`SWDI` is the Severe Weather Data Inventory. SWDI is an (quoting)
> integrated database of severe weather records for the United States. The records in SWDI come from a variety of sources in the NCDC archive. SWDI provides the ability to search through all of these data to find records covering a particular time period and geographic region, and to download the results of your search in a variety of formats. The formats currently supported are Shapefile (for GIS), KMZ (for Google Earth), CSV (comma-separated), and XML.
Data available in SWDI are:
* Storm Cells from NEXRAD (Level-III Storm Structure Product)
* Hail Signatures from NEXRAD (Level-III Hail Product)
* Mesocyclone Signatures from NEXRAD (Level-III Meso Product)
* Digital Mesocyclone Detection Algorithm from NEXRAD (Level-III MDA Product)
* Tornado Signatures from NEXRAD (Level-III TVS Product)
* Preliminary Local Storm Reports from the NOAA National Weather Service
* Lightning Strikes from Vaisala NLDN
Find out more about SWDI at [http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/swdi/#Intro](http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/swdi/#Intro).
## Load rnoaa
Get daily count nx3tvs features on .1 degree grid centered at latitude = 32.7
and longitude = -102.0