rtide 0.0.8
- No longer support R 3.3.
- House keeping.
rtide 0.0.7
- Replaced dependency on checkr with chk.
- Replaced dependency on dttr with dttr2.
rtide 0.0.6
- Replaced lubridate dependency with dttr
- internal rbind of list of data frames no longer includes stringsAsFactors as causes error with rbind.sf (instead sets and unsets in options)
rtide 0.0.5
- Replaced dependency datacheckr with checkr
- Removed dependencies plyr, magrittr, tidyr, stringr
- tibble now only suggested
rtide 0.0.4
- Removed dependency on dplyr
rtide 0.0.3
- Recognises station names with brackets like ‘Annapolis (US Naval Academy), Severn River, Maryland’
- Calculates tide heights when a station name is subset of another station name. For example ‘San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, California’ and ‘North Point, Pier 41, San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, California’ (Issue #10)
rtide 0.0.2
rtide 0.0.1