NEWS | R Documentation |
Fixed a bug that the C function showtext_cairo_device_bitmap()
was not exported on Windows
Fixed a resolution issue for bitmap graphics devices in the Cairo package (#33)
Updated the list of supported bitmap graphics devices
Updated the vignette and the README file to introduce a workaround for the RStudioGD issue (#7)
Fixed an issue for the MS Gothic font (#29)
Now a new rule for the default font family is made: if the user does not specify a font family, then the default one will be used to render the text. If all characters in the string have Unicodes smaller than 1024, then the default font family is "sans"; otherwise "wqy-microhei" is used
Fixed the VignetteBuilder
entry in the DESCRIPTION
according to CRAN's policy
Fixed a device crash when labels are blank (#20)
Updated the README and vignette to introduce some new features
Fixed errors in building the vignette
Fixed installation problems on Windows
All previous API functions now have aliases replacing the dots
with underscores in the function names, for example showtext_auto()
is equivalent to
. The "underscore" naming is
preferred, and the "dot" version will be gradually deprecated
Fixed PROTECT errors detected by CRAN
Registered native routines per CRAN's policy
Fixed a UBSAN issue
Added a cleanup script per CRAN's policy
Fixed the text() device function for string beginning with "\n" (#9)
Added a package vignette
Fixed a memory leak problem
Fixed a compilation conflict with FreeType 2.6, thanks to Kurt Hornik
When the requested font family is not found, the program will give warnings, and then the default font will be used (previously this was done silently)
Fixed bugs in calculating metric information of characters
New function
to automatically call
in any newly opened graphics devices,
saving a lot of typing
Better visual effect for a number of bitmap and on-screen devices
including png()
, jpeg()
, tiff()
, bmp()
and windows()
. For these devices we use
raster image rather than polygons to draw text
Options setting has been moved to a new function showtext.opts()
(previously nseg
is in showtext.begin()
Fixed bug in setting device parameter canHAdj
Font files have been moved to the showtextdb package
Fixed potential problem that may crash the graphics device
The included font has been compressed to reduce package size
Updated README
Eliminated some warnings of CRAN check
Now depends on the sysfonts package
Initial release