is a package of ggplot2
and leaflet
wrapper functions designed to simplify the creation of high quality graph and map visualisations.
These functions only require inputs of data, variables and titles to provide beautiful interactive or image visualisations. However they allow for more flexibility if required.
The intent is that high quality well-designed graphs and maps can be made more consistently with less effort, code and expertise than would otherwise be required.
Install stable version from CRAN: install.packages("simplevis")
Install development version from github: devtools::install_github("statisticsNZ/simplevis")
Webpage URL:
R vignette:
vignette("simplevis", "simplevis")
Copyright and Licensing
The package is Crown copyright (c) 2020, Statistics New Zealand on behalf of the New Zealand Government, and is licensed under the MIT License.
This document is Crown copyright (c) 2020, Statistics New Zealand on behalf of the New Zealand Government, and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.