.33 19.40 – 33.81 12.60 – 54.21 -15.22 -22.98 – -3.37 -24.86 – 10.73
Age -0.14 -0.64 – 0.05 -1.59 – 0.09 0.96 0.68 – 1.12 0.32 – 1.14
count 0.00 -0.00 – 0.00 -0.00 – 0.00
Trt: Trt 1 0.90 0.41 – 1.49 -0.85 – 3.11
Random Effects
σ2 129.53
τ00 1.38
ICC 0.98
N patient 59
Observations 236

Mixing multivariate and univariate response models

When both multivariate and univariate response models are displayed in one table, a column Response is added for the multivariate response model, to indicate the different outcomes.

tab_model(m1, m2)
  count Base,Base 2
Predictors Incidence Rate Ratios CI (95%) Estimates CI (95%) Response
Intercept 0.43 0.21 – 1.06 24.33 12.60 – 54.21 Base
Intercept 0.43 0.21 – 1.06 -15.22 -24.86 – 10.73 Base2
persons 2.31 1.70 – 2.99
child 0.32 0.26 – 0.39
camper 2.08 1.73 – 2.52
Age -0.14 -1.59 – 0.09 Base
count 0.00 -0.00 – 0.00 Base
Age 0.96 0.32 – 1.14 Base2
Trt: Trt 1 0.90 -0.85 – 3.11 Base2
Zero-Inflated Model
Intercept 0.53 0.08 – 2.26
child 6.54 3.55 – 12.83
camper 0.43 0.21 – 0.90
Random Effects
σ2 5.12 131.76
τ00 33.88 1.28
ICC 0.13 0.98
N 4 persons 59 patient
Observations 250 236
Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.188 / 0.248 NA