semtree 0.9.14
- added requirement rpart.plot > 3.0.6 to avoid error w.r.t. to missing
- Manuel Arnold joined the team to work on a score-test implementation
- fixed behavior of min.N in semtree.control()
- semtree captions uses signif for truncating decision thresholds to three significant digits
- fixed class type checks to be compatible with upcoming R 4.0.0
semtree 0.9.13
- bugfix in invariance testing
- fix to remove warning from rpart plot (version 3.0.0 and above)
semtree 0.9.12
- bugfix in split evaluation procedure for cases where variables are named ācā, which crashed semtree
- bugfix in varimpConvergencePlot: na.omit command logic was inverted
semtree 0.9.11
- semforests support for lavaan models including variable importance and partial dependence
- crossvalidated likelihood supported with lavaan
- plots of semtrees show correct #df when using focus parameters
- added diversity functions
semtree 0.9.10
- added file
- bugfix to partial dependence on variables of type factor
- bugfixes to plotting of partial dependence
- deprecated partialDependencePlot and introduced partialDependence() function with S3 plotting method
- added parallel computation option to partialDependence
- added new demo scripts
- added extra.legend paramter to varimpConvergencePlot
- bugfix in traverse() that led to underestimations of variable importance in some cases
- added error message when trying to use lavaan and global constraints