shinybrms 1.3.0

Major changes

Minor changes

Bug fixes

shinybrms 1.2.2 (only GitHub)

Minor changes

Bug fixes

shinybrms 1.2.1

Minor changes

Bug fixes

shinybrms 1.2.0 (only GitHub)

Major changes

Minor changes

Bug fixes

shinybrms 1.1.0

Major changes

Minor changes

Bug fixes

“Under the hood”, there have been many changes which should make the shinybrms app more robust. In particular, the following bugs have been fixed:

shinybrms 1.0.1

Bug fixes

shinybrms 1.0.0 (only GitHub)

First release. Offers support for Bayesian regression models with a Gaussian, Bernoulli, or negative binomial distribution for the (univariate) outcome. For the predictors, only nonvarying (a.k.a. population-level or “fixed”) effects are supported. Varying (a.k.a. group-level or “random”) effects are not supported yet. Neither supported are most of brms’s other features, like monotonic effects for ordinal predictors or non-linear effects. Interactions are supported, though. For the inspection of the output, only a short summary (from brms::summary.brmsfit()) and the possibility to launch shinystan is offered.