Introduction to rvertnet

Scott Chamberlain


rvertnet is a client for interacting with


You can install the stable version from CRAN:


Or the development version from GitHub using the devtools package:


Search by term

Search for Aves in the state of California, limit to 10 records

res <- searchbyterm(class = "Aves", state = "California", limit = 10, messages = FALSE)

All major functions (searchbyterm(), spatialsearch(), vertsearch()) give back a meta (for metadata, in a list) and data (for data, in a data.frame) slot. The metadata:

#> $request_date
#> [1] "2020-01-29T02:22:59.517328"
#> $response_records
#> [1] 10
#> $submitted_query
#> [1] "class:Aves"
#> $request_origin
#> [1] "45.505106,-122.675026"
#> $limit
#> [1] 10
#> $last_cursor
#> [1] "False:CskFCtIDCqQD9wAAABn_____jIGJmo2LkZqL0o-QjYuek96WkZuah9LNz87M0s_H0s_H_wAA_3RtoKCZi4ygoP8AAP9dno-PmpGYlpGa_wAA_3N0bZaRm5qH_wAA_12biJz_AAD_c3Rtm5CcoJab_wAA_12ektCQjZGWi5eQk5CYhtDPz87GmcjGztLGzcbJ0svPzprSxsfGy9Kdycqcz53NnMfGnpv_AAD_c3-ektCQjZGWi5eQk5CYhtDPz87GmcjGztLGzcbJ0svPzprSxsfGy9Kdycqcz53NnMfGnpv_AAD__wD-__6MgYmajYuRmovSj5CNi56T3paRm5qH0s3PzszSz8fSz8f_AHRtoKCZi4ygoP8AXZ6Pj5qRmJaRmv8Ac3RtlpGbmof_AF2biJz_AHN0bZuQnKCWm_8AXZ6S0JCNkZaLl5CTkJiG0M_PzsaZyMbO0sbNxsnSy8_OmtLGx8bL0p3JypzPnc2cx8aem_8Ac3-ektCQjZGWi5eQk5CYhtDPz87GmcjGztLGzcbJ0svPzprSxsfGy9Kdycqcz53NnMfGnpv_AP_-EAohBN0EkB08Gxk5AAAAAOb___9IClAAWgsJJ5RN7qiPsmIQA2Cb0daDBxINRG9jdW1lbnRJbmRleBrAAShBTkQgKElTICJjdXN0b21lcl9uYW1lIiAiYXBwZW5naW5lIikgKElTICJncm91cF9uYW1lIiAic352ZXJ0bmV0LXBvcnRhbCIpIChJUyAibmFtZXNwYWNlIiAiaW5kZXgtMjAxMy0wOC0wOCIpIChJUyAiaW5kZXhfbmFtZSIgImR3YyIpIChPUiAoUVQgIkF2ZXMiICJydGV4dF9jbGFzcyIpIChJUyAicmF0b21fY2xhc3MiICJhdmVzIikpKToZCgwoTiBvcmRlcl9pZCkQARkAAAAAAADw_0oFCABA6Ac"
#> $query_version
#> [1] " 2016-08-15T16:43+02:00"
#> $matching_records
#> [1] ">10000"
#> $api_version
#> [1] " 2017-11-24T12:16-03:00"

The data

#> # A tibble: 10 x 46
#>    kingdom recordedby higherclassific… stateprovince basisofrecord month decimallongitude phylum references year 
#>    <chr>   <chr>      <chr>            <chr>         <chr>         <chr> <chr>            <chr>  <chr>      <chr>
#>  1 Animal… NSW STATE… Animalia | Chor… New South Wa… PreservedSpe… 11    153.316          Chord… http://po… 1866 
#>  2 Animal… TARONGA Z… Animalia | Chor… New South Wa… PreservedSpe… 6     151.33535        Chord… http://po… 2011 
#>  3 Animal… MCLENNAN,… Animalia | Chor… Queensland    PreservedSpe… 4     145.35           Chord… http://po… 1915 
#>  4 Animal… WATTS, MI… Animalia | Chor… New South Wa… PreservedSpe… 1     146.016          Chord… http://po… 1983 
#>  5 Animal… HOLCOMBE,… Animalia | Chor… New South Wa… PreservedSpe… 7     151.766          Chord… http://po… 1973 
#>  6 Animal… RHODES, C… Animalia | Chor… New South Wa… PreservedSpe… 10    150.866          Chord… http://po… 1931 
#>  7 Animal… C. HEDLEY… Animalia | Chor… Queensland    PreservedSpe… 10    142.6            Chord… http://po… 1907 
#>  8 Animal… ROBINSON,… Animalia | Chor… New South Wa… PreservedSpe… 10    149.266          Chord… http://po… 1897 
#>  9 Animal… SHARP, GE… Animalia | Chor… Queensland    PreservedSpe… 11    145.85           Chord… http://po… 1908 
#> 10 Animal… J.A. KEAS… Animalia | Chor… New South Wa… PreservedSpe… 3     146.266          Chord… http://po… 1958 
#> # … with 36 more variables: startdayofyear <chr>, taxonrank <chr>, specificepithet <chr>,
#> #   bibliographiccitation <chr>, family <chr>, countrycode <chr>, geodeticdatum <chr>,
#> #   coordinateuncertaintyinmeters <chr>, highergeography <chr>, accessrights <chr>, verbatimlocality <chr>,
#> #   verbatimeventdate <chr>, day <chr>, eventid <chr>, collectioncode <chr>, occurrencestatus <chr>,
#> #   locationremarks <chr>, coordinateprecision <chr>, institutioncode <chr>, scientificname <chr>, class <chr>,
#> #   decimallatitude <chr>, occurrenceid <chr>, language <chr>, license <chr>, country <chr>,
#> #   georeferenceverificationstatus <chr>, modified <chr>, eventdate <chr>, nomenclaturalcode <chr>, continent <chr>,
#> #   genus <chr>, order <chr>, catalognumber <chr>, enddayofyear <chr>, vernacularname <chr>

Search for Mustela nigripes in the states of Wyoming or South Dakota, limit to 20 records

res <- searchbyterm(specificepithet = "nigripes", genus = "Mustela", state = "(wyoming OR south dakota)", limit = 20, messages = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 20 x 76
#>    month decimallongitude startdayofyear accessrights kingdom verbatimcoordin… day   identificationv… occurrenceid
#>    <chr> <chr>            <chr>          <chr>        <chr>   <chr>            <chr> <chr>            <chr>       
#>  1 1     -88.305352       1              http://vert… Animal… decimal degrees  1     legacy           http://arct…
#>  2 03    -104.77472       74             http://vert… Animal… <NA>             15    legacy           http://arct…
#>  3 02    -103.731861      52             http://vert… Animal… <NA>             21    legacy           http://arct…
#>  4 12    -105.0137067407  349            http://vert… Animal… decimal degrees  15    field            http://arct…
#>  5 2     -103.067931      32             http://vert… Animal… <NA>             1     legacy           http://arct…
#>  6 1     -103.067931      1              http://vert… Animal… <NA>             1     legacy           http://arct…
#>  7 02    -103.067931      40             http://vert… Animal… <NA>             09    field            http://arct…
#>  8 05    -104.926320116   126            http://vert… Animal… <NA>             05    legacy           http://arct…
#>  9 02    -104.79742       42             http://vert… Animal… <NA>             11    field            http://arct…
#> 10 04    -106.1329632593  108            http://vert… Animal… decimal degrees  18    field            http://arct…
#> 11 10    -105.064706      304            http://vert… Animal… decimal degrees  31    legacy           http://arct…
#> 12 4     -106.3467709375  92             http://vert… Animal… decimal degrees  1     field            http://arct…
#> 13 05    -104.225829      133            http://vert… Animal… <NA>             13    field            http://arct…
#> 14 09    -105.873904      258            http://vert… Animal… <NA>             15    field            http://arct…
#> 15 12    -105.298898      362            http://vert… Animal… <NA>             28    legacy           http://arct…
#> 16 06    -105.376986      152            http://vert… Animal… <NA>             01    student          http://arct…
#> 17 11    -104.3831505257  305            http://vert… Animal… decimal degrees  01    student          http://arct…
#> 18 11    -104.7714765     314            http://vert… Animal… UTM              10    legacy           http://arct…
#> 19 09    -106.9094        267            http://vert… Animal… decimal degrees  23    legacy           http://arct…
#> 20 08    -107.5579841     234            http://vert… Animal… UTM              21    legacy           http://arct…
#> # … with 67 more variables: identificationqualifier <chr>, georeferenceddate <chr>, verbatimeventdate <chr>,
#> #   coordinateuncertaintyinmeters <chr>, higherclassification <chr>, sex <chr>, year <chr>, specificepithet <chr>,
#> #   basisofrecord <chr>, geodeticdatum <chr>, occurrenceremarks <chr>, highergeography <chr>, continent <chr>,
#> #   scientificname <chr>, language <chr>, institutionid <chr>, country <chr>, genus <chr>,
#> #   georeferenceprotocol <chr>, family <chr>, stateprovince <chr>, county <chr>, phylum <chr>, references <chr>,
#> #   georeferencedby <chr>, taxonrank <chr>, verbatimlocality <chr>, institutioncode <chr>, eventremarks <chr>,
#> #   organismid <chr>, eventtime <chr>, preparations <chr>, license <chr>, dynamicproperties <chr>,
#> #   georeferenceverificationstatus <chr>, modified <chr>, eventdate <chr>, individualcount <chr>,
#> #   bibliographiccitation <chr>, verbatimcoordinates <chr>, georeferencesources <chr>, nomenclaturalcode <chr>,
#> #   catalognumber <chr>, locality <chr>, informationwithheld <chr>, collectioncode <chr>, collectionid <chr>,
#> #   class <chr>, previousidentifications <chr>, identificationremarks <chr>, decimallatitude <chr>,
#> #   locationaccordingto <chr>, othercatalognumbers <chr>, identifiedby <chr>, associatedmedia <chr>, order <chr>,
#> #   enddayofyear <chr>, typestatus <chr>, recordedby <chr>, dateidentified <chr>, locationremarks <chr>,
#> #   associatedsequences <chr>, recordnumber <chr>, minimumelevationinmeters <chr>, maximumelevationinmeters <chr>,
#> #   lifestage <chr>, establishmentmeans <chr>

Search for class Aves, in the state of Nevada, with a coordinate uncertainty range (in meters) of less than 25 meters

res <- searchbyterm(class = "Aves", stateprovince = "Nevada", error = "<25", messages = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 1,000 x 91
#>    georeferencepro… higherclassific… stateprovince lifestage month decimallongitude phylum verbatimlongitu… year 
#>    <chr>            <chr>            <chr>         <chr>     <chr> <chr>            <chr>  <chr>            <chr>
#>  1 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        U-Ad.     3     -117.73567       Chord… -117.7356796°    1886 
#>  2 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        U-Ad      12    -119.19015       Chord… -119.1901537°    1912 
#>  3 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        Nestling  5     -119.55677       Chord… -119.5567779°    1918 
#>  4 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        U-Ad.     9     -119.94328       Chord… -119.9432804°    1924 
#>  5 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        U-Ad.     9     -119.94328       Chord… -119.9432804°    1924 
#>  6 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        U-Ad.     9     -119.94328       Chord… -119.9432804°    1924 
#>  7 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        Downy     6     -119.93907       Chord… -119.9390724°    1936 
#>  8 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        U-Ad.     6     -119.93907       Chord… -119.9390724°    1936 
#>  9 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        U-Ad.     6     -119.93907       Chord… -119.9390724°    1936 
#> 10 MaNIS/HerpNet/O… Animalia; Chord… Nevada        U-Ad.     6     -119.93907       Chord… -119.9390724°    1936 
#> # … with 990 more rows, and 82 more variables: specificepithet <chr>, bibliographiccitation <chr>,
#> #   verbatimlatitude <chr>, family <chr>, locality <chr>, geodeticdatum <chr>, coordinateuncertaintyinmeters <chr>,
#> #   highergeography <chr>, continent <chr>, scientificnameauthorship <chr>, day <chr>, kingdom <chr>,
#> #   institutioncode <chr>, scientificname <chr>, preparations <chr>, sex <chr>, class <chr>, county <chr>,
#> #   decimallatitude <chr>, occurrenceid <chr>, language <chr>, license <chr>, basisofrecord <chr>, country <chr>,
#> #   collectioncode <chr>, modified <chr>, eventdate <chr>, verbatimeventdate <chr>, references <chr>, genus <chr>,
#> #   order <chr>, catalognumber <chr>, georeferencesources <chr>, recordedby <chr>, occurrenceremarks <chr>,
#> #   infraspecificepithet <chr>, georeferenceremarks <chr>, startdayofyear <chr>, dynamicproperties <chr>,
#> #   enddayofyear <chr>, recordnumber <chr>, minimumelevationinmeters <chr>, othercatalognumbers <chr>,
#> #   georeferenceddate <chr>, accessrights <chr>, institutionid <chr>, georeferencedby <chr>, taxonrank <chr>,
#> #   verbatimlocality <chr>, countrycode <chr>, georeferenceverificationstatus <chr>, occurrencestatus <chr>,
#> #   vernacularname <chr>, nomenclaturalcode <chr>, datasetname <chr>, collectionid <chr>,
#> #   verbatimcoordinatesystem <chr>, identificationverificationstatus <chr>, identificationqualifier <chr>,
#> #   locationremarks <chr>, organismid <chr>, individualcount <chr>, previousidentifications <chr>,
#> #   locationaccordingto <chr>, verbatimcoordinates <chr>, identifiedby <chr>, fieldnumber <chr>, disposition <chr>,
#> #   ownerinstitutioncode <chr>, rightsholder <chr>, identificationremarks <chr>, maximumelevationinmeters <chr>,
#> #   verbatimelevation <chr>, typestatus <chr>, habitat <chr>, dateidentified <chr>, eventtime <chr>,
#> #   samplingprotocol <chr>, associatedmedia <chr>, island <chr>, eventremarks <chr>, associatedoccurrences <chr>

Lots of data

For searchbyterm(), spatialsearch(), and vertsearch(), you can request more than 1000 records. VertNet limits each request to 1000 records, but internally in this package, if you request more than 1000 records, we’ll continue to send requests to get all the records you want. See the VertNet docs for more information on this.

Email dump of data

bigsearch() specifies a termwise search (like searchbyterm()), but requests that all available records be made available for download as a tab-delimited text file.

bigsearch(genus = "ochotona", rfile = "mydata", email = "")
#> Processing request...
#> Download of records file 'mydata' requested for ''
#> Query/URL: ",%22n%22:%22mydata%22,"
#> Thank you! Download instructions will be sent by email.


In the previous examples, we’ve suppressed messages for more concise output, but you can set messages=TRUE to get helpful messages - messages=TRUE is also the default setting so if you don’t specify that parameter messages will be printed to the console.

res <- searchbyterm(class = "Aves", state = "California", limit = 10, messages = TRUE)