simstudy 0.1.1
- This is the first submission of simstudy, so there is no news yet!
simstudy 0.1.2
- Fixed index variable issue related to generating categorical data
- Fixed index variable issue related to generating longitudinal data
- Fixed issue that arose when creating categorical variable in first field
- Increased speed required to generate categorical data with large sample sizes
- Categorical data can now accommodate probabilities condition on covariates
- Fix: package data.table 1.10.0 broke genMissDataMat. genMissDataMat has been updated.
simstudy 0.1.3
- Modified “nonrandom” data generation to allow “log”" and “logit”" link options.
- Added function genCorGen - generate a new data.table with correlated data from various distributions.
- Added function addCorData - add correlated data from various distributions to existing data.tables.
simstudy 0.1.4
- Added error check to verify that specified distributions are valid
- Added function genFactor - converts an existing (non-double) field in a data.table to a factor
- Added function genDummy - creates dummy variables from an integer or factor field in a data.table
- Added function defCondition - define distribution conditional on existing fields
- Added function defReadCond - read in conditional definitions from external csv file
- Added function addCondition - generate data based on conditional definition
simstudy 0.1.5
- Added uniform integer distribution (uniformInt)
- Added negative binomial distribution (negBinomial)
- Added exponential distribution (exponential)
- Added function delColumns - deletes one or more columns from data.table
simstudy 0.1.6
- Fixed function genSurv
- Added spline generating functions
simstudy 0.1.7
- Added function genOrdCat - creates ordinal categorical data
- Added function genFormula - creates a linear formula in the form of a string
- Added function updateDef - modify existing data definition table (to be used in genData())
- Added function updateDefData - modify existing data def table (to be used in addColumns())
simstudy 0.1.8
- Fixed function updateDef
- Fixed bug in internal function genbinom
- Added function genCorFlex - generate correlated data from variables that have different marginal distributions
- Added function genCorFlex - generate correlated data from variables that have different marginal distributions, can be dependent on previously defined data
simstudy 0.1.9
- Added function catProbs - to be used to generate categorical data
- Added binomial distribution
- Added ability to specify formula in variance
- Added function genMultiFac - generates multi-factorial design data
- Added function addMultiFac - adds multi-factorial design data
- Added function iccRE - generates required random effect variance for specified intra-class coefficients (ICCs)
- Fixed bug in function genCorFlex
- Fixed bug in numerous functions related to error checking and scoping
- Fixed bug in function addCondition
simstudy 0.1.10
- Added function genCorMat - generate an n x n correlation matrix
- Added function genCorOrdCat - generate correlated ordinal categorical data
- Added beta distribution option to function defData (and associated functions)
- Added function betaGetShapes
- Implemented Emrich and Piedmonte algorithm for correlated binary data for function genCorGen and addCorGen
- Modified function genOrdCat - allows adjVar = NULL
- Fixed bug in function addCorFlex
simstudy 0.1.11
- Added negative binomial option to genCorGen, addCorGen, genCorFlex, and addCorFlex
- Fixed bug in function genFactor
- Added LAG() functionality to missing data generation - updated functions genMiss and added two new internal functions .checkLags and .addLags
- Function catProbs now accepts a vector of probabilities or weights as an argument
- Fixed bugs in function addCondition
simstudy 0.1.12
- Fixed genCorFlex and addMultiFac to accommodate bug fixes with package data.table
simstudy 0.1.13
- Added negative binomial distribution as an option to function iccRE
- Fixed function genCorOrdCat so that it can accept user-specified correlation matrix
- Added function trtStepWedge to generate treatment assignment for a stepped-wedge design cluster randomized trial.
simstudy 0.1.14
- Added functions genMarkov and addMarkov to create data.table with (or add to existing data.table) individual chains of Markov processes.
- Added function genNthEvent to create data.table with binary event outcome in a longitudinal setting.
- Updated function genCluster so that cluster size can be specified as an integer, and will be constant across all clusters.
- Updated function addPeriods that period name can be specified.
- Updated function trtStepWedge so that a transition period can be included.
- Fixed bug in function delColumns related to multiple keys.
simstudy 0.1.15
- Added function trimData (that uses new rcpp function clipVec) to clip or truncate a longitudinal data set after a certain event has occurred.
- Fixed bug in addMarkov, added trimvalue argument to use trimData function
- Added trimvalue argument in genMarkov
simstudy 0.1.16
- Added “mixture” distribution that takes a value from an existing column with a specified probability.
- Modified function trtAssign to improve speed performance of stratified sampling with very large numbers of strata.
- Add argument “ratio” to function trtAssign to allow users to specify more than 1:1 randomization.