shinyTime provides a timeInput
widget for Shiny. This widget allows intuitive time input in the [hh]:[mm]:[ss]
or [hh]:[mm]
(24H) format by using a separate numeric input for each time component. Setting and getting of the time in R is done with date-time objects.
As the shinyTime
package mimics the existing shiny functionality, using the package is easy:
ui <- fluidPage(
# Using the default time 00:00:00
timeInput("time1", "Time:"),
# Set to current time
timeInput("time2", "Time:", value = Sys.time()),
# Set to custom time
timeInput("time3", "Time:", value = strptime("12:34:56", "%T")),
# Use %H:%M format
timeInput("time4", "Time:", seconds = FALSE)
# Use multiples of 5 minutes
timeInput("time5", "Time:", minute.steps = 5)
Note that setting an initial value is done with a date-time object, in the same way as setting a date in dateInput
can be done with a Date
The value retrieved will also be a date-time object. You need to convert it to character to be able to show the time, as the default character representation does not include time. For example:
server <- function(input, output) {
# Print the time in [hh]:[mm]:[ss] everytime it changes
observe(print(strftime(input$time1, "%T")))
# Print the time in [hh]:[mm] everytime it changes
observe(print(strftime(input$time4, "%R")))
For a demo, visit the online example app or try the shinyTime::shinyTimeExample()