sapfluxnetr 0.1.0
- Removed
dependency from suggests.
- Updated internal
to use formulas instead of quosures on quantile metrics in the functions list, as the use of quosures here is deprecated by newer dplyr versions.
- First minor version, open data released
sapfluxnetr 0.0.7
- Replaced calls of dplyr::funs with list (or rlang::list2 if splicing is needed) as the former is soft deprecated in dplyr 0.8.0
- One word periods (‘daily’, ‘monthly’…) in
function are soft deprecated. Please use ‘1 day’, ‘1 month’… instead.
- Removed all dependencies on ‘tibbletime’ package
- Added utils internal functions: .collapse_timestamp and .parse_period
- Added installation from CRAN to vignette and readme
sapfluxnetr 0.0.6
- Improved examples in the functions help
- Updated license file to comply with CRAN policy
- Cleaning to comply with CRAN checks in windows builds and travis CI
- Added .accumulated_posix_aware helper function to avoid summing posix objects
- Added pkgdown support
- Added Travis CI support
- Updated sapfluxnetr Not So Quick Guide vignette and README file
sapfluxnetr 0.0.5
- Cleaning to comply with CRAN checks.
- Added the “Metadata and data units” vignette.
- Fixes for the new
- Exported the pipe operator (
) from magrittr
package. Now loading sapfluxnetr
the pipe can be used.
- Added
as new metric for the default *_metrics
- Fixed
function. Now it returns the real coverage based on the timestep, the period to summarise for and the timestamp values. This only will work within the wrapper metrics functions (using internally the .fixed_metrics_funtions
- Fixed a bug in sfn_metrics that for special intervals (md, pd, daylight) the filtering step was collecting timestamps above the int_end
- Fixed bug in metrics function that created min and max time variables as double instead of POSIXct in sites with NAs in the first day of measures
- Now species metadata variables are returned individually instead of a list
- Added helper function
to list the site codes in a folder
- Deprecated
, substituted by filter_sites_by_md
- Implementation of furrr::future_map in
. After some benchmarking, the benefits in time are solid, so now the user has the ability to perform the metrics in parallel.
- New logic with performance improvements for metrics_tidyfier (introducing the .sapflow_tidy internal helper function)
- Added get methods for sfn_data_multi class objects
- Fixed bug in metrics function that created min and max time variables as double instead of POSIXct in sites with NAs in the first day of measures
- Now species metadata variables are returned individually instead of in a list
sapfluxnetr 0.0.4
- Added geom control to
- Refactored
to uniformize interval start and interval end
- Modified
to return only night interval
- Created
, midday_metrics
and daylight_metrics
functions taking leverage in the refactored sfn_metrics
- Modified
and monthly_metrics
to return only the general interval metrics, avoiding this way the creation of very big objects.
- Added
argument to *_metrics functions, to skip one step when creating tidy metrics.
- Updated README file
- Added bug report link to DESCRIPTION file
- Updated documentation and vignettes accordingly with the changes made
sapfluxnetr 0.0.3
- Added metrics_tidyfier function to convert to tidy the metrics results.
- Added sfn_metadata_ex to Data.
- Changed all example data names to the original site name.
- Improved install explanation in quick guide vignette.
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
- Added
file for new users.
sapfluxnetr 0.0.2
- Code and Docs cleaning.
- Added vignettes for flags, classes, quick guide and custom aggregation .
- Updated big-tests for dplyr-like functions.
- Refactored metadata cache.
- Modification of sfn_data show method to include site paper.
- Added documentation for dplyr-like methods sfn_filter, sfn_mutate and sfn_mutate_at.
- Added .flag internal function to flag mutated sfn_data objects.
sapfluxnetr 0.0.1
- Initial version of the package.