Changes in Version 1.1.1
Changes in Version 1.1.0
- Overhauled plotting functions. The default is now shaded areas instead of lines and more customisation options are available.
- plot.mcmc.tvp now also adds time series information to the x-axis labels, thanks to zoo::index.
- Changed the way LPDS are calculated, moving them from the shrinkTVP function to a dedicated LPDS function.
- Added the new eval_pred_dens function, which allows the user to evaluate the one-step ahead predctive density.
- Objects returned from the shrinkTVP function are now of class shrinkTVP and not shrinkTVP_res.
Changes in Version 1.0.2:
- Added a vignette
- Bug fixes
Changes in Version 1.0.1:
- plot.mcmc.tvp now adds a horizontal line at 0
- Added a nicer print method for shrinkTVP_res objects
- Fixed some typos and errors in the documentation