v2.0.2 and submitted to CRAN.
Major changes:
- Fixed issue #19 whereby rejected/missing data in peak flows are flagged as such in output. Added full_info to input parameters to retrieve data quality flags.
- timeseries are now classed as zoo object, not xts.
- startseason and endseason in seasonal_averages() are now deprecated, seasons are labelled by the calendar quarter in which the season ends.
Minor changes:
v2.0.1 and submitted to CRAN.
Major changes:
- Removed obsolete tests that were checking against proj4-based pre-calculated values. This is to overcome issue with use of proj6.
Updated to v2.0 and submitted to CRAN.
Major changes:
- Developed new function to interface new API
- Updated existing functions to work with the new API
Minor changes: 1. Fixed broken URL in README file
Updated to v1.5 and submitted to CRAN.
Major changes:
- osg_parse now does not fail when gridRefs is a mixture of upper and lower cases, thanks to Christoph Kratz (@bogsnork on GitHub, see https://github.com/cvitolo/rnrfa/issues/12)!
- fixed tests for get_ts
- automatic deployment of website for documentation on github
Updated to v1.4 and submitted to CRAN.
Major changes:
- osg_parse now is vectorised, thanks to Tobias Gauster!
Updated to v1.3 and submitted to CRAN.
Major changes:
- Removed dependency from cowplot package
Updated to v1.2 and submitted paper to the R Journal
Major changes:
- Added some utility functions (e.g. plot_trend) to generate plots in the paper
Updated to v1.1 and submitted to CRAN.
Major changes:
- testthat framework for unit tests
- travis for continuous integration on linux
- appveyors for continuous integration on windows
- added code of conduct
- renamed functions to follow best practice
- moved package to root directory to follow best practice
Updated to v0.5.4 and submitted to CRAN.
Major changes:
Michael Spencer (contributor) updated the function OSGparse to work with grid references of different lengths.
Added testthat framework for unit tests