The rtsdata
package simplifies the management of Time Series in R. This package overwrites the getSymbols
function from quantmod
package to allow for minimal code changes to get started. The rtsdata
package provides functionality to download and store historical time series.
The download functionality will intelligently update historical data as needed. The incremental data is downloaded first to updated historical data. The full history is only downloaded if incremental data is not consistent. I.e. the last saved record is different from the first downloaded record.
The following download plugins are currently available:
package. Quandl recommends getting an API key. Add following code options(Quandl.api_key = api_key) to your .Rprofile file.quantmod
package. You need an API key from Add following code options(getSymbols.av.Default = api_key) to your .Rprofile file.quantmod
package You need an API key from Add following code options(getSymbols.av.Default = api_key) to your .Rprofile file.The download functionality plugins are easily created. The user needs to provide a function to download historical data with ticker, start, and end dates parameters to create new download plugin.
The storage functionality provides a consistent interface to store historical time series.
The following storage plugins are currently available:
The storage functionality plugins are easily created. The user needs to provide a functions to load and save data to create new storage plugin.
The current release is available on CRAN, which you can install via:
To install the development version run following code:
# load `rtsdata` package
# tickers to load data
env = new.env()
Symbols = c('spy','aapl','ibm')
# download data
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'yahoo', from = '2018-01-01', to = '2018-02-13', verbose=TRUE)
# update data - only the missing, recent, data is downloaded
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'yahoo', from = '2018-01-01', verbose=TRUE)
# data is stored in the 'yahoo_Rdata' folder at the following location
# defaults to the temp directory
# you can overwrite default location by setting 'RTSDATA_FOLDER' option
# good practice is not to store this setting inside the script files,
# for example, add options(RTSDATA_FOLDER='C:/Data') line to the .Rprofile to
# use 'C:/Data' folder.
# the historical data is currently starts in 2018 because we initially set from = '2018-01-01'
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'yahoo', verbose=TRUE)
# set full.update flag to force full data update
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'yahoo', full.update = TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
# load `rtsdata` package
# tickers to load data
env = new.env()
Symbols = c('spy','aapl','ibm')
# change the 'yahoo' data source to use CSV files to store historical data
# data is stored in the 'yahoo_csv' folder = 'yahoo', storage =
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'yahoo', from = '2018-01-01')
# CSV files are stored in the 'yahoo_csv' folder at the following location
Suppose there is an external stock downloader that stores data at the ‘C:/Data/stocks’ folder in the the CSV format. The updates are done by the external stock downloader.
# load `rtsdata` package
# tickers to load data
env = new.env()
Symbols = c('spy','aapl','ibm')
# change the 'yahoo' data source to use CSV files to store historical data
# data is stored in the 'C:/Data/stocks' folder
# and disable check for updates = 'custom',
storage ='C:/Data/stocks', custom.folder = TRUE),
functionality = ds.functionality.default(check.update = FALSE)
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'custom', from = '2018-01-01')
# load `rtsdata` package
# tickers to load data
env = new.env()
Symbols = c('spy','aapl','ibm')
# The `RQuantLib` package must be available for this functionality
# please specify `RQuantLib`'s holiday calendar
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'yahoo', from = '2018-01-01', calendar = 'UnitedStates/NYSE')
# load `rtsdata` package
# tickers to load data
env = new.env()
Symbols = 'DTB3'
# get data from FRED
# data is stored in the 'FRED_Rdata' folder
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'FRED', from = '2018-01-01')
If you do not have MongoDB installed, the good tutorial to start using MongoDB on Windows: Install, setup and start MongoDB on Windows
mongod.exe --dbpath "c:\mongodb\data"
show dbs
# In the clean install, you expected to see
# admin 0.000GB
# local 0.000GB
use data_storage
show collections
# load `rtsdata` package
# tickers to load data
env = new.env()
Symbols = c('spy','aapl','ibm')
# data is stored in the 'data_storage' database at the following location
# defaults to the 'mongodb://localhost' URI
# you can overwrite default location by setting 'RTSDATA_DB' option
# good practice is not to store this setting inside the script files.
# add options(RTSDATA_DB='mongodb://localhost') line to the .Rprofile to use 'mongodb://localhost' URI.
# change the 'yahoo' data source to use MongoDB to store historical data = 'yahoo', storage =
# download data and save in MongoDB
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'yahoo', from = '2018-01-01')
It is a good idea to secure your database. Sample steps to add authentication to MongoDB:
# For example, create a superuser with username 'user12' and password 'secret12'
use admin
db.createUser({user:"user12",pwd:"secret12", roles:[{role:"root",db:"admin"}]})
Re-start MongoDB server with authentication mongod.exe --auth --dbpath "c:\mongodb\data"
Test MongoDB setup mongo.exe -u "user12" -p "secret12" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
show dbs
# In the clean install, you expected to see
# admin 0.000GB
# data_storage 0.000GB
# local 0.000GB
use data_storage
show collections
# load `rtsdata` package
# tickers to load data
env = new.env()
Symbols = c('spy','aapl','ibm')
# change the 'yahoo' data source to use MongoDB to store historical data = 'yahoo', storage ='mongodb://user12:secret12@localhost'))
# download data and save in MongoDB
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'yahoo', from = '2018-01-01', to = '2018-02-13')
# update data - only the missing, recent, data is downloaded
getSymbols(Symbols, env, src = 'yahoo', from = '2018-01-01')