shinyMobile Tools


Mobile preview

Since V0.2.0, shinyMobile has a function to preview your app in a large range of mobile devices: iphone X, iphone 8+, iphone8, iphone 5s, iphone 4s, ipad, Samsung galaxy S5, Samsung galaxy Note 8, … either locally on online:

preview_mobile(appPath = system.file("examples/gallery/app.R", package = "shinyMobile"), device = "iphoneX")
preview_mobile(url = "", device = "ipadMini")

The local preview is a 4 steps process:

preview_mobile has other options such as color and landscape (to preview in landscape mode).

Pull to Refresh

shinyMobile introduces the pull to refresh feature. It may be used to refresh the page content by pulling from top to bottom. This feature is disable by default but passing pullToRefresh = TRUE in f7Init() will activate it. On the server side, an input, namely input$ptr is TRUE when ptr is refreshed and becomes NULL at the end of the animation. This allows to trigger updates/computations on the server side, for instance:


  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
    init = f7Init(pullToRefresh = TRUE, theme = "light"),
      navbar = f7Navbar(
        title = "Single Layout",
        hairline = FALSE,
        shadow = TRUE
      toolbar = f7Toolbar(
        position = "bottom",
        f7Link(label = "Link 1", src = ""),
        f7Link(label = "Link 2", src = "", external = TRUE)
      # main content
        lapply(1:3, function(j) {
            media = f7Icon("alarm_fill"),
            right = "Right Text",
            header = "Header",
            footer = "Footer"
  server = function(input, output, session) {

    observeEvent(input$ptr, {
      ptrStatus <- if (input$ptr) "on"
        session = session,
        text = paste('ptr is', ptrStatus),
        type = "alert"

Predefined input values

shinyMobile contains a set of useful functions to help you setting the layout as best as possible.

Informations about your current device


shinyMobile has a predefined input, namely input$deviceInfo:

  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
      navbar = f7Navbar(
        title = "Access device info",
        hairline = FALSE,
        shadow = TRUE
      # main content
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$info <- renderPrint({

The following fields are returned:

  • input$deviceInfo$os, returns a string containing your OS
  • input$deviceInfo$desktop, TRUE or FALSE (if you are running the app on your laptop or desktop)
  • input$deviceInfo$standalone, TRUE or FALSE (standalone, namely whether you access the app like a native app)
  • input$deviceInfo$webview, TRUE or FALSE (webview)
  • input$deviceInfo$electron, TRUE or FALSE (electron)

There are other fields, with less inportance:

  • input$deviceInfo$ios, TRUE or FALSE (if you are running under iOS)
  • input$deviceInfo$android, TRUE or FALSE (if you are running under android)
  • input$deviceInfo$androidChrome, TRUE or FALSE (if you are running under android with Chrome)
  • input$deviceInfo$iphone, TRUE or FALSE (if you have an iphone)
  • input$deviceInfo$ipod, TRUE or FALSE (if you have an ipod)
  • input$deviceInfo$ipad, TRUE or FALSE (if you have an ipad)
  • input$deviceInfo$edge, TRUE or FALSE (if you are using edge)
  • input$deviceInfo$ie, TRUE or FALSE (if you are using Internet Explorer)
  • input$deviceInfo$firefox, TRUE or FALSE (if you are using Firefox)
  • input$deviceInfo$macos, TRUE or FALSE (if you have macOS)
  • input$deviceInfo$windows, TRUE or FALSE (if you have Windows)
  • input$deviceInfo$cordova, TRUE or FALSE (cordova)
  • input$deviceInfo$phonegap, TRUE or FALSE (phonegap)


Below the example displays a card only when the app is on desktop.

  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
      navbar = f7Navbar(
        title = "Access device info",
        hairline = FALSE,
        shadow = TRUE
      # main content
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$userAgent <- renderText(input$deviceInfo$desktop)
    # generate a card inkly for desktop
    output$card <- renderUI({
      if (input$deviceInfo$desktop) {
          "This is a simple card with plain text,
          but cards can also contain their own header,
          footer, list view, image, or any other element."

Informations about Shiny inputs

shinyMobile has input$lastInputChanged which returns the name, value and type of the last changed input, see below:

  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
      navbar = f7Navbar(
        title = "Single Layout",
        hairline = FALSE,
        shadow = TRUE
      toolbar = f7Toolbar(
        position = "bottom",
        f7Link(label = "Link 1", src = ""),
        f7Link(label = "Link 2", src = "", external = TRUE)
      # main content
        f7Text(inputId = "text", label = "Text"),
        f7Slider(inputId = "range1", label = "Range", min = 0, max = 2, value = 1, step = 0.1),
        f7Stepper(inputId = "stepper1", label = "Stepper", min = 0, max = 10, value = 5),
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$infos <- renderPrint(input$shinyInfo)
    output$lastChanged <- renderPrint(input$lastInputChanged)

This is convenient since usually, there is no shortcut to get the last changed value and this needs to be done server side in shiny.

Soon there will be a way to compare initial input values (frozen) to current input values and get a diff.

Other informations

input$shinyInfo gives the current workerId (for, shiny server pro, rstudio connect), the unique sessionId (equal to session$token on the server side).