Automatically structure your data: SyncroSim ties together your existing data from disparate formats, such as Excel, CSV, and GeoTIFF. No database is required – SyncroSim automatically structures your data files for you.
Use your data to make predictions: SyncroSim allows you to chain together “models” – including existing off-the-shelf programs and scripts written in languages such as R, Python and C# – to transform your data into predictions.
Engage decision makers: No longer are forecasts delivered by analysts as static reports. Through its unique, easy-to-use interface, SyncroSim allows non-technical users to define, run and track their own “what-if” scenarios using the original data and models.
Go big: SyncroSim is specifically designed to handle big data, including support for cloud computing, multiprocessing, and large rasters.
The rsyncrosim R package allows you to script and run SyncroSim operations in R.
Download the latest latest release of the Windows rsyncrosim package as a zip file (note that the package is not yet available from CRAN)
Install the package zip file in R. For example in RStudio, open the Install Packages window, select Package Archive File (for Install from) and (for Package archive), where X.X.X is the version of the package.
Run the demonstration script and/or view the package documentation (both also found in the doc folder of the package once installed)
Download and install the latest release of the rsyncrosim package.
Run the demonstration script
View the package documentation