The safetyGraphics package provides a framework for evaluation of clinical trial safety in R. It includes several safety-focused visualizations to empower clinical data monitoring. Chief among these is the Hepatic Explorer, based on the Evaluation of the Drug-Induced Serious Hepatotoxicity (eDish) visualization. A demo of the Hepatic Explorer interactive graphic is available here and is shown below.
This package is being built in conjunction with the hep-explorer javascript library.
Users can interactively explore their data with a shiny application or create standalone interactive charts.
The Shiny app provides a simple interface for: - Loading data - Customizing settings and data mappings - Viewing and exporting the interactive graphics
safetyGraphicsApp() #open the shiny application
Users can also initialize customized standalone charts with a few lines of code.
settings <- list(
id_col = "USUBJID",
value_col = "AVAL",
measure_col = "PARAM",
visit_col = "VISIT",
visitn_col = "VISITNUM",
studyday_col = "ADY",
normal_col_low = "A1LO",
normal_col_high = "A1HI",
measure_values = list(ALT = "Alanine Aminotransferase (U/L)",
AST = "Aspartate Aminotransferase (U/L)",
TB = "Bilirubin (umol/L)",
ALP = "Alkaline Phosphatase (U/L)")
chartRenderer(data=adlbc, settings=settings, chart="hepexplorer")