rmcfs - changes
Version 1.3.1
- fixed an issue in fix.data() - function works faster
- fixed an issue with tempdir on some old R versions and OS
Version 1.3.0
- two-stage feature selection implemented
- function mcfs() has new parameter mode - if mode = 2 mcfs runs 2 stage filtering that is much faster and gives more detailed ID-Graphs
- two-stage feature selection - rankings from both phases are saved () and combined together to create the final one
- in function mcfs there is a new cutoff method cutoffMethod - if cutoffMethod = “contrast” then cutoff value is determined based on contrast attributes
- mcfs now supports weighting of input attributes - new parameter ‘attrWeights’ in mcfs()
- read/write to/from adx/adh now supports data.frame attributes: ‘attr_weights’ and ‘target’
- in result$RI data.frame column ‘RI_norm’ is replaced by ‘RI’
- all RI data.frames contains normalized values of the following columns: ‘RI’, ‘classifiers’ and ‘nodes’
- plots ‘ri’, ‘id’, ‘heatmap’, ‘cmatrix’, ‘features’ support color parameter
- plot.idgraph supports color parameter
- plots: ‘features’ and ‘cv’ are created in ggplot2 by default
- new function export.plots()
- in functions ‘import.result()’ and ‘export.result()’ - path can now define full path to the zip result file and label can be set to NA
- function export.result() saves the ranking in original order (as it is in input data)
- updated vignette file to be consistent with JSS article
- function build.idgraph() works much faster now
- fix.data() works much faster now
- data export/import are improved
- some default parameters changed to speed up calculations: featureFreq, splitSetSize, threadsNumber
- removed ‘progressInterval’ parameter
- removed ‘finalCVRepetitions’ parameter
- various minor fixes in plots for some extreme situations
- minor fix in internal function drop.file.extension()
- minor fix in recognition of JAVA version (version 9/10)
- minor fixes in plots for numeric decision MCFS result
- minor fix in adx/adh export for big data
- rmcfs is working on JAVA 7 and above
- dmLab.jar version 2.3.0
Version 1.2.15
- fixed an issue for Java 11
Version 1.2.14
Version 1.2.13
Version 1.2.12
- updated vignette and citation info to JSS article
Version 1.2.11
- function build.idgraph() has a new parameter ‘outer_ID’
- in function build.idgraph() parameter ‘plot_all_nodes’ is now ‘orphan_nodes’
- fix and efficiency improvement in importing ID-graph from file
Version 1.2.10
Version 1.2.9
- Java version in description file fixed
- minor fix of input parameter ‘seed’
- onLoad info changed
Version 1.2.8
- vignette - bibliography file removed
Version 1.2.7
- mcfs check whether decision attribute contains NA values
- alizadeh dataset has been removed from the package and can be downloaded from the internet
- function refine.data() is now prune.data()
- new vignette article that has been accepted for publication in Jourlan of Statistical Software
Version 1.2.6
- function filter.data() is now refine.data()
- testthat environment added
Version 1.2.5
- function import.result() is fixed for empty results
- functions import.result() and export.result() have default value for parameer: path = “./”
- heatmaps are more readable now
- parameter projectionSize by default is set on sqrt(d)
- parameter featureFreq by default is set on 150
Version 1.2.4
- minor fix in processing temporary paths
Version 1.2.3
- minor fix in cleaning temporary files
Version 1.2.2
- minor fix in uncompression input zip files
Version 1.2.1
- new functions write.adh() and read.adh()
- functions read.adx() and read.adh() can read zipped files
- functions write.adx(), write.arff(), write.adh() have new parameter ‘zip’ and they may produce zipped data
- in plot(type = ‘features’) by default ‘size = NA’ and it means ‘cutoff_value’ * 1.2 features
- in plot(type = ‘ri’) and plot(type = ‘id’) by default ‘size = NA’ and it means ‘cutoff_value’ * 10 features
- few minor fixes
- dmLab.jar version 2.2.1
Version 1.2.0
- new featureFreq parameter - it determines how many times each input feature must be randomly selected when projections = ‘auto’.
- parameter ‘balanceRatio’ is now ‘balance’
- parameters balance, projectionSize, projections are set on ‘auto’ value by default
- in function plot.mcfs() has new updated parameters: plot_permutations, plot_diff_bars, cv_measure
- in function plot.idgraph() parameter ‘label.dist’ is now ‘label_dist’
- in function write.adx() parameter ‘chunk.size’ is now ‘chunk_size’
- in function write.arff() parameter ‘chunk.size’ is now ‘chunk_size’
- in function fix.data() parameter ‘source.chars’ is now ‘source_chars’, ‘destination.char’->‘destination_char’, ‘numeric.class’->‘numeric_class’, ‘nominal.class’->‘nominal_class’
- in function export.result() parameter ‘save.rds’ is now ‘save_rds’
- in function artificial.data() parameter ‘rnd.features’ is now ‘rnd_features’
- new function read.adx()
- fixed some small problems when important features set is empty
- mcfs_result contains input data data.frame
- new plot type: plot(type=‘heatmap’)
- import and export of zipped result
- dmLab.jar version 2.2.0
Version 1.1.2
- MCFS-ID works on numeric target (new classifier M5 (regression tree) is implemented in MCFS-ID)
- fix.data replaces value ‘?’ by NA
- fix in write.arff
- dmLab.jar version 2.1.2
Version 1.1.1
- function info() is now showme()
- minor fixes
- dmLab.jar version 2.1.1
Version 1.1.0
- first official CRAN release
- functionality of the package is highly simplified - available 12 basic functions
- new names of functions: save.result()/read.result() are now export.result()/import.result(); build.ID.graph() is now build.idgraph()
- removed useles prefix ‘mcfs.’ from input params in function mcfs()
- function fix.data() combines all functionality of: fix.data.values(), fix.data.names() and fix.data.types()
- function mcfc() returns ‘mcfs’ object - one plot() function (parameter ‘type’) and one print() function for ‘mcfs’ object
- function build.idgraph() returns ‘idgraph’ object - new plot() function for ‘idgraph’ object
- function plot(type=“ri”) implements plot.permutations functionality - now it shows maxRI values(if ‘plot_permutations’ = TRUE)
- fixed margins in plot.idgraph() - now idgraph uses entire plot space
- removed curved_edges param from plot.idgraph() - curved_edges are always on
- plot.idgraph() has new parameter label.dist() that defines distance of labels to corresponding nodes
- build.idgraph() implements get.min.ID() functionality - get.min.ID() is not visible
- new function ‘artificial.data(1000)’ that creates example data used in JSS paper
- many minor fixes to meet CRAN rules
- RD files updated by artificial.data example
- function mcfc() has new seed parameter - now it is possible to replicate the result
- dmLab.jar version 2.1.0
Version 1.0.6
- function write.adx is reiplemented and now it uses a smart exporting (chunk based) for huge datasets
- function write.arff is reiplemented and now it uses a smart exporting (chunk based) for huge datasets
- function info() extended and changed - better for huge data.frames
- function fix.data.names added (colNames are cleaned from various unwanted chars e.g. “|”, “#”, “,”)
- fix.data.types and fix.data.values works much faster on huge data
- fixed plot.distances (x axis shows correct values projections(s))
- dmLab.jar version 2.0.6
Version 1.0.5
- useless parameter ‘iType’ is removed from plot.ID.graph function
- in mcfs function removed parameter ‘splitSetSizeLimit’ splitSetSize does the job
- new parameter in mcfs function ‘cutoffMethod’
- fix of helps (mcfs, build.ID.graph, plot.ID.graph)
- running mcfs on one class data is not allowed
- function ‘model.frame’ replaced by faster and more stable own implementation
- updated and improved help *.rd files
- dmLab.jar version 2.0.5
Version 1.0.4
- new parameter in plot.permutations (parameter ‘type’)
- cleaning of temporary files after reading result by mcfs function
- dmLab.jar version 2.0.4
Version 1.0.3
- parameters u & v are available in mcfs function
Version 1.0.2
- new parameter in plot.ID.graph (curved.edges=T)
- refactoring: importances -> RI, interactions -> ID [plot.ID.graph, build.ID.graph, plot.RI, plot.ID]
Version 1.0.1
- new function build.rules
- updated help *.rd files (in mcfs introduced parameters s,t according to official papers about MCFS-ID)
Version 1.0.0