ROBIN (ROBustness In Network) is an R package for the validation of community detection it has a double aim it studies the robustness of a community detection algorithm and compares the robustness of two community detection algorithms.
The package implements a methodology that detects if the community structure found by a detection algorithm is statistically significant or is a result of chance, merely due to edge positions in the network.
Examine the robustness of a community detection algorithm against random perturbations of the original graph
Tests the statistical difference between the stability measure curves created
Makes a comparison between different community detection algorithms to choose the one that better fits the network of interest
Gives a graphical interactive representation
my_network <- system.file("example/football.gml", package="robin")
graph <- prepGraph(file=my_network, file.format="gml")
graphRandom <- random(graph=graph)
proc <- robinRobust(graph=graph, graphRandom=graphRandom, measure="vi",
method="louvain", type="independent")
plotRobin(graph=graph, model1=proc$Mean, model2=proc$MeanRandom,
legend=c("real data", "null model"), measure="vi")
#For the testing:
robinFDATest(graph=graph, model1=proc$Mean, model2=proc$MeanRandom,
robinGPTest(model1=proc$Mean, model2=proc$MeanRandom)
my_network <- system.file("example/football.gml", package="robin")
graph <- prepGraph(file=my_network, file.format="gml")
comp <- robinCompare(graph=graph, method1="fastGreedy",
method2="louvain", measure="vi", type="independent")
plotRobin(graph=graph, model1=comp$Mean1, model2=comp$Mean2, measure="vi",
legend=c("fastGreedy", "louvain"), title="FastGreedy vs Louvain")
In this example, the Louvain algorithm fits better the network of interest, as the curve of the stability measure varies less than the one obtained by the Fast greedy method.
#For the testing:
robinFDATest(graph=graph, model1=comp$Mean1, model2=comp$Mean2, measure="vi")
robinGPTest(model1=comp$Mean1, model2=comp$Mean2)
Copyright (c) 2019 V. Policastro, A. Carissimo, L. Cutillo, I. De Feis and D. Righelli.