provides the following types of ggplot
)For each graph type 4 functions are available.
not coloured or faceted (e.g. gglot_hbar
)plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
mutate(cut = stringr::str_to_sentence(cut)) %>%
group_by(cut) %>%
summarise(average_price = mean(price)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(average_price_thousands = round(average_price / 1000, 1)) %>%
mutate(cut = factor(cut, levels = c("Fair", "Good", "Very good", "Premium", "Ideal")))
plot <- ggplot_hbar(data = plot_data,
x_var = average_price_thousands,
y_var = cut,
title = "Average diamond price by cut",
x_title = "Average price ($US thousands)",
y_title = "Cut")
coloured, but not faceted (e.g. gglot_hbar_col
)plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
mutate(cut = stringr::str_to_sentence(cut)) %>%
group_by(cut, clarity) %>%
summarise(average_price = mean(price)) %>%
mutate(average_price_thousands = round(average_price / 1000, 1)) %>%
plot <- ggplot_hbar_col(data = plot_data,
x_var = average_price_thousands,
y_var = cut,
col_var = clarity,
legend_ncol = 4,
title = "Average diamond price by cut and clarity",
x_title = "Average price ($US thousands)",
y_title = "Cut")
facetted, but not coloured (e.g. gglot_hbar_facet
)plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
mutate(cut = stringr::str_to_sentence(cut)) %>%
group_by(cut, clarity) %>%
summarise(average_price = mean(price)) %>%
mutate(average_price_thousands = round(average_price / 1000, 1)) %>%
plot <- ggplot_hbar_facet(data = plot_data,
x_var = average_price_thousands,
y_var = cut,
facet_var = clarity,
title = "Average diamond price by cut and clarity",
x_title = "Average price ($US thousands)",
y_title = "Cut")
coloured and facetted (e.g. gglot_hbar_col_facet
)plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
mutate(cut = stringr::str_to_sentence(cut)) %>%
group_by(cut, clarity, color) %>%
summarise(average_price = mean(price)) %>%
mutate(average_price_thousands = round(average_price / 1000, 1)) %>%
plot <- ggplot_hbar_col_facet(data = plot_data,
x_var = average_price_thousands,
y_var = color,
col_var = clarity,
facet_var = cut,
legend_ncol = 4,
title = "Average diamond price by colour, clarity and cut",
x_title = "Average price ($US thousands)",
y_title = "Colour")
These ggplot
graphs have been designed that users can convert them easily to html interactive objects by wrapping them in plotly::gglotly
with the tooltip = "text"
specification. This results in the tooltip converting the applicable variable name to sentence case and replacing underscores with spaces. If users wish to specify a subset of variables, then they need to provide these as a vector instead. Note these variables will turn up in the tooltip as they are specified in the data (e.g. snakecase), unless converted prior in the plot data.
plot_data <- storms %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarise(average_wind = round(mean(wind), 2)) %>%
plot <- ggplot_vbar(data = plot_data,
x_var = year,
y_var = average_wind,
title = "Average wind speed of Atlantic storms, 1975\u20132015",
x_title = "Year",
y_title = "Average maximum sustained wind speed (knots)")
plotly::ggplotly(plot, tooltip = "text") %>%
plotly::ggplotly(plot, tooltip = c("average_wind")) %>%
provides the following types of ggplot
) mapsstars
) mapsSimple feature (sf
) maps are maps of points, lines or polygons.
The following functions are available:
These functions work in the same way as the ggplot
graph functions, but with the following key differences:
geometry typesx_var
and y_var
variables are requiredsf
object as a coastline or administrative boundaries to be added to the map. A New Zealand coastline (nz
) and New Zealand coastline with regional boundaries (nz_region
) has been provided with the package.plotly::gglotly
.map_data <- example_sf_nz_river_wq %>%
dplyr::filter(period == "1998-2017", indicator == "Nitrate-nitrogen")
ggplot_sf(data = map_data,
coastline = nz,
size = 0.25,
title = "Monitored river nitrate-nitrogen trend sites, 2008\u201317",
wrap_title = 40)
map_data <- example_sf_nz_river_wq %>%
filter(period == "1998-2017", indicator == "Nitrate-nitrogen")
pal <- c("#4575B4", "#D3D3D3", "#D73027")
ggplot_sf_col(data = map_data,
col_var = trend_category,
coastline = nz,
size = 0.25,
pal = pal,
title = "Monitored river nitrate-nitrogen trends, 2008\u201317",
wrap_title = 40)
map_data <- example_sf_nz_river_wq %>%
filter(period == "1998-2017", indicator == "Nitrate-nitrogen")
ggplot_sf_facet(data = map_data,
facet_var = trend_category,
coastline = nz,
size = 0.25,
title = "Monitored river nitrate-nitrogen trends, 2008\u201317")
map_data <- example_sf_nz_river_wq %>%
filter(period == "1998-2017", indicator %in% c("Nitrate-nitrogen", "Dissolved reactive phosphorus"))
pal <- c("#4575B4", "#D3D3D3", "#D73027")
ggplot_sf_col_facet(data = map_data,
col_var = trend_category,
facet_var = indicator,
coastline = nz,
size = 0.25,
pal = pal,
title = "Monitored river nitrate-nitrogen trends, 2008\u201317")
provides ggplot
maps made for spatial temporal arrays (stars
The following functions are available:
These functions work in the same way as the ggplot
map functions, but with the following key differences:
object. For, ggplot_sf_col
, the stars
object must have 2 dimensions x and y, and only 1 attribute layer. Required input. For, ggplot_sf_col_facet
, the stars object must have 2 dimensions, x and y, and multiple named attribute layers with the usual convention of lower case and underscores. Use select
, slice
, c
and split
to get the stars
object into the appropriate format.ggplot_stars_col(data = example_stars_nz_no3n,
coastline = nz,
col_method = "quantile", quantile_cuts = c(0, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1),
title = "River modelled median nitrate-nitrogen concentrations, 2013\u201317",
wrap_title = 40,
legend_digits = 1)
map_data1 <- example_stars_nz_no3n %>%
map_data2 <- example_stars_nz_drp %>%
map_data <- c(map_data1, map_data2)
ggplot_stars_col_facet(data = map_data,
coastline = nz,
col_method = "quantile", quantile_cuts = c(0, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1),
title = "River modelled nutrient concentrations, 2013\u201317")
provides the following types of leaflet
) mapsstars
) mapsThese work in the same way as the ggplot
map functions, but with no coastline arguments.
Outputs are hidden to keep the size of the vignette manageable.
can also work with quoted variable inputs. The user must place each quoted variable within a simplevis
function within a !!sym
function, as per the example below. This can be helpful, particularly when working in shiny apps.
plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
mutate_at(vars("cut"), ~stringr::str_to_sentence(.)) %>%
group_by_at(vars("cut")) %>%
summarise_at(vars("price"), ~mean(.)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate_at(vars("price"), ~round(. / 1000, 2)) %>%
mutate_at(vars("cut"), ~factor(., levels = c("Fair", "Good", "Very good", "Premium", "Ideal")))
x_var <- "price"
y_var <- "cut"
plot <- ggplot_hbar(data = plot_data,
x_var = !!sym(x_var),
y_var = !!sym(y_var),
title = "Average diamond price by cut",
x_title = "Average price ($US thousands)",
y_title = "Cut")
apps with simplevis
provides two template shiny
apps called template1
and template2
. Users can access these functions by using the run_template
functions for the applicable app, and then clicking on the download_code
button to access a zip file of the code.
run_template("template1") # a graph and table
run_template("template2") # a leaflet map, as well as graph and table
For a simple app, the basic method to create an app is:
or run_template("template2")
and download the code to use as a templatemake_app_vis.R
, draft your visualisations with dummy character inputsdata
subfolder, add your dataglobal.R
, read your data in, and create any vectors requiredui.R
, add a app titleui.R
. add radioButtons
and other widgetsserver.R
, add code within reactive plot_dataserver.R
, add code within reactive plot (Note: ensure you have isMobile = input$isMobile within any simplevis
functions, and that simplevis
functions have the argument shiny = TRUE
, check the table is referring to your right datasetserver.R
, check download code is referring to your dataset. If there are many files, use the download zip code and add a file called to your data subfolderui.R
, check that the heights of graphs for desktop and mobile are appropriate. (Note: you will need to publish the app and check on your phone before confident that the height for the graph on a mobile device is appropriate)www/About.Rmd
, update as necessaryGTM-XXXXXXX
with it in the www/js/tag-manager-js
for desktop and ggplot
for mobileThe template apps have a function with javascript in it that provides a TRUE
values if the user is on a mobile device. This can value can be referred to in the server code as input$isMobile. This is using the method developed by Gervasio Marchand.
The simplevis
functions have a isMobile
specification with values of TRUE
for whether the user is on a mobile device or not. When isMobile
equals TRUE
, titles, legend elements, and facets are wrapped accordingly for the smaller screen size. Therefore, when simplevis
functions are used within shiny, the app developer must specify isMobile = input$isMobile
within the simplevis
The safest option to ensuring that a graph diplays well on a mobile device is to render it as a ggplot
object. Subsequently, the current recommended approach used is to render a ggplotly
interactive object for desktop users and a ggplot
object for mobile users. This is the approach taken by the template apps through the use of conditional panels.
Iframing apps can provide a great experience for users.
Template apps are build to be compatible with one of two approaches to iframing: