sdmpredictors 0.2.8

Decrease test duration

sdmpredictors 0.2.7

Add freshwater data

sdmpredictors 0.2.6

Introduce dataset versions, fix citations

sdmpredictors 0.2.5

Fix authors

sdmpredictors 0.2.4

New datasets (ENVIREM, WorldClim paleo and future) Added functions related to correlations

sdmpredictors 0.2.3

Remove usage of ~/R/sdmpredictors from tests

sdmpredictors 0.2.2

Fix url in description

sdmpredictors 0.2.1

Fix urls in description and readme

sdmpredictors 0.2

Datadir is mandatory now, instead of automatically writing to ~/R/sdmpredictors.

sdmpredictors 0.1

Initial release of the sdmpredictors package.