Using the rstudioapi
package, you can request input from the user with various dialogs.
The selectFile()
and selectDirectory()
APIs allow you to request the name of an existing or non-existing path on the system.
# request the path to an existing .csv file on disk
path <- rstudioapi::selectFile(caption = "Select CSV File",
filter = "CSV Files (*.csv)",
existing = TRUE)
# now, you could read the data using e.g. 'readr::read_csv()'
data <- readr::read_csv(path)
# request a file path (e.g. where you would like to save a new file)
target <- rstudioapi::selectFile(caption = "Save File",
label = "Save",
existing = FALSE)
# save data to the path provided by the user
saveRDS(data, file = target)
Use rstudioapi::askForPassword()
to request a password, or other credentials, from a user.
Use rstudioapi::showDialog()
to display an informative dialog to the user. This dialog is used to report some kind of status or information to the user; it does not request any input.