If you are a data scientist or researcher, you will certainly be interested in reproducible research. With R package rrtable
, you can make a MS Powerpoint file easily with a R code.
You can make the Powerpoint file easily with R plot with or without R code.
You can make a Powerpoint file with this ggplot object.
If you want to show R code as well as plot, you can use R code string and set the echo argument TRUE.
By default, “Report.pptx” file will be generated
You can append a plot to existing Powerpoint file with a string of R code.
You can add R code on the slide by setting the argument echo
You can add a data.frame to the Powerpoint file.
You can add the R code and the result of R code to the Powerpoint file
You can add the result of statistical analysis to the Powerpoint file
fit2=aov(yield ~ block + N * P + K, data = npk)
table2pptx(fit2,title="ANOVA result",append=TRUE,vanilla=TRUE)
table2pptx("aov(yield ~ block + N * P + K, data = npk)",
title="ANOVA result",echo=TRUE,append=TRUE,vanilla=TRUE)
You can use class of “matrix”,“lm”,“fitdistr”,“nls”,“aov”,“anova”,“glm”,“coxph”,“prcomp” or “summary.prcomp” object using table2pptx() file.
You can add 2 plots on a slide side by side.
plot2office(x,title="2 plots",parallel=TRUE,echo=TRUE,append=TRUE)
You can download sample Powerpoint file: Report.pptx - view with office web viewer