The Sistec is the Brazilian system for diploma registration and validation on technical and superior courses. The sistec package provides tools for Brazilian institutions to update the student’s registration and make data analysis about their situation, retention and drop out.
You can install the sistec package from CRAN as follows:
To upgrade to the latest version of sistec, run the following command and restart your r session:
Load the package.
You can download the Sistec’s student registration using your proper account on Sistec. The package provides support if your data comes from setec or web. Be sure that your data has these variables:
On setec: “Nome Aluno”, “Numero Cpf”, “Co Ciclo Matricula”, “Situacao Matricula”, “No Curso”, “Dt Data Inicio” and “Unidade Ensino”.
Tip: To take every student for your institution/campus using web, search by student name and use " ".
To download the student’s data, go to your proper account on Qacademico and follow:
Be sure that your data has the variables: “Matricula”, “Nome”, “Situacao Matricula”, “Curso”, “Cpf”, “Instituicao”, “Per. Letivo Inicial” and “Cota”.
To download the student’s data, go to your proper account on Sigaa and follow:
Be sure that your data has the variables: “Matricula”, “Nome”, “Status,”Curso" and “CPF”.
Load the sistec package and pass the folder path to read_*()
functions. (NOTE: These datasets were generated randomly and do not represent the reality, it is just for example purpose).
sistec <- read_sistec(system.file("extdata/examples/sistec", package = "sistec"))
qacademico <- read_rfept(system.file("extdata/examples/qacademico", package = "sistec"))
Compare the student’s situation using compare_sistec()
You can save the comparison in .xlsx format using write_output()
write_output(output_path = "your_folder",
output_folder_name = "the_name_you_want",
comparison = comparison)
ARIA is the web interface created in this package to ease your work. You can use all those functions just clicking in a few buttons, run aria()